Twin Peaks
Season 0
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21: Mark Frost Interview
not specified
22: Learning to Speak in the Red Room
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23: An Introduction to David Lynch
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24: 17 Pieces of Pie
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25: Postcards from the Cast
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32: Log Lady Introduction: Pilot
"Welcome to Twin Peaks. My name is Margaret Lanterman. I live in Twin Peaks. I am known as the Log Lady. There is a story behind that. There are many stories in Twin Peaks--some of them are sad, some funny. Some of them are stories of madness, of violence. Some are ordinary. Yet they all have about them a sense of mystery--the mystery of life. Sometimes, the mystery of death. The mystery of the woods. The woods surrounding Twin Peaks. "To introduce this story, let me just say it encompasses the all-- it is beyond the 'fire', though few would know that meaning. It is a story of many, but begins with one--and I knew her. "The one leading to the many is Laura Palmer. Laura is the one."
not specified
33: Log Lady Introduction: Traces to Nowhere
"I carry a log--yes. Is it funny to you? It is not to me. Behind all things are reasons. Reasons can even explain the absurd. Do we have the time to learn the reasons behind the human being's varied behavior? I think not. Some take the time. Are they called detectives? "Watch--and see what life teaches."
not specified
34: Log Lady Introduction: Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer
"Sometime ideas, like men, jump up and say 'hello'. They introduce themselves, these ideas, with words. Are they words? These ideas speak so strangely. "All that we see in this world is based on someone's ideas. Some ideas are destructive, some are constructive. Some ideas can arrive in the form of a dream. I can say it again: some ideas arrive in the form of a dream."
not specified
35: Log Lady Introduction: Rest in Pain
"There is a sadness in this world, for we are ignorant of many things. Yes, we are ignorant of many beautiful things--things like the truth. So sadness, in our ignornace, is very real. "The tears are real. What is this thing called a tear? There are even tiny ducts--tear ducts--to produce these tears should the sadness occur. Then the day when the sadness comes--then we ask: 'Will this sadness which makes me cry--will this sadness that makes my heart cry out--will it ever end?' "The answer, of course, is yes. One day the sadness will end."
not specified
36: Log Lady Introduction: The One-Armed Man
"Even the ones who laugh are sometimes caught without an answer: these creatures who introduce themselves but we swear we have met them somewhere before. "Yes, look in the mirror. What do you see? Is it a dream, or a nightmare? Are we being introduced against our will? Are they mirrors? "I can see the smoke. I can smell the fire. The battle is drawing nigh."
not specified
37: Log Lady Introduction: Cooper's Dream
"I play my part on my stage. I tell what I can to form the perfect answer. But that answer cannot come before all are ready to hear. So I tell what I can to form the perfect answer. "Sometimes my anger at the fire is evident. Sometimes it is not anger, really. It may appear as such, but could it be a clue? The fire I speak of is not a kind fire."
not specified
38: Log Lady Introduction: Realization Time
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Yet there are those who open many eyes. Eyes are the mirror of the soul, someone has said. So we look closely at the eyes to see the nature of the soul. "Somewimes when we see the eyes--those horrible times when we see the eyes, eyes that ... that have no soul--then we know a darkness, then we wonder: where is the beauty? There is none if the eyes are soulless."
not specified
39: Log Lady Introduction: The Last Evening
"A drunken man walks in a way that is quite impossible for a sober man to imitate, and vice versa. An evil man has a way, no matter how clever--to the trained eye, his way will show itself. "Am I being too secretive? No. One can never answer questions at the wrong moment. Life, like music, has a rhythm. This particular song will end with three sharp notes, like deathly drumbeats."
not specified
40: Log Lady Introduction: May the Giant Be with You
"Hello again. Can you see through a wall? Can you see through human skin? X-rays see through solid, or so-called solid objects. There are things in life that exist, and yet our eyes cannot see them. Have you ever seen something startling that others cannot see? Why are some things kept from our vision? Is life a puzzle? "I am filled with questions. Sometimes my questions are answered. In my heart, I can tell if the answer is correct. I am my own judge. "In a dream, are all the characters really you? Different aspects of you? Do answers come in dreams? "One more thing: I grew up in the woods. I understand many things because of the woods. Trees standing together, growing alongside one another, providing so much. "I chew pitch gum. On the outside, let's say of the ponderosa pine, sometimes pitch oozes out. Runny pitch is no good to chew. Hard, brittle pitch is no good. But in between there exists a firm, slightly crusted pitch with such a flavor. This is the pitch I chew."
not specified
41: Log Lady Introduction: Coma
"As above, so below. The human being finds himself, or herself, in the middle. There is as much space outside the human, proportionately, as inside. "Stars, moons, and planets remind us of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Is there a bigger being walking with all the stars within? Does our thinking affect what goes on outside us, and what goes on inside us? I think it does. "Where does creamed corn figure into the workings of the universe? What really *is* creamed corn? Is it a symbol for something else?"
not specified
42: Log Lady Introduction: The Man Behind the Glass
"Letters are symbols. They are building blocks of words which form our languages. Languages help us communicate. Even with complicated languages used by intelligent people, misunderstanding is a common occurrence. "We write things down sometimes--letters, words--hoping they will serve us and those with whom we wish to communicate. Letters and words, calling out for understanding."
not specified
43: Log Lady Introduction: Laura's Secret Diary
"Miscommunication sometimes leads to arguments, and arugments sometimes lead to fights. Anger is usually present in arguments and fights. Anger is an emotion, usually classified as a negative emotion. Negative emotions can cause severe problems in our environment and to the health of our body. "Happiness, usually classified as a positive emotion, can bring good health to our body, and spread positive vibrations into our environment. Sometimes when we are ill, we are not on our best behavior. By ill, I mean any of the following: physically ill, emotionally ill, mentally ill, and/or spiritually ill."
not specified
44: Log Lady Introduction: The Orchid's Curse
"Sometimes nature plays tricks on us and we imagine we are something other than what we truly are. Is this a key to life in general? Or the case of the two-headed schizophrenic? Both heads thought the other was following itself. Finally, when one head wasn't looking, the other shot the other right between the eyes, and, of course, killed himself."
not specified
45: Log Lady Introduction: Demons
"Sometimes we want to hide from ourselves--we do not want to be us--it is too difficult to be us. It is at these times that we turn to drugs or alcohol or behavior to help us forget that we are ourselves. "This of course is only a temporary solution to a problem which is going to keep returning, and sometimes these temporary solutions are worse for us than the original problem. "Yes, it is a dilemma. Is there an answer? Of course there is: as a wise person said with a smile: 'The answer is within the question.'"
not specified
46: Log Lady Introduction: Lonely Souls
"A poem as lovely as a tree: As the night wind blows, the boughs move to and fro. The rustling, the magic rustling that brings on the dark dream. The dream of suffering and pain. Pain for the victim, pain for the inflicter of pain. A circle of pain, a circle of suffering. Woe to the ones who behold the pale horse."
not specified
47: Log Lady Introduction: Drive with a Dead Girl
"Food is interesting. For instance, why do we need to eat? Why are we never satisfied with just the right amount of food to maintain good health and proper energy? We always seem to want more and more. "When eating too much, the proper balance is disturbed and ill health follows. Of course, eating too little food throws the balance off in the opposite direction and there is the ill health coming at us again. "Balance is the key. Balance is the key to many things. Do we understand balance? The word 'balance' has seven letters. Seven is difficult to balance, but not impossible if we are able to divide. There are, of course, the pros and cons of division."
not specified
48: Log Lady Introduction: Arbitrary Law
"So now the sadness comes--the revelation. There is a depression after an answer is given. It was almost fun not knowing. Yes, now we know. At least we know what we sought in the beginning. "But there is still the question: why? And this question will go on and on until the final answer comes. Then the knowing is so full, there is no room for questions."
not specified
49: Log Lady Introduction: Dispute Between Brothers
"Complications set in--yes, complications. How many times have we heard: 'it's simple'. Nothing is simple. We live in a world where nothing is simple. Each day, just when we think we have a handle on things, suddenly some new element is introduced and everything is complicated once again. "What is the secret? What is the secret to simplicity, to the pure and simple life? Are our appetites, our desires undermining us? Is the cart in front of the horse?"
not specified
50: Log Lady Introduction: Masked Ball
"Is life like a game of chess? Are our present moves important for future success? I think so. We paint our future with every present brush stroke. "Painting. Colors. Shapes. Textures. Composition. Repetition of shapes. Contrast. Let nature guide us. Nature is the great teacher. Who is the principal? "Sometimes jokes are welcome. Like the one about the kid who said: 'I enjoyed school. It was just the principal of the thing.'"
not specified
51: Log Lady Introduction: The Black Widow
"Is a dog man's best friend? I had a dog. The dog was large. It ate my garden, all the plants, and much earth. The dog ate so much earth it died. Its body went back to the earth. I have a memory of this dog. The memory is all that I have left of my dog. He was black--and white."
not specified
52: Log Lady Introduction: Checkmate
"My husband died in a fire. No one can know my sorrow. My love is gone. Yet, I feel him near me. Sometimes I can almost see him. At night when the wind blows, I think of what he might have been. Again I wonder: why? "When I see a fire, I feel my anger rising. This was not a friendly fire. This was not a forest fire. It was a fire *in the woods*. This is all I am permitted to say."
not specified
53: Log Lady Introduction: Double Play
"The heart--it is a physical organ, we all know. But how much more an emotional organ--this we also know. Love, like blood, flows from the heart. Are blood and love related? Does a heart pump blood as it pumps love? Is love the blood of the universe?"
not specified
54: Log Lady Introduction: Slaves and Masters
"A death mask. Is there a reason for a death mask? It is barely a physical resemblance--in death, the muscles so relaxed, the face so without the animating spark. A death mask is almost an intrusion on a beautiful memory. And yet, who could throw away the casting of a loved one? Who would not want to study it longingly, as the distance freight train blows its mournful tone?"
not specified
55: Log Lady Introduction: The Condemned Woman
"A hotel. A nightstand. A drawer pull on the drawer. A drawer pull of a nightstand in the room of a hotel. What could possibly be happening on or in this drawer pull? How many drawer pulls exist in this world? Thousands, maybe millions. "What is a drawer pull? This drawer pull--why is it featured so prominently in a life or in a death of one woman who was caught in a web of power? Can a victim of power end in any way connected to a drawer pull? How can this be?"
not specified
56: Log Lady Introduction: Wounds and Scars
"Sometimes--well, let's say all times--things are changing. We are judged as human beings on how we treat our fellow human beings. How do you treat your fellow human beings? At night, just before sleep, as you lay by yourself in the dark, how do you feel about yourself? Are you proud of your behavior? Are you ashamed of your behavior? You know in your heart if you have hurt someone--you know. If you have hurt someone, don't wait another day before making things right. The world could break apart with sadness in the meantime."
not specified
57: Log Lady Introduction: On the Wings of Love
"The beautiful thing about treasure is that it exists. It exists to be found. How beautiful it is to find treasure. Where is the treasure, that when found, leaves one eternally happy? I think we all know it exists. Some say it is inside us--inside us one and all. That would be strange. It would be so near. Then why is it so hard to find, and so difficult to attain?"
not specified
58: Log Lady Introduction: Variations and Relations
"Pie. Whoever invented the pie? Here was a great person. In Twin Peaks, we specialize in cherry pie and huckleberry pie. We do have many other types of pie, and at the Double R Diner, Norma knows how to make them all better than anyone I have ever known. "I hope Norma likes me. I know I like her and respect her. I have spit my pitch gum out of my mouth onto her walls and floors and sometimes onto her booths. Sometimes I get angry and do things I'm not proud of. I do love Norma's pies. I love pie *with* coffee."
not specified
59: Log Lady Introduction: The Path to the Black Lodge
"There are clues everywhere--all around us. But the puzzle maker is clever. The clues, although surrounding us, are somehow mistaken for something else. And the something else--the *wrong* interpretation of the clues--we call our world. Our world is a magical smoke screen. How should we interpret the happy song of the meadowlark, or the robust flavor of a wild strawberry?"
not specified
60: Log Lady Introduction: Miss Twin Peaks
(Holding log directly in front of her, instead of the usual position cradled in her arms.) "A log is a portion of a tree. (Turning end of log to camera.) At the end of a crosscut log--many of you know this--there are rings. Each ring represents one year in the life of the tree. How long it takes to a grow a tree! "I don't mind telling you some things. Many things I, I musn't say. Just notice that my fireplace is boarded up. (She glances over her right shoulder at the fireplace and the camera moves over to it, where we see the opening covered by plywood.) There will never be a fire there. "On the mantelpiece, in that jar, are some of the ashes of my husband. (Camera pans up to the mantel where we see a vase, a pipe stand, and some old pictures--none recognizable.) (Camera pans back down to Log Lady.) "My log hears things I cannot hear. But my log tells me about the sounds, about the new words. Even though it has stopped growing larger, my log is aware."
not specified
61: Log Lady Introduction: Beyond Life and Death
"And now, an ending. Where there was once one, there are now two. Or were there always two? "What is a reflection? A chance to see two? When there are chances for reflections, there can always be two--or more. Only when we are everywhere will there be just one. "It has been a pleasure speaking to you." (Throughout the above, the camera has been slowing zooming in until only the Log Lady's face is framed. As she finishes speaking, the camera continues to zoom in. As it gets closer and closer, the Log Lady looks nervously up, down, and to her left, before staring straight ahead as the camera moves in through her left (our right) glass frame. As the iris of her left eye fills the screen, the screen turns completely white, then we hear a hissing sound, and then a 'door slamming' sound as the screen turns from white to black.)
not specified
70: Caleb Deschanel Interview
not specified
100: Fire Walk With Me : Teresa Banks, And The Last Seven Days Of Laura Palmer
Un montage de fan regroupant le film et ses scènes coupées.
Sunday, April 8th, 1990
1: Pilot: International Release
The small northwest town of Twin Peaks, Washington is shaken up when the body of the Homecoming Queen, Laura Palmer, is discovered washed up on a riverbank, wrapped in plastic.
Friday, May 8th, 1992
2: Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
Both a prologue and epilogue to the television series Twin Peaks, this film follows the investigation into the murder of Teresa Banks, the last 7 days in the life of popular high school student Laura Palmer, and the fate of Agent Dale Cooper after the Twin Peaks season 2 finale.
Monday, January 11th, 1993
117: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 16
"So now the sadness comes. The revelation. There is a depression after an answer is given. It was almost fun not knowing. Yes, now we know. At least we know what we sought in the beginning. But there is still the question, why? And this question will go on and on until the final answer comes. Then the knowing is so full there is no room for questions."
Friday, June 11th, 1993
101: The Log Lady Introductions - Pilot
"Welcome to Twin Peaks. My name is Margaret Lanterman. I live in Twin Peaks. I am known as the Log Lady. There is a story behind that. There are many stories in Twin Peaks. Some of them are sad, some funny. Some of them are stories of madness, of violence. Some are ordinary. Yet they all have about them a sense of mystery – the mystery of life. Sometimes, the mystery of death. The mystery of the woods. The woods surrounding Twin Peaks. To introduce this story, let me just say it encompasses the all – it is beyond the "fire", though few would know that meaning. It is a story of many, but begins with one – and I knew her. The one leading to the many is Laura Palmer. Laura is the one."
Friday, June 18th, 1993
102: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 1
"I carry a log, yes. Is it funny to you? It is not to me. Behind all things are reasons. Reasons can even explain the absurd. Do we have the time to learn the reasons behind human beings' varied behavior? I think not. Some take the time. Are they called detectives? Watch, and see what life teaches."
Friday, June 25th, 1993
103: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 2
"Sometimes ideas, like men, jump up and say, 'Hello!' They introduce themselves, these ideas, with words – are they words? These ideas speak so strangely. All that we see in this world is based on someone's ideas. Some ideas are destructive, some are constructive. Some ideas can arrive in the form of a dream. I can say it again: Some ideas arrive in the form of a dream."
Friday, July 2nd, 1993
104: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 3
"There is a sadness in this world, for we are ignorant of many things. Yes – we are ignorant of many beautiful things. Things like the truth. So sadness in our ignorance is very real. The tears are real. What is this thing called a tear? There are even tiny ducts – tear ducts – to produce these tears should the sadness occur. Then the day when the sadness comes. Then we ask, 'Will the sadness which makes me cry, will the sadness that makes me cry my heart out, will it ever end?' The answer, of course, is yes. One day, the sadness will end."
Friday, July 9th, 1993
105: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 4
"Even the ones who laugh are sometimes caught without an answer. These creatures who introduce themselves, but we swear we have met them somewhere before, yes? Look in the mirror. What do you see? Is it a dream, or a nightmare? Are we being introduced against our will? Are they mirrors? I can see the smoke. I can smell the fire. The battle is drawing nigh."
Friday, July 16th, 1993
106: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 5
"I play my part on life's stage. I tell what I can to form the perfect answer. But that answer cannot come before all are ready to hear, so I tell what I can to form the perfect answer. Sometimes my anger at the fire is evident. Sometimes it is not anger, really – it may appear as such, but could it be a clue? The fire I speak of is not a kind fire."
Friday, July 23rd, 1993
107: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 6
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Yet there are those who open many eyes. 'Eyes are the mirror of the soul,' someone has said, so we look closely at the eyes to see the nature of the soul. Sometimes when we see the eyes – those horrible times when we see the eyes – eyes that have no soul, then we know a darkness. Then we wonder: where is the beauty? There is none, if the eyes are soulless."
Friday, July 30th, 1993
108: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 7
"A drunken man walks in a way that is quite impossible for a sober man to imitate, and vice versa. An evil man has a way, no matter how clever. To the trained eye, his way will show itself. Am I being too secretive? No. One can never answer questions at the wrong moment. Life, like music, has a rhythm. This particular song will end with three sharp sounds, like deathly drumbeats."
Friday, August 6th, 1993
109: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 8
"Hello again. Can you see through a wall? Can you see through human skin? X-rays see through solid, or so-called solid objects. There are things in life that exist, yet our eyes cannot see them. Have you ever seen something startling that others cannot see? Why are some things kept from our vision? Is life a puzzle? I am filled with questions. Sometimes my questions are answered. In my heart, I can tell the answer is correct. I am my own judge. In a dream, are all the characters really you? Different aspects of you? Do answers come in dreams? One more thing. I grew up in the woods. I understand many things because of the woods. Trees standing together, growing alongside one another, providing so much. I chew pitch gum. On the outside – let's say, of the Ponderosa pine – sometimes pitch oozes out. Runny pitch is no good to chew. Hard, brittle pitch is no good. But in between these exists a firm, slightly crusted pitch with such a flavor. This is the pitch I chew."
Friday, August 13th, 1993
110: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 9
"As above, so below. The human being finds himself, or herself, in the middle. There is as much space outside the human, proportionately, as inside. Stars, moons, and planets remind us of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Is there a bigger being walking with all the stars within? Does our thinking affect what goes on outside us, and what goes on inside us? I think it does. Where does creamed corn figure into the workings of the universe? What really is creamed corn? Is it a symbol for something else?"
Friday, August 20th, 1993
111: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 10
"Letters are symbols. They are building blocks of words, which form our language. Languages help us communicate. Even with complicated languages used by intelligent people, misunderstanding is a common occurrence. We write things down sometimes – letters, words – hoping they will serve us and those with whom we wish to communicate. Letters and words, calling out for understanding."
Friday, August 27th, 1993
112: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 11
"Miscommunication sometimes leads to arguments, and arguments sometimes lead to fights. Anger is usually present in arguments and fights. Anger is an emotion, usually classified as a negative emotion. Negative emotions can cause severe problems in our environment and to the health of our body. Happiness, usually classified as a positive emotion, can bring good health to our body, and spread positive vibrations into our environment. Sometimes when we are ill, we are not on our best behavior. By ill, I mean any of the following: physically ill, emotionally ill, mentally ill, and/or spiritually ill."
Friday, September 3rd, 1993
113: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 12
"Sometimes nature plays tricks on us and we imagine we are something other than what we truly are. Is this a key to life in general? Or the case of the two-headed schizophrenic? Both heads thought the other was following itself. Finally, when one head wasn't looking, the other shot the other right between the eyes, and, of course, killed himself."
Friday, September 10th, 1993
114: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 13
"Sometimes we want to hide from ourselves. We do not want to be us. It is too difficult to be us. It is at these times that we turn to drugs and alcohol or behavior to forget that we are ourselves. This is – of course – only a temporary solution to a problem which is going to keep returning, and sometimes these temporary solutions are worse for us than the original problem. Yes, it is a dilemma. Is there an answer? Of course there is. A wise person once said with a smile, the answer is within the question."
Friday, September 17th, 1993
115: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 14
"A poem as lovely as a tree. As the night wind blows, the boughs move to and fro; the rustling, the magic rustling that brings on the dark dream. The dream of suffering and pain; pain for the victim, pain for the inflicter of pain – a circle of pain, a circle of suffering. Woe to ones who behold the pale horse."
Friday, September 24th, 1993
116: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 15
"Food is interesting; For instance, why do we need to eat? Why are we never satisfied with just the right amount of food to maintain good health and proper energy? We always seem to want more and more. When eating too much the proper balance is disturbed, and ill health follows. Of course, eating too little food throws the balance off in the opposite direction, and there is the ill health coming at us again. Balance is the key. Balance is the key to many things. Do we understand balance? The word 'balance' has seven letters. Seven is difficult to balance, but not impossible – we are able to divide. There are, of course, the pros and cons of division."
Friday, October 8th, 1993
118: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 17
"Complications set in--yes, complications. How many times have we heard: 'it's simple'. Nothing is simple. We live in a world where nothing is simple. Each day, just when we think we have a handle on things, suddenly some new element is introduced and everything is complicated once again. What is the secret? What is the secret to simplicity, to the pure and simple life? Are our appetites, our desires undermining us? Is the cart in front of the horse?"
Friday, October 15th, 1993
119: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 18
"Is life like a game of chess? Are our present moves important for future success? I think so. We paint our future with every present brush stroke. Painting. Colors. Shapes. Textures. Composition. Repetition of shapes. Contrast. Let nature guide us. Nature is the great teacher. Who is the principal? Sometimes jokes are welcome. Like the one about the kid who said: 'I enjoyed school. It was just the principal of the thing.'"
Friday, October 22nd, 1993
120: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 19
"Is a dog man’s best friend? I had a dog. The dog was large. It ate my garden, all the plants, and much earth. The dog ate so much earth it died. Its body went back to the earth. I have a memory of this dog. The memory is all that I have left of my dog. He was black and white."
Friday, October 29th, 1993
121: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 20
"My husband died in a fire. No one can know my sorrow. My love is gone. Yet, I feel him near me. Sometimes I can almost see him. At night when the wind blows, I think of what he might have been. Again I wonder: why? When I see a fire, I feel my anger rising. This was not a friendly fire. This was not a forest fire. It was a fire in the woods. This is all I am permitted to say."
Friday, November 5th, 1993
122: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 21
"The heart -- it is a physical organ, we all know. But how much more an emotional organ -- this we also know. Love, like blood, flows from the heart. Are blood and love related? Does a heart pump blood as it pumps love? Is love the blood of the universe?"
Friday, November 12th, 1993
123: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 22
"A death mask. Is there a reason for a death mask? It is barely a physical resemblance--in death, the muscles so relaxed, the face so without the animating spark. A death mask is almost an intrusion on a beautiful memory. And yet, who could throw away the casting of a loved one? Who would not want to study it longingly, as the distance freight train blows its mournful tone?"
Friday, November 19th, 1993
124: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 23
"A hotel. A nightstand. A drawer pull on the drawer. A drawer pull of a nightstand in the room of a hotel. What could possibly be happening on or in this drawer pull? How many drawer pulls exist in this world? Thousands, maybe millions? What is a drawer pull? This drawer pull - why is it featured so prominently in a life or in a death of one woman who was caught in a web of power? Can a victim of power end, in any way, connected to a drawer pull? How can this be?"
Friday, November 26th, 1993
125: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 24
"Sometimes, well let’s say all times, things are changing. We are judged as human beings on how we treat our fellow human beings. How do you treat your fellow human beings? At night, just before sleep, as you lay by yourself in the dark, how do you feel about yourself? Are you proud of your behavior? Are you ashamed of your behavior? You know in your heart if you have hurt someone, you know. If you have hurt someone, don’t wait another day before making things right. The world could break apart with sadness in the meantime."
Friday, December 3rd, 1993
126: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 25
"The beautiful thing about treasure is that it exists. It exists to be found. How beautiful it is to find treasure. Where is the treasure, that when found, leaves one eternally happy? I think we all know it exists. Some say it is inside us--inside us one and all. That would be strange. It would be so near. Then why is it so hard to find, and so difficult to attain?"
Friday, December 10th, 1993
127: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 26
"Pie. Whoever invented the pie? Here was a great person. In Twin Peaks, we specialize in cherry pie and huckleberry pie. We do have many other types of pie, and at the Double R Diner, Norma knows how to make them all better than anyone I have ever known. I hope Norma likes me. I know I like her and respect her. I have spit my pitch gum out of my mouth onto her walls and floors and sometimes onto her booths. Sometimes I get angry and do things I'm not proud of. I do love Norma's pies. I love pie with coffee."
Friday, December 17th, 1993
128: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 27
"There are clues everywhere, all around us. But the puzzle maker is clever. The clues, although surrounding us, are somehow mistaken for something else. And the something else, the wrong interpretation of the clues, we call our world. Our world is a magical smoke screen. How should we interpret the happy song of the meadowlark or the robust flavor of a wild strawberry?"
Friday, December 24th, 1993
129: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 28
"A log is a portion of a tree. At the end of a crosscut log -- many of you know this -- there are rings. Each ring represents one year in the life of the tree. How long it takes to a grow a tree! I don't mind telling you some things. Many things I, I musn't say. Just notice that my fireplace is boarded up. There will never be a fire there. On the mantelpiece, in that jar, are some of the ashes of my husband. My log hears things I cannot hear. But my log tells me about the sounds, about the new words. Even though it has stopped growing larger, my log is aware."
Friday, December 24th, 1993
130: The Log Lady Introductions - Episode 29
"And now, an ending. Where there was once one, there are now two. Or were there always two? What is a reflection? A chance to see two? When there are chances for reflections, there can always be two--or more. Only when we are everywhere will there be just one. It has been a pleasure speaking to you."
Tuesday, October 30th, 2007
3: Return to Twin Peaks
Documentary about the Twin Peaks Festival.
Tuesday, October 30th, 2007
7: Return to Twin Peaks
Documentary about the Twin Peaks Festival.
Tuesday, October 30th, 2007
9: Secrets From Another Place: Creating Twin Peaks
Tuesday, October 30th, 2007
5: A Slice of Lynch
David Lynch, Mädchen Amick, Kyle MacLachlan, and John Wentworth reminisce about "Twin Peaks" while seated at a diner counter.
Tuesday, October 30th, 2007
4: Secrets from Another Place: Creating Twin Peaks
A 2007 behind-the-scenes documentary chronicling the making of Twin Peaks.
Tuesday, October 30th, 2007
98: A Slice of Lynch
David Lynch, Mädchen Amick, Kyle MacLachlan and John Wentworth reminisce about "Twin Peaks" while seated at a diner counter.
Wednesday, July 16th, 2014
99: Fire Walk With Me - The Missing Pieces
Wednesday, July 16th, 2014
6: Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces
A feature-length compilation of deleted scenes from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. Some of these scenes feature Twin Peaks characters that were not included in Fire Walk with Me, such as Josie Packard, Ed Hurley, and Nadine Hurley.
Season 1
Sunday, April 8th, 1990
1: Northwest Passage
The small northwest town of Twin Peaks, Washington is shaken up when the body of the Homecoming Queen, Laura Palmer, is discovered washed up on a riverbank, wrapped in plastic. Meanwhile, the rebellious Audrey Horne ruins a business deal for her father Benjamin.
Thursday, April 12th, 1990
2: Traces to Nowhere
Agent Cooper enjoys the comforts of the Great Northern Hotel; Bobby Briggs and Mike Nelson are released from jail; Doctor Hayward hands over the autopsy report on Laura Palmer; Cooper and Truman interview Josie Packard; Audrey Horne and Donna Hayward vow to solve Laura's murder; Sarah Palmer has a vision of a grey-haird man; Doctor Jacoby conceals important information.
Thursday, April 19th, 1990
3: Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer
Ben Horne's brother, Jerry, arrives in Twin Peaks; James and Donna decide to be together; Ben & Jerry travel to One Eyed Jacks and meet with its madam, Blackie O'Rielly; Audrey leaves a clue for Cooper; Deputy Hawk finds a bloody towel near the crime scene; Cooper demonstrates a unique deductive technique; The cynical Special Agent Albert Rosenfield arrives to examine the body of Laura Palmer; Josie discovers Catherine has been keeping two ledgers; Leo takes his anger out on Shelly; Agent Cooper has a mysterious dream about the crime.
Thursday, April 26th, 1990
4: Rest in Pain
The next morning, Cooper meets with Audrey, who confesses to leaving him the note about One Eyed Jack's. Cooper tells Truman he can't remember who the killer was in his dream, but insists the dream is a code to solving the crime. Albert, after offending everyone in town, is forced to end his autopsy early. Albert and Truman come to blows. Bobby, James and Leland all make a scene at Laura's funeral. Laura's identical cousin, Maddy, arrives in town. Norma's husband, Hank Jennings, is up for parole. Cooper has suspicions about Dr. Jacoby. Leland shows signs of cracking.
Thursday, May 3rd, 1990
5: The One-Armed Man
Cooper questions Dr. Jacoby, who suspects Leo Johnson is the killer. Cooper's supervisior, Gordon Cole, calls in with Albert's report. Josie Packard spies on Ben Horne and Catherine Martell. Hawk tracks down the One Armed Man. Mrs. Palmer shares her vision of the killer, the same man Cooper saw in his dream (BOB). Truman and Cooper find the bird who attacked Laura belonged to Leo's friend, Jacques Renault. Hank Jennings has his parole hearing and makes a threatening phone call to Josie.
Thursday, May 10th, 1990
6: Cooper's Dreams
Cooper and company have tea with the Log Lady. The Log Lady tells them there was a third man following after Leo and Jaques the night Laura died. At the cabin of Jaquces Renault, Cooper, Hawk and Truman find Waldo the bird. The bird not only attacked Laura the night she died, but he can also talk. Cooper finds a poker chip from One Eyed Jacks. Hank returns home to Norma. The Briggs family visits Dr. Jacoby. Audrey takes a job at the perfume counter where Laura and Ronette worked. Shelly takes her revenge on Leo. Audrey has a surprise for Agent Cooper.
Thursday, May 17th, 1990
7: Realization Time
Audrey cons her way into working at the perfume counter where Laura worked. She discovers that it's being used as a recruitment post for One Eyed Jack's. James, Donna and Maddy plan to lure Jacoby away from his office. Cooper and Big Ed go under cover at One Eyed Jack's. Nadine's drape runners are rejected. Truman asks for Cooper's help regarding Josie's fears about the Mill. Leo sets his sights on Bobby Briggs and Waldo the Bird. Bobby sets up James Hurley. Ben and Josie decide to double cross Catherine.
Wednesday, May 23rd, 1990
8: The Last Evening
Audrey is hired at One Eyed Jack's, but is caught in a trap when her father arrives. Cooper gets Jacques Renault to reveal the details of Laura's last night in the cabin. Deputy Andy saves Truman's life and apprehends Renault. Lucy has a surprise for Andy. Dr. Jacoby is attacked in the park. James, Donna and Maddy find Laura's last tape and retrieve the necklace. Cooper finds the coke planted in James's bike. Leo traps Shelly in the mill and sets it on fire. Hank lures Catherine to the burning mill, then goes after Leo. Nadine overdoses on sleeping pills. Leland Palmer takes revenge. Cooper, arriving back at the Great Northern Hotel, is shot three times. To Be Continued...
Season 2
Sunday, September 30th, 1990
1: May the Giant Be with You
A wounded Agent Cooper has a vision of a giant who gives him several clues about the murder of Laura Palmer. Shelly and Pete recover from the mill fire, but Josie and Catherine are missing. Ben and Jerry Horne are not pleased with how the mill fire plan unfolded. Leland Palmer's attitude changes with his hair color. Albert returns to assist the wounded Cooper. Donna gets a mysterious message about Meals on Wheels. Dr. Jacoby recovers from his heart attack, but cannot remember who killed Jacques. Major Briggs has a vision of good things for Bobby. Nadine is in a coma. Leo is a vegetable. Ronnette awakes from her coma after a horrific dream about Bob.
Saturday, October 6th, 1990
2: Coma
Albert determines that neither Leo nor Jaqcues killed Laura, but he is unable find any leads into who shot Cooper. Cooper says they must find the third man, who he believes to be Bob, the grey haird man. Albert reports that Cooper's ex-partner, Windom Earle, escaped from an insane asylum. Ben Horne can't decide which of the mill ledgers to destroy. The Log Lady tells Major Briggs to deliver a message to Agent Cooper. An Asian man spies on Cooper. Shelly visits Leo in the hospital. Maddy and James discuss a change in Donna's attitude. Leland has a revelation. Bobby tries to convince Shelly to cash in on Leo's insurance money. Audrey is trapped at One Eyed Jack's.
Saturday, October 13th, 1990
3: The Man Behind the Glass
Ronette is attacked in her hospital bed by an unseen person. Jean Reanult, brother of Jaqcues and Bernard, plans to blackmail Ben Horne for the release of Audrey. Donna meets with Harold Smith, a shut-in who had befriended Laura. Albert and Truman have a strange confrontation. Lucy reveals that there's been another man in her life, Dick Treymane (Horne's Department Store, Men's Fashions). Shelly decides not to testify against Leo. Leland offers a clue in the search for Killer Bob. The One-Armed Man leaves Cooper the giant's final clue. Nadine wakes from her coma a changed woman. Jacoby leads Cooper and Truman to Jacques's killer. Donna discovers the secret diary of Laura Palmer.
Saturday, October 20th, 1990
4: Laura's Secret Diary
Leland confesses to killing Jacques Reanult. Andy wants to take a new sperm count test. Rumor spreads that a food critic is coming to Twin Peaks. Jean asks Ben to set a trap for Cooper in exchange for Audrey's life. Cooper agrees to Ben's requests, unaware of the trap. Harold Smith reads from the diary to Donna. Josie returns to Twin Peaks. Cooper asks for help from the Bookhouse Boys, and Harry comes through. Donna and Maddy plot to steal the diary. Judge Sternwood arrives for the trials of Leo and Leland. Dick Tremayne makes a shocking offer to Lucy. The Asian man comes after Josie and Hank.
Saturday, October 27th, 1990
5: The Orchid's Curse
Cooper discovers he had forgotten about the message under his bed. Shelly and Bobby begin Leo's homecare. Sternwood hears pre-trial motions and declares Leo not fit for trail. Nadine comes home, still thinking she's in high school. A mysterious man, Mr. Tojamura, arrives and offers Ben a sizeable fee for Ghostwood. Cooper agrees to drop Audrey's ransom, but deduces that she's being held at Jack's. Andy's test results are an improvement. Cooper and Truman raid One Eyed Jack's and rescue Audrey, witness several murders, and are saved by Hawk in the process. Jean Renault captures Hank. Harold Smith catches Donna and Maddy trying to steal the diary.
Saturday, November 3rd, 1990
6: Demons
James saves the girls from a tormented Harold. Cooper brings Audrey home. Bobby and Shelly learn that their insurance plans have backfired. Donna tries to convince Truman that Harold Smith has Laura's secret diary. Cooper's boss, Gordon Cole, arrives with an upsetting message for Cooper. Hawk finds the One-Armed Man, who reveals himself as the spirit, Mike. Maddy decides to go home. Jonathan says he's taking Josie back to China. Ben calls Leland back into work. The One Armed Man vows to stop BOB, pointing Cooper towards the Great Northern Hotel.
Saturday, November 10th, 1990
7: Lonely Souls
Cooper and the One-Armed Man inspect guests at the Great Northern. Hawk finds Harold Smith dead by his own hand…with a mysterious suicide note and the diary torn to shreds. Leo speaks to Bobby about "new shoes." Audrey confronts her father about One Eyed Jacks. Shelly tells Norma she has to quit working at the Double R. Norma sees the changed Nadine for the first time. Bobby finds evidence to blackmail Ben Horne for a sizable sum. Audrey goes to Cooper about her father, leading Truman and Cooper to arrest Ben. Tojamora reveals his true identity to Pete. The Log Lady brings Cooper to the Roadhouse, where the Giant appears. Late in the evening, Laura's killer strikes again...
Saturday, November 17th, 1990
8: Drive with a Dead Girl
Donna and James wonder why Maddy left so suddenly. Norma's mother arrives with news…she's married a new man, Ernie Niles. Cooper tells Leland they arrested Ben Horne for Laura's murder. Ben tells Jerry the only person who can prove his innocence is the missing Catherine. The One-Armed Man escapes custody. Pete and Truman worry about Josie. Pete tells Ben that Catherine is still alive, and wants to make a deal. Cooper comes face to face with the killer without realizing it. Lucy tells Andy that Dick may be the father. Hank and Ernie know each other from prison. Truman insists on prosecuting Ben Horne. Maddy is found wrapped in plastic.
Saturday, December 1st, 1990
9: Arbitrary Law
Albert returns to examine Maddy. Cooper asks for twenty-four hours to finish his case. James and Donna reaffirm their love. Andy accidentally leads Donna and Cooper back to Mrs. Treamond's house. Cooper is given a missing page from Laura's diary, describing the same dream he had. The One Armed man is ill, tells Cooper he has all the clues he needs. Catherine reveals herself to Ben, and he signs the mill back over to her. Leland and Donna learn of Maddy's death. Cooper calls together everyone for a final confrontation. James leaves town. Cooper tricks the killer into revealing himself after decoding the various clues from his dream. The spirit of BOB flees from the killer's body, who dies in Cooper's arms and is welcomed into the next life by Laura. Truman, Cooper, Albert and Major Briggs ponder the existence of Bob, and where he has gone to…
Saturday, December 8th, 1990
10: Dispute Between Brothers
Leland is laid to rest and Sarah Palmer tries to accept all that has happened to her family. Dr. Jacoby returns from Hawaii. Cooper prepares to leave Twin Peaks. Mayor Milford objects to his brothers engagement to a younger woman. Hank and Ernie meet with Jean Renault. Jacoby has Ed enroll Nadine in High School. Audrey and Cooper say goodbye, and Cooper tells her about the death of a woman he loved. Bobby plans to take advantage of Ben's ruin. Cooper is made a Bookhouse Boy. Agent Rodger Hardy arrives to suspend Cooper for his illegal entrance into Canada and his involvement in the murders at One Eyed Jacks. Norma's mother reveals herself to be the critic who wrote a scathing review of the Double R. Josie returns to Truman. Major Briggs vanishes in a bright light while fishing with Cooper.
Saturday, December 15th, 1990
11: Masked Ball
Mrs. Briggs talks about her husband's disappearance into the woods. Nadine is put on the wrestling team, where she falls for Mike Nelson. James is hired by a mysterious wealthy woman named Evelyn Marsh. Dick takes on an orphan named Little Nicky. The case against Cooper will be handled by DEA Agent Denis (Denise) Bryson. Hank tells Ben that Jean Renault has taken over One Eyed Jacks. Windom Earle contacts Cooper with an omnious message. Dougie Milford weds Lanna Budding. Josie asks Catherine for protection. Andrew Packard comes out of hiding, very much alive.
Saturday, January 12th, 1991
12: The Black Widow
Ben takes Bobby under his wing in a hope to destroy Hank and Jean. However, Ben's mental state is starting to crack. Cooper starts to look at buying real estate. Major Briggs's supervisor reveals that Briggs was studying transmissions from the woods. Andy and Dick learn of Little Nicky's troubled life. James meets Malcom, the chauffer for the Marsh family. Dougie Milford dies on his honeymoon, and the major blames Lana. Cooper finds drugs at Dead Dog Farms. Dick thinks Nicky is trying to kill him. Evelyn starts an affair with James. Ben begins to reenact the civil war. Audrey produces photos that may save Cooper. Hank catches Ed and Norma in an embrace. Denise and Cooper enlist Ernie Niles to ensnare Jean Renault. Major Briggs returns as mysteriously as he had vanished.
Saturday, January 19th, 1991
13: Checkmate
Major Briggs has no memory of the place he was taken, but now has an odd tattoo on his neck. Andy and Dick break into Little Nicky's files. Mike and Nadine begin an affair. Shelly and Bobby's love is strained. Evelyn asks James to kill her husband. Hank attacks Big Ed, but is beaten by Nadine. Ben slips deeper into his fantasy life. When the drug bust goes bad, Cooper is taken hostage by Jean Renault. Leo Johnson comes back to life. After physical and mental torture by Renault, Cooper is saved by a quick thinking Bryson and Truman. Later that night, an explosion and blackout empties out the police station, and when Cooper and Truman return, they find a gruesome scene let by Windom Earle.
Saturday, February 2nd, 1991
14: Double Play
Windom Earle has taken his first victim in the deadly chess game. Audrey tells Bobby they have to save Ben from his Civil War fantasy. Leo awakes and attacks Shelly, but Bobby is able to fend him off. Doc Hayward offers the true story of Little Nicky's past. Cooper reveals his rivalry with Earle: they were partners when Cooper fell in love with Caroline, Earle's wife. Earle went mad, killing Caroline and wounding Cooper. Mr. Marsh is killed. Donna confronts Evelyn. After a heated confrontation Mayor Milford and Lana end up lovers. Andrew Pakcard reveals himself to Pete, and tells him Josie has been working for his old enemy Thomas Eckheardt. Cooper suspects Josie in the murder of Jonathan. Eckheardt arrives in Twin Peaks, and Leo Johnson finds himself in the company of Windom Earle.
Saturday, February 9th, 1991
15: Slaves and Masters
The police look for James in the Marsh murder. Bobby and Shelly tell Truman Leo escaped and Bobby reveals that he saw Hank shoot Leo the night the mill burned. Albert returns to Twin Peaks with information on Windom Earle, and ends up looking at Josie for the murder of Jonathan and the attempted murder of Cooper. Nadine ‘breaks up' with Ed. Dr. Jacoby, Audrey, Bobby and Jerry try to end Ben's fantasy life. Donna and James escape from the Marsh home. Pete offers to help Cooper force a stalemate with Earle. Earle holds Leo as a slave. Shelly comes back to work. Eckheardt tells Catherine he wants Josie back. Earle leaves a 'present' and another omnious message for Cooper.
Saturday, February 16th, 1991
16: The Condemned Woman
Truman puts Hank in prison for the attempted murder of Leo, while Hank points the finger at Josie for the murder of Andrew Packard. Albert reveals that Josie shot Cooper. Ben enlists John Justice Wheeler to help him stop the Ghostwood plans. Earle sends a poem to Donna, Shelly and Audrey. Ben decides to "save the pine weasel." Norma learns her sister Annie is coming to town. Ed proposes to Norma. James leaves Twin Peaks. Caught in her own web of deceit, Josie murders Eckheardt, but is caught by Cooper and Truman. She confesses to shooting Cooper, but before they can act, Josie dies in Harry's arms. As she passes away, Cooper has a vision of BOB and the Little Man. Josie's soul is trapped in a door pull.
Thursday, March 28th, 1991
17: Wounds and Scars
Harry sinks into a deep depression after Josie's death. Josie's body holds more questions then answers. Norma's troubled sister, Annie, arrives in Twin Peaks. Wheeler and Audrey hit it off. Cooper's stalemate angers Earle. Eckheardt's assistant, Jones, leaves a puzzle for Catherine. Windom Earle visits Donna. The Log Lady and Major Briggs share similar tattoos and go to Cooper with them. The Miss Twin Peaks contest is coming up, and Norma wants Shelly to enter. Cooper meets and is taken with Annie. Ben holds a Save the Pine Weasel fashion show that goes wrong. Jones slips into Harry's bed.
Thursday, April 4th, 1991
18: On the Wings of Love
Harry is attacked by Jones in his sleep. Audrey and Wheeler begin a relationship. Gordon Cole returns with a report that Windom Earle worked with Major Briggs on Project Bluebook. Cole reinstates Cooper in the FBI. Earle plans to kill the winner of Miss Twin Peaks. Donna spies Eileen Hayward paying a mysterious visit to Ben Horne. Gordon Cole believes Shelly can cure his hearing loss. Annie recognizes the two tattoos are coming from Owl Cave. Earle visits Audrey. Cooper, Truman, Hawk and Andy visit Owl Cave. Cooper learns Annie has had a difficult life and offers to help her. Earle uncovers a petroglyph in Owl Cave.
Thursday, April 11th, 1991
19: Variations on Relations
Cooper and company find the mysterious petroglyph. Windom Earle befriends a rock and roll youth, and tells him tales of places called the White and Black Lodge. Pete helps Catherine open the first puzzle box. Lana wants Milford to rig Miss Twin Peaks. Annie and Cooper go for a nature walk. Cooper finds the poem Earle sent to the girls. He tells Harry it's a poem he once gave to Caroline. Major Briggs agrees to look into Earle's Project Bluebook work. Cooper deduces Leo Johnson is working with Earle. Shelly, Lucy, Donna, Nadine, Lana and Audrey enter Miss Twin Peaks. Mike tells Bobby about Nadine's special bedroom talents. Cole says goodbye to Shelly. Donna wants to know what is going on between her mom and Ben Horne. Treymayne hosts a wine tasting party. Windom Earle leaves his next victim and a terrifying promise for Cooper: "Next time, it will be someone you know."
Thursday, April 18th, 1991
20: The Path to the Black Lodge
Bobby and Shelly reaffirm their love. Cooper calls Shelly, Donna and Audrey together to warn them about Earle. Briggs shows Cooper a tape of Windom Earle making a report on his quest for the Black Lodge. Donna discovers pictures of her mom and Ben Horne. Wheeler is called away on an emergency. Leo worries about Shelly. Doc Hayward tells Ben to stay away from Eileen. Townsfolk have strange tremors in their hands. Pete has a vision of Josie. Windom Earle takes Major Briggs captive. Andrew and Catherine open the next box, only to find another one inside. A drugged Briggs tells Earle how to open the lodge doorway. Big Ed is able to break up with Nadine and ask Norma to marry him. Audrey and Pete chase after Wheeler…Audrey and Wheeler make love before he leaves. Cooper takes Annie dancing, and convinces her to run for Miss Twin Peaks. The Giant visits Cooper with a warning. Windom Earle discovers the cave painting is a map. BOB reappears.
Monday, June 10th, 1991
21: Miss Twin Peaks
Windom Earle sets his sights on the Miss Twin Peaks contest. Lucy chooses a father for her baby. Leo is punished when he frees Major Briggs. Cooper unlocks the key to entering the Black Lodge. Annie and Dale make a commitment to each other. Catherine and Andrew find a mysterious key. Donna confronts Ben Horne. The Miss Twin Peaks contest ends in chaos. Windom Earle kidnaps Annie. Andy deciphers the Owl Cave puzzle.
Monday, June 10th, 1991
22: Beyond Life and Death
Agent Cooper follows Windom Earle and Annie into the depths of the Black Lodge. Big Ed and Norma get a shock when Nadine suffers head trauma. Andrew and Pete unlock Eckheart's final box while Audrey stages her act of civil disobedience. Dr. Hayward and Ben Horne have a final confrontation. Shelly and Bobby plan their future. Dr. Jacoby and Mrs. Palmer have a message for Major Briggs. Cooper faces his destiny in the Black Lodge.
Season 3
Sunday, May 21st, 2017
1: Part 1: My Log Has a Message for You
A man observes a mysterious glass box, South Dakota Police discover a hideous crime and Hawk receives a cryptic message about Special Agent Dale Cooper.
Sunday, May 21st, 2017
2: Part 2: The Stars Turn and a Time Presents Itself
Hawk searches for something in the woods while Cooper learns that his fate in the Black Lodge may not be sealed after all.
Sunday, May 28th, 2017
3: Part 3: Call for Help
Cooper calls for help; Agents Gordon Cole, Albert Rosenfield and Tammy Preston investigate the glass box murders.
Sunday, May 28th, 2017
4: Part 4: ...Brings Back Some Memories
Coop assumes the life of Dougie Jones, as Gordon and Agents Rosenfield and Preston investigate the situation surrounding Coop's doppelganger.
Sunday, June 4th, 2017
5: Part 5: Case Files
Coop is still trapped as Dougie, going through the motions, as his doppelganger schemes in jail. Meanwhile, new information on Major Garland Briggs turns up.
Sunday, June 11th, 2017
6: Part 6: Don't Die
Gordon Cole instructs Albert to meet with an old contact. Hawk makes a discovery involving 'the missing piece' that will help him find Coop. Janey-E fixes Dougie's gambling debt, while Coop is still struggling to put what he knows about his past and the Black Lodge into words. Tragedy strikes after a drug deal takes place.
Sunday, June 18th, 2017
7: Part 7: There's a Body All Right
Cooper and Janey-E are in for a violent surprise at the Lucky 7 office. Meanwhile, Gordon and Albert try enlisting Diane to figure out the mystery of the man they believe to be Cooper in jail.
Sunday, June 25th, 2017
8: Part 8: Gotta Light?
Coop's doppelganger faces a life or death situation. In 1945, a bomb is dropped and modern man's evil is epitomized.
Sunday, July 9th, 2017
9: Part 9: This Is the Chair
More about Dougie Jones comes to light after an attempt on his life. Meanwhile, Gordon Cole discovers connections to Cooper concerning a Blue Rose case and Major Garland Briggs.
Sunday, July 16th, 2017
10: Part 10: Laura Is the One
The Mitchum brothers find out more about Dougie Jones. In Twin Peaks, Richard Horne's committing horrible acts, and Hawk gets more clues from the Log Lady.
Sunday, July 23rd, 2017
11: Part 11: There's Fire Where You Are Going
The set-up involving the Mitchum brothers and Dougie reaches its climax while even stranger things start to happen to both the FBI team and the Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department.
Sunday, July 30th, 2017
12: Part 12: Let's Rock
An old FBI case gets new recruits after many years while well-known residents of Twin Peaks face problems.
Sunday, August 6th, 2017
13: Part 13: What Story is That, Charlie?
Dougie comes home bearing gifts while Anthony is sent on a risky mission, Evil Cooper wants revenge.
Sunday, August 13th, 2017
14: Part 14: We Are Like the Dreamer
Gordon remembers an important moment from his past. Andy, Bobby, Hawk and Truman go to the forest. James hears a story about a glove on his birthday. An unknown facet of Sarah is revealed.
Sunday, August 20th, 2017
15: Part 15: There's Some Fear in Letting Go
Big Ed and Norma have a relationship breakthrough. Evil Cooper tries to reconnect with an old friend, while Dougie Jones reaches an electrifying discovery.
Sunday, August 27th, 2017
16: Part 16: No Knock, No Doorbell
Dougie's loved ones care for him in the hospital, and Mr. C heads towards the coordinates. Meanwhile, Diane makes a confession to the FBI.
Sunday, September 3rd, 2017
17: Part 17: The Past Dictates the Future
Cooper arrives in Twin Peaks.
Sunday, September 3rd, 2017
18: Part 18: What Is Your Name?
Cooper and Diane drive 430 miles. Cooper attempts to help a troubled woman he believes to be Laura Palmer.