Beyond Belief
Season 0
Friday, May 31st, 2019
5: What is the Darknet?
Clip from the Netflix series "How To Sell Drugs Online (Fast)." Jonathan Frakes explains the Darknet.
Sunday, December 29th, 2019
4: “Not this time” NFL 2019 Super Bowl Pre-Game Show
Jonathan Frakes elaborates on whether or not the Browns lived up to the hype this season in this twitter video.
Saturday, October 30th, 2021
3: The making-of of the new episode X-Factor
Making of the new episode of Beyond Belief, called X-Factor Das Unfassbare in Germany.
Sunday, October 31st, 2021
Sunday, October 31st, 2021
2: New X-Factor Jonathan Frakes Interview
Interview with Jonathan Frakes for the new season of Beyond Belief, called X-Factor Das Unfassbare in Germany.
Season 1
Sunday, May 25th, 1997
1: The Apparition, The Electric Chair, On the Road, Number One With a Bullet & Dream House
"The Apparition" - A lady who has a history of mental problems sees images in her upstairs mirror. "The Electric Chair" - A man on his way to the electric chair only to have the chair malfunction. The next day another man that resembled him was caught and confessed to the crime. "On The Road" - Vicky calls her husband & daughter to come to their old night club hangout after she is killed in a plane crash. "Number One With A Bullet" - A bullet logged in a tree was shot out by a chain saw and kills the man years after his wife's friend tried to shot him. "Dream House" - A woman dreaming of the perfect house ends up finding the one she saw in her dreams, however the home owner arrives and she believes the woman was the one haunting the house.
Sunday, June 1st, 1997
2: The Viewing, The Subway, Kid in the Closet, Justice is Served & The Tractor
"The Viewing" - A boy allows an old man to visit the body of the deceased after viewing hours, who turns out to be the dead man. "The Subway" - A couple boards a subway train with no passengers. A mysterious man appears, who tells them that the train "Goes nowhere". So, when they go home they found out the man is the dead husband of the woman they just saved. "Kid in the Closet" - Danny is 10 years old and insists there's a monster in the closet. The other kids and Brian, older brother, make fun of him for it...until the day Brian enters the closet, and disappears forever, leaving only behind his clothes. "Justice is Served" - A man tries to cover up the fact that he killed his partner in business, until her ghost appears in the courtroom, and he starts acting nuts. "The Tractor" - An old man with paralyzed legs suddenly walks again to save his granddaughter, about to be run over by a tractor.
Sunday, June 8th, 1997
3: The Prophecy, Couch Potato, Love Over the Counter, Imaginary Friend & Last Man on Earth
"The Prophecy" - Three girls learn a harsh lesson not to mess with black magic when a spirit forever takes one of them with him, never to be seen again. "Couch Potato" - A very obese man goes under a heart attack, and dies, only be be revived by an electric shock by his television set. "Love Over The Counter" - A woman invests in stocks based on signs she thinks her dead husband is leaving for her. "Imaginary Friend" - A girl's imaginary friend proves to be more than just imaginary when he tells her that a couple was divorcing, and within that same family, the girl's best friend falls seriously ill. "Last Man On Earth" - A divorce couple are reunited by songs on a radio station. Only after they fall back in love, they discover the station that they heard never existed.
Sunday, June 15th, 1997
4: E-Mail, Cup of Joe, Secret of the Family Tomb, Wheezer & The Unknown Patient
"E-Mail" - An e-mail exposes estate fraud which the person sending the e-mails appears to be from the dead relative. "Cup of Joe" - Girls heading to a party are scared along the way and see a billboard that delays them enough to miss a deadly mud slide on the highway. "Secret of the Family Tomb" - After one family member dies soon after another the caretaker of the cemetery discovers vandalism in the crypt. The theory is that the dead daughter's spirit wanted away from her abusive dead mother. "Wheezer" - 8-year-old's bond with his dog and the dog is killed by a car. The dog is buired only to appear back home at a later date. "The Unknown Patient" - Doctor tries to save an unknown patient, who's family read his obituary the next day.
Sunday, June 22nd, 1997
5: Needle Point, Toy to the Rescue, Mystery Lock, The House on Baker Street & The Train
"Needle Point" - A woman works for a terrible boss who can barely remember her name. One day, her boss get really frustrated with her, she makes a voodoo doll of the boss and at that same time, the boss is feeling pain in his arm. "Toy To The Rescue" - A little boy loved his teddy bear, so much that he had a special bond with the bear. He had health problems and collapsed very often. After he died at the hospital, his sister brough him the teddy bear and he came back to life. "Mystery Lock" - Aunt Connie loves to have her grandson come over to her apartment. She has lived in there for 40 years and was a peaceful town until gangs took over. Aunt Connie gets a lock installed and the installer tells her that no body can break into these locks, its basically impossible. The lock wouldn't open to evil visitors. "The House on Baker Street" - A spirit seems to be haunting the house. One night, someone in a black jacket is pouring gasoline all over the home, the same neighbor that told the mother about the spirit calls the police, the police show up and the arsonist reveals her face, only this time, she was possessed by the spirit of the house. "The Train" - The year is somewhere in the mid-1800's, An actor is riding a train when a man nearly gets run over, the actor save the man's life. The actor became friends with the man. The actor had links to President Lincoln. The man the actor saved is John Wilkes Booth (the man who assassinated Lincoln)!
Sunday, August 3rd, 1997
6: The Candlestick, The Diner, From the Agency, The Magic Rose Garden & The Jeep
"The Candlestick" - Unfaithful man kills his wife and the parrot talks and gives him away. "The Diner"- An elderly couple poisons drifters only to poison their long lost son. "From The Agency" - Young girl is trapped in a safe only to be rescued by an unknown woman from the temp agency. "The Magic Rose Garden" - Rose garden gives woman psychic powers "The Jeep" - Bomb's explosion does not harm soldiers after learning that the metal used once was owned by his father.
Season 2
Friday, January 23rd, 1998
1: The Plane, The Gun, The Portrait, The Pass & The Caller
"The Plane"- A plane flies itself, saving the pilot from a crash. "The Gun" - A gun that refuses to fire at innocent people. "The Portrait" - A portrait painter who has the power to end suffering. "The Pass" - Two boys visit a Morgue and one passes out after seeing his dead twin brother. "The Caller"- A talk show host gets a call from his dead son.
Friday, January 30th, 1998
2: Firestation 32, The Computer, The Girl Next Door, The Wallet & The Woods
"Firestation 32" - A boy alerts a firefighter about a major blaze, after he died running into the blaze. "The Computer" - A couple's baby sitter often brings her laptop to the job, one night as the couple is driving to a restaurant the wife notices that the babysitter has left her laptop behind... "The Girl Next Door" - A man falls in love with a woman who lives across the street. She then explains that she was once cheated on, and the man afterwards realizes that it was him, and that the woman is a ghost, who was buried in a curchyard across the street. "The Wallet" - A young teenager discoveres his father was rich and inheirits the money after his death. "The Woods" - Someone in a wheelchair saves a young boy's life, but was it a doctor or a legendary ghost?
Friday, February 6th, 1998
3: The Wall, The Chalkboard, The Getaway, The Prescription & Summer Camp
"The Wall" - A suspect, who claims he is innocent during interrogation, leaves his blood handprint on the wall, which keeps bleeding in after the painter paints it. Days after, another officer, tells the main guy that the suspect died while spending some time in jail. The officier brushs it off, and meets his faithful death when he notices the bloody hand print appears on the wall. "The Chalkboard" - Students are frightened by screams when they are writing on the chalkboard. "The Getaway" - A busy executive's ultimate getaway is as close to heaven as she can get - or is it too close? "The Prescription" - A young pharmacist's quest to get in the computer age is tripped up by a disappearing prescription. "Summer Camp" - Two boys pick on Anthony at summer camp. One morning, Anthony wakes up, and explains that he had a dream were he helped Marty and Darren escape from werewolf by feeding the werewolf cookies. Marty and Darren comes back to the campsite, and in their horror, they see Anthony there. They ask him how he beat them arriving their first. They explain about the werewolf and how Anthony saved them. The adult is skeptical about this, but Anthony pulls the covers off of him, he has the bag of cookies in his hands...
Friday, February 13th, 1998
4: The Wrestler, The Escape, Dead Friday, Ghost Visitor & The Lady in a Black Dress
"The Wrestler" - A professional wrestlers last match turns out to be his best only to find out that he was wrestling a dead man for the last part of the match. "The Escape" - A man escapes from prison through the laundry area only to arrive in another prisons laundry room which all happens on Friday the 13th. "Dead Friday" - A young girl and her friend gets ready for a blind date. The young girl sees scary images on the television and freaks out. The images she saw came true and the two boys were killed in a train accident. "Ghost Visitor" - The boss demands his employee (McDaniel) to have insurance claims completed and on his desk first thing in the morning. This causes McDaniel to work late in the office when strange things begin to happen. The boss returns looking for a file that ends up being with McDaniel. The boss sends McDaniel home and then strange things start happening to the boss. The file belong to a business man who died in a boating accident, however the boss made it look like suicide to avoid paying the man's family 2 million out of his business. When McDaniel returns to the office he accidentally scares the boss to death, believing him to be the ghost of the business man. "The Lady in the Black Dress" - A woman thinks she sees her Aunt Lilian in a dress shop. The woman is hit by a car and sees her Aunt telling her she will not let her die alone.
Friday, February 27th, 1998
5: The Land, Titan, The Diary, Town of Remembrance & The House on Barry Avenue
"The Land" - A farmer makes the ultimate bargain to make his land fertile for his family in the future. "Titan" - A writer creates a short story that parallels the fate of the Titanic. The story matches the details almost to the letter until it is revealed that the story was written over 14 years before the Titanic set sailed. "The Diary" - A young high school girl sees the future and records it in her diary. Two other girls who read her diary to tease the young girl only discover that she has written they are going to die in a car accident. "Town Of Remembrance" - A women who has lost her memory discovers on the way to an appointment with the doctor a town that she finds familiar. She discovers a name of a boy that died in a car accident years before and visits his grave only to discover another grave with a photo similar to herself. "The House On Barry Avenue" - Mysterious fires continue to break out in the house without explanation. The house was ordered destroyed and in the ashes a scrapbook was discovered pointing to the wife's childhood as a super natural cause.
Friday, March 6th, 1998
6: Bright Light, Magic Mighty Man, The Student, Scribbles & Count Mystery
"Bright Light” - A lost, scared women stops at a bar to review her map when Gunner, a local bar regular, approaches her offering to buy her coffee. She declines and carefully leaves to continue her travel. While on the road, Gunner drives behind her flashing his brights and honking and eventually pushes her off the road. Gunner draws his rifle and forces her out of the car. To her surprise, he then orders a rapist hiding in her back seat to get out and holds him until the cops arrive. “Magic Mighty Man” - Lenny Fields, a comedy writer, jogs in the park daily and meets a local bag lady named Gloria. While continuing his jog, two young guys mug him of his clothes and money and lock him in a cage. Gloria lets him out and lends him a costume to wear, which gives him super strength when the guys try to mug him again. “The Student” - A frustrated teacher questions her dream of teaching until a student named Rudy inspires her again in an essay he wrote. He soon ends up scaring her into moving out of the line of a drive-by shooting, which she finds out was the way he died years before. “Scribbles” - Earl Potter buys a life insurance policy before his pregnant wife gives birth. Four years later Earl has a heart attack and dies. A week later while the widowed wife and her sister Bonnie pack to move to Bonnie’s house, the son is drawing. Bonnie recognizes symbols in the drawings, which are short hand, which tell Marlene where to find the missing policy to claim the money. “Count Mystery” - One day, a little boy named Tanner wanders off and that night a local news crew reports the story. They remember another story about a horse with psychic abilities, which they decide to ask for help.
Friday, March 20th, 1998
7: The Mummy, The Perfect Record, Grave Sitting, Murder on the Second Floor & They Towed My Car
"The Mummy"- A Museum displays a rare mummy only to discover a beautiful woman floating off the floor. The mummy turns out to be a woman that was murdered which matches the ghost seen in the museum. "The Perfect Record"- A security guard is working on a perfect record while training a new guard. The new guard is an inside man there to rob the location of its computer secrets. All the lights at the location begin to explode and go on and off which attacks the police and keeps Vic's perfect record intact. "Grave Sitting"- A challenge is put up to spent two hours at the grave site of a serial killer. The girl is found dead and it is suspected that she was scared to death. "Murder On The Second Floor"- Witnesses see an 18 foot tall man murder another man on the second floor balcony. The detective can not seem to believe the stories but continues to investigate. He discovers that the murder victim was an abusive husband that killed his wife, who was once part of a circus family in Europe. The detective determined that her three circus brothers formed a human tower to get revenge. The detective could've called them in, but figured the murder victim wasn't so innocent. "They Towed My Car" - A man with a torn suit wanders the town repeating "They towed my car". No one in the town helps the stranger except a small boy named Reese. The man finds the car and requests that he needs to get something from the trunk. When the trunk is opened the body of the stranger is found in the trunk.
Friday, April 3rd, 1998
8: Kirby, Dust, Malibu Cop, A Joyful Noise & The Hooded Chair
"Kirby" - Ted is a special effects expert, experimenting with his favorite creation, a mechanical gorilla named Kirby. However, his cruel boss, Harry, demands he finishes Kirby or Ted is fired. That night, Kirby receives a malfunction and attacks Harry, causing him to fall down the stairs and break his neck. The police and Ted find his body, while Ted finds Kirby had somehow moved across the room. But how could that happen if Ted removed Kirby's Driver Board? "Dust" - Two boys jog and help a young girl enter her home when she forgets to bring the key. One boy is hugely attracted to her. She never has any physical contanct with them, epecially when getting them lemonade. The next day they come the same house and discover it has been abandoned for 20 years since a girl commited suicide. They enter the house with a real estate agent, to find it dusty and full of webs and three sets of footprints and the imprints of three glasses on the table. What frightened them most is that one glass imprint and one trail of footprints disappear. "Malibu Cop" - A detective probes a difficult murder case, after so much stress he uncovers the culprit... himself! He shot a woman in his sleepwalking. "A Joyful Noise" - A family is in a quire for a church and they were never late, the quire instructor told them to not be late tomorrow because it was a special day and they perform for the church. At 7:00 sharp they were supposed to go, all of a sudden, time goes faster than expected and all of a sudden its 7:20 and everyone rushes to church only to find it on fire, an explosion occurred at 7:00 or somewhere around there. The instructor quotes that God had saved their lives. "The Hooded Chair" - Art collector gets a chair that belonged to Napoleon himself. Everyone who sat on that chair died in a short time, including Napoleon, who sat on it before his lost a Waterloo. It had recently taken the lives of his maid and best friend. The night he attempted to destroy the chair, the collect
Friday, April 17th, 1998
9: Rock and Roll Ears, The Bucket, The Bridesmaid, Voice from the Grave & The Chess Game
"Rock and Roll Ears" - Lionel was a music shop owner, one day, these 2 teenagers come in the shop and suddenly, one of the teens try out a guitar and Lionel tries to out rock-and-roll him, he does. Lionel was nearly deaf so he could barely hear the music he was playing. At night, the two teens come back for revenge, this time, they have an amp about the size of their van. They turn the volume up until the windows break. Lionel suddenly claims that he can hear again and starts laughing while the two teens leave. "The Bucket" - A young farm family receives their weekly milk shipment from Gus, their elderly neighbor. The following week after a storm, the empty milk bucket starts moving on its own and later the lid flies off twice. The husband takes the bucket to Gus Hob's farm and finds him suffering from a stroke "The Bridesmaid" - Lucy Robbins, always a bridesmaid, takes in her sister after the brother-in-law dies in a boat accident. Cory, Lucy's new cyber boyfriend turns out to be Alan, her brother-in-law who actually has been suffering memory loss for the previous six months "Voice from the Grave" - A doctor's wife starts channeling a nurse friend, who was murdered in the hospital boiler room. The cop and the wife (channeling the decreased Lisa) trick the guilty orderly into confessing. "The Chess Game" - Two friends would always play chess and they would always fuss about everything. One day, one of the friends die. Then the other friend seems bored, his wife asks him to play a chess game, he accepts. All of a sudden, he smells "Old Rum", the same kind of cologne that his friend would use, then as the one friend plays his usual move, the chess piece moves the same way that his old friend was playing. Then after that, everything is back to normal.
Friday, April 24th, 1998
10: The Motorcycle, Blind Man's Dog, Deer Hunters, Tribal Curse & The Card Game
"The Motorcycle" - Greg Hansen inherits his grandfather's horse ranch which has had all the horses sold off to pay medical bills except for his favorite "Nugget". Nugget helps locate an old motorcycle which Greg plans on selling to pay off some of the bills, but the motorcycle is worth more than a local dealer lends on.. "Blind Man's Dog" - Lloyd Week and his guide dog "Buff" are encouraged to move out after Buff howls each time an hour before a tenet in their apartment building dies. The last howling will signal the end of the clairvoyance. "Deer Hunters" - Jed and a friend haven't had luck finding deer to shot with their high-powered bows. Jed decides to trespass on the Indian reservation and finally sees and shots at a deer. The deer runs away and Jed is stopped by his friend from pursuing, due to the sound of drums playing. Driving back, they see the deer in the road and try to run it over, however Jed is killed in the accident and the friend and police officer can't find the deer. "Tribal Curse" - Jason Reed, staying with a Brazilian tribe to write his thesis, falls in love with the chief's granddaughter against the chief's restrictions. When the chief dies, Jason violates the funeral practice and a crow chases him off a cliff. "The Card Game" - Lucky runs a crooked card game in an old west theme bar. After Wally, the latest victim is cleaned out, a week goes by and a stranger and his dog come in for a game. The stranger and the dog take turns watching Lucky preventing him from cheating. Lucky loses hand after hand, while it feels like his neck is tightening up. After the old man cleans Lucky out, the camera pans up to reveal a picture of the old man and the dog. The picture is of Roy Bean, the hanging judge, from 1902.
Friday, May 1st, 1998
11: Bon Voyage, The Man in the Model T, The Scoop, Angel on Board & Buenos Dias
"Bon Voyage" - Charlie and Gwen Chandler are about an airship with close friends. They've been married 22 years, and never took their honeymoon the way they planned. They tell their friends that the morning, their rings somehow got stuck together. They had to call a jeweler to cut them free. They race to catch their boat, but they're too late. Charlie says that it was the luckiest thing that happened to them, 'cause the ship they were set to depart on was the Lusitania, and 6 days later, it was sunk. The Chandlers and friends realize they're about to land, but the airship they were on was the Hindenburg, and it exploded in flames, killing half the people on board "The Man in the Model T" - A woman and her daughter, Molly, are trying to sell some of their old items to raise money for the girl's college. But no one seems interested in their stuff. Just then, an old man in a Model T shows up, wearing a yellow jacket, and calls himself Elmo Middleton. He sells Molly a chest for only $3, and disappears. She and her mother open it up, and to their amazement find out that the chest contained artifacts from the Titanic. Molly's mother then found an item belonging to Marlin Jurgins, Molly's great grandfather. He looked exactly like the man they saw earlier, and then realize that Elmo Middleton was Molly's great grandfather. "The Scoop" - Jack Hogan is a reporter with no story. His boss, Mr. Trapwell, tells him he can find a story anywhere. Staying after work, Jack takes a short nap, and has a very vivid dream about a volcanic eruption. He loved it so much he wrote about a island called Pralape that undergone a volcanic eruption so powerful it releases a strong tidal wave that killed many people. He finishes the story within an hour, but leaves it in the typewriter. When he tells his boss that the story was fake, Trapwell is furious, but then when he goes back to his office, reports of such a tidal wave against the coasts of Mexico and South America start coming in. He cal
Friday, July 17th, 1998
12: Merry-Go-Round, Red-Eyed Creature, Used Car Salesman, Surveillance Camera & Graffiti
"Merry-go-round" - Penny and boyfriend George restore a carousel that is cursed in Florida. Ike, the operator who used to run the ride, stops by and insists the couple burn the carousel due to the curse. When the couple ignores him and puts on a promotion to stimulate business, the boyfriend is bitten by a snake hiding in the horse's head and dies. "Red-eyed Creature" - A boy sees a creature in the shadows that had glowing red eyes. The parents didn't believe him but the nanny did for some reason. Later, the mother saw the creature as well and was scared. The nanny cheers the boy up and after she left, her eyes started glowing with the color red. "Used Car Salesman"- Sonny Rhodes, a crooked car salesman sells cars to people, which are unsafe, and rips them off. One day, he sells a van with no brakes to Lenny Height, leader of a small four-man group called the Society Kings, who needed to get to Vegas for a show. Sometime later, his co-workers show him a newspaper showing their deaths when their van crashed because of the failed brakes, but he coldly dismisses it. That night, after Sonny is the last salesman left, as he closes up, three cars turn on and surround them. He thinks his co-workers are playing a joke on him. Then a fourth vehicle arrives, the same van he sold the society kings, and it runs Sonny over, killing him "Surveillance Camera" - Alec, an immigrant, takes over a convenience store and is saving up to bring his family to the U.S. Later that day, a robber holds him up and seems to know about Alec's savings in a cashbox. A few minutes later, two teenagers come in and rob him again. When the police review the surveillance tape, the first robber is not on the tape and the cashbox is back where Alec normally stores it, with the cash still in it. Two days later, one of the officers stops in and tells him, they caught the teenagers and they confessed to murdering the previous owner years ago, who was also the first robber. "Graffiti"- In 1941, Harvey B
Friday, July 24th, 1998
13: The Warning, Bus Stop, The Cure, The Guardian & The Gift
"The Warning" - A couple goes into a hotel when the husband sees a man pushing a casket. Rob and his wife split up to look for the seminar room and he instead finds the casket and the casket salesman he saw earlier. The couple leaves and heads to the elevator to go downstairs. The salesman is on the elevator and Rob is afraid of him, not realizing his wife can’t see the man. The husband wants to take the stairs, when all of a sudden the elevator and all it’s passengers fall to their deaths. The salesman had saved the couple’s lives even though he was never found. "Bus Stop" - Jerry Wright stops next to a bus stop and meets Terry and gives her a ride home. The next day he gets enough confidence to look for her to ask her out and meets her younger sister, Laura, who invites him inside. While looking at the pictures on the mantel, Laura recounts when Terry died almost eight years ago and Jerry pays dumb initially. After introducing himself, Laura tells him that Terry promised to send her “Mr. Right” to look after her. Jerry confesses about the previous day and they get married a year later. "The Cure" - Kyle Jarvis, a struggling pre-med student, works part-time as a waiter and is involved with Tammy, the wealthy daughter of a captain of industry. Tammy is afraid of what her parents think of Kyle and he is concerned that Tammy is ashamed to introduce him to her parents. While waiting tables, a man has a heart attack and Kyle gives CPR and saves his life. Soon after the man’s daughter arrives and it is Tammy! "The Guardian" - Mark and Danny, his younger brother, come from a very religious mother. Mark loves basketball and shots hoops and watches “Big Al”, a former high school star play in the afternoon at the Clayton Street Park after school. On night, Mark decides to stay later at the park and is harassed by a couple of gang members. However, Big Al shows up and scares the bullies away. The next day when Mark tries to thank Al, he insists he wasn’
Season 3
Tuesday, January 18th, 2000
13: The Dealer, Gratuity, The Cake, 1st Time Offender & The Mirror of Truth
"The Dealer" - A young soldier was winning at the black jack tablewhich turns out to be the son of the parents the dealer ripped off in a telemarketing scam. The soldier sets up the dealer and club owner kills the dealer only to find out later the soldier died 25 years before. "Gratuity" - A college student cab driver installs an insult machine for people who do not tip well. After showing it to his girlfriend she disapproves and give him a medallion to protect him. After picking up a new fare that did not tip he pushes the button only to have the insult machine give out compliments. This saves the cab drivers life since the fare turns out to be a killer and the box did not upset him. "The Cake" - An evil son takes over his father's bakery and orders the baker to make a special cake for a party the next day. The baker agrees and begins to heat up the oven. The oven starts to make strange noises and after investigation the baker believes he sees the devil in the oven. After telling the son, the baker is fired and when he is at home the baker sees the devil's picture which turns out to be a crime boss. When the baker is called back to the bakery he finds the son burning in the oven and finds out the son had killed the crime boss and this was his revenge. "1st Time Offender" - A boy thinking he can never get caught for anything he does robs a store of a watch. In front of the judge his mother makes a plea that she had just purchased that watch for the boy and worked out a deal with the store owner. As the judge was about to let the boy off his lucky charm fell from his neck only to be discovered by the court and turned out to be the medallion stolen from the judges wife. And the boy was sent to prison. "The Mirror of Truth" - A vain woman goes to a beauty shop to have her make-up done. After the shop owner finished the job the woman went crazy saying that the shop owner did a bad job. As the woman was leaving the shop owner put a curse on her. The woman calls in a
Friday, January 21st, 2000
1: Morning Sickness, The Curse of Hampton Manor, Wax Executioner, Blood Bank & Ring Toss
"Morning Sickness" - A girl gets all the symptoms of pregnancy, but the tests say she's not. When they do surgery they find a baby octopuss in her. "The Curse of Hampton Manor" - (true story of Helmsly manor) A greedy woman sells a cursed house to couple. After the husband loses his wife and will to live, the greedy woman gets the house and is electrocuted in the bathtub. "Wax Executioner" - A woman is almost murdered in a wax museum, and the only apparent suspect is the creepy executioner figure, that someone keeps moving, but leaves no footprints. The artist and his brother didn't want to accept the fact the executioner figure was used as the body of an evil spirit. Everytime the guillotine fell, the figures hands were on the rope. "Blood Bank" - A nurse treats a weird patient during a break in at the blood bank. She find empty bags of blood in his bathroom. Was he a vampire? "Ring Toss" - A crooked con artist tricks kids out of money in ring toss, until an old man becomes the only winner and wins everyone toys. He threatens the old man, until he has to fix the haunted house ride. They all hear him scream and found him hung with one of the rings by an electronic dummy who looked like the old man.
Friday, May 26th, 2000
2: One for the Road, The Music Box, Two to One, Damsel & The Horn
"One For The Road" - A truck driver is in his favorite diner and meets a friend of his. Everyone in the truck stop thinks the truck driver is acting strange. Later the truck driver finds out that the friend he was talking too was killed in an accident earlier in the day. "The Music Box" - Two women were shopping and one woman discovered a special music box that reminded her of a lost love. When she found out it did not work she decided not to buy it. When having second thoughts and returns to buy it only to find out that her lost love was there and bought the item for her birthday and now the music box began to work. "Two to One" - A man pawns his grandfathers watch for extra cash. When borrowing the money from a friend he returns to get the watch back only to find out they sold it the day before. That night the guy had a dream that the pawn shop lied to him and had the watch and a robber was going to steal it. The guy turned to the store to find things happened like his dream to only this time he got his watch back. "Damsel" - A woman looking for that special an in her life goes to a fortune teller to find out that she was looking too hard and that the special man would find her. A few days later the woman spots a good looking hitchhiker and assuming this was her man which turns out to be a killer. During the attack a hikers comes from the woods and saves her and he turns out to be the man that finds her. The man also turns out to the son of the fortune teller. "The Horn" - A mortician visits his friend an antique dealer and discovers a special item called a death horn. The mortician makes a bet with the dealer that he could not sell an item associated with death. The dealer loses the bet and the mortician arrives to collect on the bet and find no one in the shop. At the last minute the mortician hears the death horn and discovers the dealer has a heart attack and saves his life.
Friday, June 2nd, 2000
3: The Find, The Golden Cue, The FBI Story, The Gravedigger's Nemesis & Last Rites
"The Find" - A newlywed couple run across an old motorcycle. The motorcycle is an out of production mint condition classic bike. The man takes a joy ride on the bike and hits a woman that disappears along with the motorcycle. The EMT describes the same accident the man had but it happened 54 years before to a young couple and the man was the only one to ever ride the bike which they believed that they released the spirits. "The Golden Cue" - An older man purchased a pool hall only to lose it to the young pool hustler. The old man stays around sweeping floors. The owner gets mad at the old man for talking about the golden cue while he was shooting. At closing time a strange man enters the pool hall and challenges the owner. The owner keeps running the table until the stranger makes one final bet for the pool hall. The stranger takes down the golden cue, breaks and sinks the 9 ball. The stranger turns out to be a legendary pool hustler that quit pool 15 years before because he went blind. "The FBI Story" - A young local cop had a dream of becoming an FBI agent. The young cop was accepted to the FBI academy and then disappeared on his way to the acedemy with some money. 5 Years later an FBI agent arrives in town to investigate a counterfeit ring. The sheriff starts to suspect the FBI agent and asks him along on a body that was found in the swamp. The body was the young cop and the FBI agent confesses that he killed the young cop. In the attempt to flee the swamp the FBI agent was sucked into the bog and died. "The Gravedigger's Nemesis" - Two young boys hire on as grave diggers and work for an evil grounds keeper. The two boys and grounds keeper hear and see an old woman. The old woman haunts the grounds keeper until he dies in the old woman's grave. "Last Rites" - A woman is called into an attorneys office because she attended a funeral. The women was there researching the artwork of the cemetery. The woman sees the chapel and decides to enter. While inside she f
Friday, June 16th, 2000
4: E-Mail, Blood Donor, Epitaph, Stitches in Time & The Soldier
"E-Mail" - A couple get a used computer from a professor. But when Statler, the man whom they bought it from, becomes trapped in a tomb with no computer. But if that is true...who's sending the e-mail calling for help? "Blood Donor" - After recieving a blood transfusion, a man finds that he can see murders as they happen. So he uses this to help him trap the killer, whose blood he recieved during a transfusion. "Epitaph" - A gravestone craftsman is given orders by a strange man to create an elaborate gravestone for a dead man against the wife's wishes. Later it turns out that the man that ordered the expensive gravestone was the wife's dead husband. "Stitches in Time" - A mother and her daughter are in poverty when the mother has a dream of when she and her own mother stitched a quilt together. When she wakes up, she takes out the quilt, only to discover that hidden inside was lots of $100 bills. "The Soldier" - A soldier from Vietnam recalls what happened to him during a devastating battle. Almost near death, his father, who went missing in action years ago, shows up and carries him to safety. The soldier thinks he's dreaming, until the paramedics find his father's dog tags in the boy's hand.
Friday, June 23rd, 2000
5: The Nightmare, The Stalker, The Impossible Car Dream, The Dresser & The Burial
"The Nightmare" - A woman is having nightmares about her husband being murdered. She believes it is the grounds keeper and wants him fired. The husband fires the grounds keeper and he leaves the shears in the bushes. When the husband tries to go riding the horse gets spooked and backs the husband into the bushes where he is stabbed and killed by the shears. "The Stalker" - A widow & her daughter moves to a new state and then gains a stalker which was caught and put in jail. When the daughter looks at her compact that has a picture of her father inside & a mirror, she confesses to her mother that she is worried about the stalker. The daughter starts to see the stalker in the mirror of her compact. On a doctors recommendation the mother takes the compact from the daughter. A strange light then appears that the mother thinks comes from the compact when she picks it up to inspect it and then she sees the stalker in the mirror. The daughter uses the compact mirror to shine light into the stalkers face and the mother is able to knock the stalker out with a lamp. "The Impossible Car Dream" - A man is in trouble with his accountant boss and then gets fired. The father is worried that now that he has been fired he will not be able to purchase a car for his son. The son has this strange dream about buying a car for $1.00. The son tells his father about the dream and the father tells him t stop dreaming. The son finds the actual ad in the paper and gets his mother to take him to the house believing it was a misprint. The lady who owned the car decided to sell the car for a $1.00 to get back at her cheating husband. The husband turned out to be the accountant boss that fired the father. "The Dresser" - A man enjoys his job as a decorator and teaching younger guy the business. Unfortunately the younger guy working with the man goes to the boss and lies about poor job performance and gets the man fired. When the young guy takes over then tries to show the boss the display b
Friday, June 30th, 2000
6: Red Line, Two Sisters, Eclipse, The Ice Box & The Gathering
"Red Line" - A race car driver frustrated that his is not winning races he pushes the car too hard. The driver sees and old time race car driver telling him to stop the car. The racer car driver gets out just in time before the car explodes. The old time race car driver turns out to be the grandfather of the crew chief that dies on the track 70 years before. "Two Sisters" - Two sisters fight over the same man. One sister wins and she comes down with a rare blood disorder. On her death bed the other sister is still trying to get the man. The other sister steal the wedding dress off her dead sisters body. At the wedding the dress begins to effect her and the other sister dies from heat and an a reaction to dress. "Eclipse" - A man believes he is cursed by the werewolf. He talks to the doctor and asks to be moved to a room without a window because if he does not then he will die tonight. The doctor makes the request but the director refuses the move. The guy dies that night and the clues look like he was killed by a werewolf. "The Ice Box" - A wife is concerned about the future of her doctor husband. On a little trip they stop off at an out of the way antique shop in the middle of a heat wave. In the store they find an old ice box that reminds him of his childhood. At that moment a medical emergency happens and they need to cool the man down before he dies. All of a sudden the ice box has ice in it to save the man's life. Later it was discovered that the ice box was the exact ice box his grandmother had as a kid. "The Gathering" - A group of 4 older ladies love to get together on Thursdays. During their gin rummy game and man enters on a home invasion to rob them. The man locks all the women in the basement to rob the rest of the house. While the man in robbing the house strange things begin to happen to him and is knocked out. Were the ladies witches or not?
Friday, July 7th, 2000
7: Connie, Positive I.D., Trucker, Cook-Out & The New House
"Connie" - Dead woman's spirit lives on in her husband's new wife. "Positive I.D." - Man accused of a robbery that he didn't commit. After the real culprit is found, the two learn they are twin brothers separated at birth. "Trucker" - A hitchhiker is trying to get a ride from a trucker, one of them spot him and takes him to a gas station. The hitchhiker then sees that a man is in pain at the station, a car is on top of him. The hitchhiker tries to lift up the car on top of him and cant do it until the trucker comes and helps him. When the police come, the hitchhiker says that the trucker helped him when the police claim that the trucker died 7 years ago. "Cook-out" - Uncle Harry's spirit saves his family for eating poisioned hamburgers during a family reunion cookout. "The New House" - An old painting saves people's lives.
Friday, July 14th, 2000
8: Creepy Comics, Louie the Dip, The Wailing, The Landlady & Curse
"Creepy Comics" - A comic book drawer is down on his luck. His boss gives him one more chance to scare him or he is fired. The police show up and report to the boss that the man killed himself. When the boss arrives home he finds a comic from the man outlining the man's death. The boss becomes scared and dies from a heart attack. "Louie The Dip" - A pick pocket had to be careful because he was on his third strike. A man comes in the bar and brags about winning the lottery so Louie picked his pocket. Louie hides the ticket to be safe but then it disappears. Louie has to go back to picking pockets. Louie get pinched by the cops they check his ID and in his wallet was the missing lottery ticket. "The Wailing" - A Mystery writer moves into a spooky house. The house seems to communicate with the writer and he goes to investigate. The writer finds a little girl in a hidden room and gets locked in. When they find the writer in the room they find the body of the little girl. The writer was talking to the little girls ghost. "The Landlady" - An evil landlady hears strange noises that eventually drive her insane. After believing there was an invisible stalker the landlady moved out the next day. "Curse" - A young girl is into evil witchcraft. The young girl puts a curse on her psychologist. The young girl refuses to remove the curse from the psychologist and joins the evil witches. Going through the ceremony the young girl discovers the psychologist has tricked her into joining the good witches.
Friday, July 21st, 2000
9: For the Record, Halloween, Precious, Get Your Kicks at Motel 66 & Phantom Drifter
"For the Record" - Lauren and fiancé, born on the same day, search for the truth of her birth only to discover that they were switched at birth. Each having been living with each other’s birth parents their whole lives. "Halloween" - Harold Ratcher hates kids begging on Halloween and every year scares them away. This year someone dressed in a grim reaper costume scares him almost to death. "Precious" - Wendy and her family moved recently and her parents had gotten her a cat to help the transition. Now the parents have called in Dana White, a child psychiatrist, to help Wendy since a car killed the cat two months ago. Wendy still believes that “Precious” is still alive, even though no one except her can see the cat. Dr. White uses the families’ camera to photograph the cat, but is astonished to see that the pictures have “Precious” visible on them. "Get your kicks at Motel 66" - A suspended police officer and his wife are on vacation and stop at the Motel 66. While settling in, he sees a cowboy and attempts to chase the stranger only to discover a pool of blood. Later that night, he awakens to see the gunslinger again and draws his weapon and again a pool of blood. While checking out, the manager tells the wife about the legend of Billy the Kid being gunned down and that his spirit is looking to exact revenge against a police officer. When she races back to the room, she finds her husband dead by gunshot wound. "Phantom Drifter" - David and wife feud driving to his mother’s house and get a flat tire. A drifter helps them and the couple drives him down the road, when the drifter passes on words of wisdom. When the couple starts getting along again, the stranger disappears while the car is moving. When they can’t find him along the road, they talk to an officer who explains that they are the fourth in a week to report the same thing.
Friday, July 28th, 2000
10: Devil's Tattoo, Static Man, The Bloody Hand, Where Have All the Heroes Gone & War Surplus
"Devil's Tattoo" - A biker dude takes his girlfriend in to get a tattoo. The biker dude insists it has to be the devil's tattoo. As the dude was forcing the girl and tattoo artist into putting on the tattoo the tattoo gun went crazy and killed the dude. "Static Man" - A business man is about to close a big deal and an Indian medicine man puts a curse on him. Items start sticking to the business man and ruins his big deal. The business man agrees to save the trees and the curse was lifted. "The Bloody Hand" - Two detectives solve a murder case where an ex-husband tried to steal from his dead wife before her funeral. The only thing that can't be explained is the cuts on his face. And the fresh blood in the fingers of the woman, who was already dead. "Where Have All The Heroes Gone" - Two young thieves get a shock while robbing the home of a recently deceased cowboy star. A cowboy shows up and scares the boys straight. "War Surplus" - A struggling college student is unnerved by a vision of a man who looks like his father — who died 8 years earlier in the Gulf War. Following his father into a surplus store the student finds his father's uniform jacket. In the pocket of the jacket the student finds a letter telling that there is an insurance policy worth $100,000 in the his name.
Friday, August 4th, 2000
11: Deadbeat Dad, Ghost Town, The Sewing Machine, The Sleepwalker & Money Laundry
"Deadbeat Dad" - A cheating gambler at a bar refuses to give his ex-wife financial support for their baby, he beats a mysterious beautiful woman at a game, afterwards kept losing for a while. When he began winning again he still mistreated his ex. The mystery woman returned and beat at a coin flip. She won the bar and gave it to his ex. He committed suicide two days late. "Ghost Town" - A photographer reaches an old ghost town and the date is 1848. His phone is shot, his money is no good and the bartender says the heat plays tricks on him. He later encounters a man who looked like the bartender and says no one has been in the town for hundreds of years. He finds his phone with a gun hole in it "The Sewing Machine" - A young couple try to sell the husband's grandma's sewing machine. That night it comes to life and makes an old dress from Gone With The Wind. "The Sleepwalker" - A man who is said to be cursed sleepwalks every night. He hears one day he will never return but he says he will remain with his daughter forever. One night he vanishes without a trace, the next morning the girl tells his wife her dad is in the dollhouse and will be with her forever. Inside was a doll of him, with 100% accurate details. According to Jonathan Frakes, the author who found this story even saw the doll of the missing man. "Money Laundry" - A Catholic widow prays that her boss and land lord lets her stay. Then a gang comes and use fake coins to get the coins in the machine. The police come and they reveal to be the land lord's missing coin collection and he lets her stay.
Friday, August 11th, 2000
12: The Handyman, Anatole, Makeup Magic, Screwdriver & Charlie
"The Handyman" - Chad, a young carpenter, is married to a wealthy older, Victoria Beau. Chad is cheating on her with young Andrea and when Victoria arrives home early and catches the lovers in bed, Andrea shots Victoria. The wealthy Mrs. Beau vows on her deathbed that Chad will never get the money or leave the apartment. The young couple tries hiding the body in a fake wall, however the tools exact revenge on the couple "Anatole" - An old man, Anatole, is put in a cell with William Pope, a murderer. After lights out, Pope recounts his murdering of a college student named Alan, but Anatole gets angry and strangles Pope. The next morning, Anatole is missing and Pope is dead with a picture of Alan and Anatole (Alan’s father) in Pope’s hand. The detective traces Anatole to Phoenix, where he discovers Anatole catatonic and confined to a wheelchair for the previous six months. "Makeup Magic" - June, a plain-jane, steps up to protect the beautiful Clarence from a pushy guy. Clarence pays her back by doing June’s makeup turning her attractive. June learns the next day that she didn’t have much makeup on and her new look stayed. After several days of looking for Clarence to thank her, June finally find her and discovers Clarence was horrifically burned 2 years ago, but June only sees her as a friend. "Screwdriver" - Lauren is leaving for college but has one serious fault: he is extremely forgetful. One cold winter night, Lauren is returning from a party and his car breaks down. And once again his absent mindlessness has caused him to be without his tools and his jacket. As the weather worsens, Lauren awakes to see a man that looks like his father fixing the car. When he calls his parents, he discovers his father is at home. However, after hanging up the parents find grease and a screwdriver in the bed. "Charlie" - Arty Holdman has been having a lousy year and is hoping his luck will improve with returning to his favorite restaurant. So far he has lost his wife an
Season 4
Thursday, June 27th, 2002
1: The Devil's Autograph, Mail Order Degree, The News Stand, The Murder of Roy Hennessey & Mysterious Strangers
"The Devil's Autograph" - A man lies about not murdering his wife, and was not guilt in the court of law. The man told his lawyer after the case he murdered his wife, and gave him his $1,500.00 pen. The lawyer chased the man into the elevator and told him he didn't want anything of his, and he would get the devil's autograph, but the man just laughed it off. The elevator door shut him in, and he fell to the floor and the pen went through his heart. "Mail Order Degree" - A business man made a lot of money off of cheating people and scams off of his commercials. He had so much money, that he had to hide it behind a hidden door behind his work chair. A few days later, the business man started feeling drastically sick, but one day his secretary found him dead and almost bald in his chair. It ended up that the room he hid his money in was filled with radiation, and died of radiation poisoning. "The News Stand" - One day, a poor fifteen year old teenager found a book of "Mysterious tales" under a garbage can in perfect condition, so he went to a news-stand to trade it in for $20.00 cash, and the news man's sandwich. The man hires him to work at the news-stand, and was really good to the teenager, and he started trusting the teenager so much, that he let him run the stand alone for sometimes days at a time. After not appearing for a week, the teen received his answer by a man in a cloak saying the man was diagnosed with a tumor in his head six months beforehand, and gave the boy a note. The note revealed that the news-stand man was his father that beat him, and he was sorry, so he gave him everything he earned in his life. "The Murder Of Roy Hennessey" - Two girls were doing a project in a cemetery, and see a man run out of the cemetery with a handgun. After his departure, the girls ran to see what he shot, he shot a man and the man was in critical condition - almost to the point of death. The man's last words were "Tell them that Roy Hennessey was killed by Jerry Fle
Thursday, June 27th, 2002
2: Writer's Agent, Crypt Ghost, The Doll, Hubert's Curse & Shared Vision
"Writer's Agent" - A writing agent promised to give his client, Mary-Jane Layden, a deal to get her book, "Love Tides" published, but he wanted her to give him $2,500.00. She refused, saying she already gave him $12,000.00. They started fighting for a little while, until the writing agent pushed her to the floor and she died. The man hid her body beneath the company's plants, and took off. The agent himself thought the book, "Love Tides" would be a hit, so he decided to create a fake person by the name of Lucille Carns, and pretend that she wrote the book. When the book was released, it soared to the Best-Sellers list. The company wanted the agent to bring in Lucille Carns for a book signing, but he refused and said that Carns was a very private person. The same day, the company called the agent and said Carns was at the book-signing, so he went to investigate, and saw the ghost was signing the books. He left in a hurry, and went to see if the buried body was still there, and it was, but the police got an anonymous tip telling them to follow the agent. The agent was sentenced to jail. "Crypt Ghost" - Three young adults film a documentary of going into a cemetery and looking into the casket of a Vietnam General. When the opened the casket, one of the girls shouted the the hand moved. They shook it off, and one of the boys reached in a took the General's boned hand, and took the sword out of it. Immediately after he did so, the casket slammed on his hand, so the other two people ran to get help. They found a man, and they propped the boy's hand out of the casket. The boy looked at his hand, and it had a big "V" on it, and the sword was back in the General's boned hand. The "V" ended up being the General's signature. "The Doll" - Susan always wanted to be an elementary school teacher, and her dream came true. After the first day of school, a little girl named Ashley asked the teacher to give her doll back, but the teacher was dumbfounded as to why the child thought s
Thursday, July 4th, 2002
3: Out of Service, When I Was Big, The Greedy Investor, Seven Hours of Bad Luck & The Secret of the Coins
"Out Of Service" - A boyfriend and girlfriend (businessmen) are spending three nights of camping with each other, until the girlfriend tells the man that there was a man missing and a killer on the loose. Naturally, the man wants to leave the woods but she persuades him to stay. The next day, they wake up and take a walk in the woods trying to not remember about the killer, but then they spot a man near a lake taking the blood off of a knife. They stand there in shock long enough that the killer spots them and chases them into the woods. The man and woman outrun him and try to use there cellphones, but the phones are dead. They then spot a man in a yellow vest that leads them to a street and a police car spots the couple and pulls aside, so the killer vanishes into the woods. They tell the about the killer and the mysterious man that lead them to safety. The couple then see the mysterious man that lead them to safety, and the man points to a spot near them. The police didn't see the man, but they walked over to the spot anyway. A man in a yellow vest was lying on the ground and says "Thank God you found me." It turns out the man's spirit left his body to lead him to safety. "When I Was Big" - A little boy goes to counseling ever since he stopped talking because his sister passed away in a car accident. The boy goes to a book and says he used to be Harry Chaffee and fix books before he died. The counselor was in shock, so later he decided to go to a library and see if they had a similar book there. While walking through an isle, a book falls into his hands. On the inside, it had a note and it was signed from his Father, who wanted to give him the books as gifts. The counselor goes to a library book-fixer, and asked him if he fixed the book. The man replied he didn't, but a coworker of his that passed away fifteen years beforehand did. The counselor asked if by chance his name was Harry Chaffee, and the book-fixer replied "Yeah, how did you know?" "The Greedy Invest
Thursday, July 4th, 2002
4: Second Sight, The Fine Line, The Wrong Turn, Who Was I & You Are Next
"Second Sight" - A woman is blind, but when another women is murdered, she gets her sight restored and a second chance to see. While eating at a restaurant in the country, she sees a man that she can't stop looking at. The man approaches her and asks demandingly why she is staring at him, and she just said that he was familiar looking and she was sorry. When she went back to her hotel to pack her bags and leave the town, he came up behind her and handcuffed her and threw her on the bed, and he asked her why she was staring at him. She was upset and said she was sorry. He pulled up a chair next to the bed and said that he would sit there all night until he got the real answer out of her. After a little bit of time passed, and he fell asleep in the chair after drinking liquor, so she opened the door and ran to the owner of the hotel. He called the police, and they came and arrested the man. The policeman told the lady that he was wanted for the murder of a women, only to found out that he murdered the person she got her eyes from, and the eyes witnessed the murder and couldn't stop watching him. "The Fine Line" - Two female twins seemingly have an amazing ability to share each others' feelings, such as one sister getting poked by a knitting needle, while the other also feels the pain. One night, one of them drives out alone and is involved in an off-road car accident. The sister at home feels strange and senses trouble. A male friend who is with her at the moment witnesses radio music somehow coming from the TV set, which is broadcasting a basketball game. The mysterious radio signals, alongside the twins' phenomenal ability leads the sister and her friend to investigate. After pinpointing the exact location of the accident with ease, the other sister is sent to the hospital and saved. "The Wrong Turn" - A man had been living in his hometown for ten years, but couldn't remember where to make his delivery. He was shocked because he couldn't find anything correctly. H
Thursday, July 11th, 2002
5: House of Shadows, One Hand in the Till, Teasdale's Motor Car, The Vision & The Grave
"House Of Shadows" - A young girl (Ali) is house sitting and keeps seeing a man burying something in a basement on the television set. Hearing the sound even when the television was off she investigates which leads her to the basement. After a search of the basement Ali finds a video camera playing the video of the man mixing cement only to discover the wife in the ash catcher. "One Hand In The Till" - A boy attempts to call his father about his car that has broken down. After not talking to his father the boy is walking around and finds a gun. The boy believes the best way to get the money is to rob a store. About the time the boy attempts to rob the store he keeps seeing his father. His father has a dream about the son's car breaking down and going into a convenient store to rob the clerk to pay off the debt. "Teasdale's Motor Car" - A passion for a man's car ends up driving him crazy and the car ends up in a cemetery with it's first owner. "The Vision" - A man has a dream that a bridge will collapse, and if he doesn't stop Bus #29, the bus and the passengers will collapse with the bridge. No one listens to his concerns until he tells the bus driver only to have the bus driver also admit that he had the same dream and the bridge ends up falling. "The Grave" - A man and woman devise a scheme to frame the woman's husband to make him go to prison, but before he died he said "grass won't grow on my grave until the truth comes out" but when they visit the grave they get hit by a tractor and die in the grave and the grass starts to grow.
Thursday, July 18th, 2002
6: The Dorm, The Child Artist, The Weatherman, Sit-Down Comic & Room 245
"The Dorm" - A College student moves into her new dorm and gets a strange feeling when ever she's inside it she learns that a there's a killer on the loose one night after she stays up late working on a report she is attacked by a man in a leather jacket then as if by miracle she uses karate to defeat the man she calls the police and they arrest her after the rest the mother of her room's previous owner comes in and tells her the story about her daughter who always had a talent for karate. "The Child Artist"- A ill woman asks her mother to take care of her 2 year old daughter one day while going to through a yard sale her grand daughter picks out an old chalkboard so the grandma buys it she is discovered that her daughter has written something else besides chicken scratch on the chalkboard are the words save Mommmy she calls her daughter to make sure its not just some embellishment but gets worried when no one answers the phone so she heads down to her house and discovers her body lying on the couch she manages to get her out just in time. "The Weatherman" - Brent Fillie is a southern Californian weatherman who loves the money and fame that come with his job, until the station manager informs him he is about to be let go due to boring weather reports. To save his job, Brent "spices up" his forecasts with false predications. On his way out of work, he encounters an angry woman who states her father died weather proofing the house from a heart attack and blames Brent for it. He dismisses her as a nut and leaves. However, sometime afterwards, Brent is killed in an accident. Eyewitnesses claim a tornado came out of nowhere and sent his car flying to his death. "Sit-Down Comic"- Jimmy always wanted to be a comic on live stage but he had a case of stage fright his rival Joey got a job as a comic instead and Jimmy was his manager one day while in his car Joey accidentally hits Jimmy. Jimmy decides that he has had enough of Joey's mocking and bans Joey from his life. Ji
Thursday, July 25th, 2002
7: The Wreath, Terror Night, Tants, The Candidate & The Ring
"The Wreath" - After a young boy gets killed in a hit-and-run, the parents try to get him a burial plot and stone near the highway he was killed in, and after the major signs the documents (but fails to remember he did), they get the stone. While at the funeral of their son on a nice weather day, suddenly wind picks up and the wreath flies at a car covering up the driver's vision, causing him to crash. It turns out that the driver of the car was the man that hit the young boy in the hit-in-run. "Terror Night" - After the faucet and shower goes awry, the residents at their apartment discover a lady who just had a heart attack and sent them a message to help her from beyond her unconsciousness. "Tants" - After and artist pains a portrait of an old lady named Tants, the artist's mother discovers that that Tants is her mother and the artists grandmother. "The Candidate" - While staying at the Lincoln Hotel, Abraham Lincoln makes a candidate in an election tell the truth instead of lies to win the election. "The Ring" - After a love affair with a rich man, Tiffany the Hairdresser tries to kill a lady in the salon with a hair dryer, but accidentally kills herself because the ring responds to the electricity in the machine.
Thursday, August 1st, 2002
8: Caitlin's Candle, The Flower Jury, The Mentor, The Old Bike & The Music Teacher
"Caitlin's Candle" - A father and daughter live alone together after their Mom passed away, she was a very good craft maker. One particular craft stuck out in her daughter's mind - a candle with an inscription in it. While being robbed in a house robbing, the father struggles to stop the burglary but suffers a stroke in the process. Now he is in a wheelchair going through therapy to recover, so his daughter has to take care of him. After the daughter feeds him lunch one afternoon, she took him on an evening walk around town. While they stop to look at an old building, the daughter gets robbed of her purse. She tells two men two watch over her father while she chases the robber. He ends up leading her in a run-down, messy house. While she looked around, the burglar came up from behind an choked her to the floor, but suddenly a candle shot up near the fireplace causing the burglar to run out. Suddenly after the candle burnt out, the young woman looked at the candle which was the stolen one. While showing her father, the father drops it to the floor and a diamond necklace is discovered underneath the candle. he necklace proved to be worth $100,000.00 so the young woman could go back to law enforcement school and the dad could hire a maid around the house. "The Flower Jury" - After an owner at a local plant shop is murdered, the owner's nephew is devastated over the loss. The FBI have no leads, suspects, or witnesses to whom did the homicide. One of the FBI agents has a crazy plan that his college professor did in college - to hook a lie detector test up to a plant to see who the killer was because the hypothesis is that plants have the same feelings and emotions as human beings. The other FBI agent agreed to go along with the plan, and took in a line of suspects. To be proven guilty or innocent, they had to show two profiles of themselves. After the line of people quickly descended and soon enough ran out, the nephew walked in the back room to ask what was going on. S
Thursday, August 8th, 2002
9: The Wealthy Widow, The Witness, The Accident, Bad Dreams & Mental
"The Wealthy Widow" - When Dirk tried to marry a set-for-life farm lady (Cassie), he tried to find her dead husband's one million dollar fortune. While sleeping one night, a ghostly presence appears and tells Dirk to follow him to show him where the fortune is. In the barn, the person reveals himself as Cassie's dead husband. After Dirk tried many times shooting the ghost, the ghost appears all over the barn and finally pushed the trunk of money atop Dirks heath off of the bus causing Dirk to die. After Dirk's death, Cassie saved the money in a bank. "The Witness" - After a three best-friends lose their other best-friend in a homicide situation, they are desperate to find out who her murderer was. The decide to preform at ritual in finding her spirit to reveal the killer. They go in a circle while holding hands with candles in the center of the circle and repeated words, and the lights started flashing and suddenly "I'm here" appeared on a mirror. Soon after that the phone rang and the answering machine picked up a ghostly voice revealing the murderer. The murderer was soon sent to prison. "The Accident" - While on the road of good Samaritan trying to rush to their sick son at home, an man and his nervous wife see another man trapped in a truck in fire. He breaks the window open and pulls the man to safety and recovers him. Five years later, the man that was saved is in his truck with his wife on the good Samaritan road, and they, too, discover a truck engulfed in flames. The man was great-full for his life being saved five years and he wanted to save this persons' life also. He quickly broke the window and drag the man out of the truck and recovered him. He then realized that this was the same man that saved his life the same way five years earlier. "Bad Dreams" - A woman who's mother was brutally murdered in her dream at the age of five actually occurred after she dream it, so this dream to her was no different. She had a dream that on her thirtieth birthday th
Thursday, August 15th, 2002
10: Moonstruck Beach, Healing Hands, Aspen Sunny Side, Night Walker & Hot Car
Segment 1: ""Moonstruck Beach"" - A struggling writer, ""Valerie Simms,"" rents a cabin in ""Moonstruck Beach"" in the hopes of getting away from it all and writing the great American novel. She meets the village caretaker, Jerry Corbin, who seems to be a friendly man. While strolling along the beach, she sights what appears to be a dead female body, but when she looks again, it's gone. Returning to her cabin, she finds that her printer has printed a page she did not request. The message is backwards, but when she holds it up to the window, she reads the reflection. The name ""DEANNA LINDSAY"" is repeated all over the paper. She asks the caretaker, Jerry, about Deanna Lindsay, who it turned out committed suicide about a year ago. She had been staying in that very same cabin. After another walk, Valerie returns home to find another printer message, which instructs her to get out because ""Jerry killed me!"" She narrowly escapes being killed by Jerry herself, knocking over Jerry with her car. Jerr
Thursday, August 22nd, 2002
11: The Mystery of Douglas Hibbard, Wheelchair Man, The Vigil, The Mandarin's Bowl & Ghost Writer
Segment 1: ""The Mystery Of Douglas Hibbard"" - Douglas Hibbard, a business man, is on a buisness trip with a bad case of the flu. He wants to meet his wife the next day for their tenth wedding aniversary, but he is afraide that he wont make the five hour drive home so he and his wife agree that he should stay at a hotel. Douglas tried to get sleep that night, but the flu was so overbearing tha he couldn't get rest. Douglas then went downstairs to the hotel manager to ask for directions to a local drug store. After the manager gives the directions, a little while later Douglas comes in with a wet and d muddy rain coat and a gift bag. He tells the hotel manager to keep the gift bag in the hotel safe, so the manager does so. After the wife and hotel manager cannot reach Douglas, the mager goes into his room to see what happened and the manager didn't see a thing - not Douglas, not even drippy mud. After the hotel manager goes back downstairs, a cop waiting in the lobby reveales that Dougla
Thursday, August 29th, 2002
12: Witness to Murder, Roulette Wheel, The Phrenologist's Head, The Bridge & The Cigar Box
Segment 1: ""Witness To Murder"" - Back in the days, scientists wanted to catch something incredible on tape - ghosts. One scientist, although, was obsessed with capturing one on tape, and he was also running out of time and money. One night, a called a paranormal investigor who could possibly raise the dead spirits of a house. When they went inside, they saw two ghosts and a murder that happened years before. A man choked his wife with a rope, but then when the ghost saw the crew and paranormal investigator, he was mad. The crew left happy because they were the first to get the whole incident on film, but when they went out to the car of the scientists', they found the film wrapped around his neck - he was choked to death. Segment 2: ""Roulette Wheel"" - A man who always goes to casinos never wins, he always spends his whole paycheck on gambling at the Roulette Wheel. After he spends his whole check, he goes into the pathroom to wash his face and dry his hands, but when he goes to dry his
Thursday, September 5th, 2002
13: The Hand, The Battered Doll, Poker Justice, Above the Clouds & Screen Saver
Segment 1: ""The Hand"" - In a bar called the Bloody Hand, named after a brutal murder of a woman whose only remains found were her bloody hand, a drifter finds the hand is pointing at him. Is it a practical joke or is he the killer? Segment 2: ""The Battered Doll"" - A maid kills her employers and claims innocence until one of the prize possessions of the mistress, tells otherwise. The only problem it's a doll. Segment 3: ""Poker Justice"" - In the early 1900s, in an Irish bar, three poker players kill another one when he's revealed to be a cheat, and the only way to get back their losings is to enlist the aid of a ""good man"". They give the winnings to a boy found in the church and precede to play poker with him to win their money back. The only problem is that he's good and proceeds to win more of their money! Is he a cheat too? Segment 4: ""Above the Clouds"" - Melanie continues to have a dream where she is trapped in an elevator and it terrifies her. When she must travel in an elevator wit
Season 5
Sunday, October 31st, 2021
1: Lucky Numbers / Everything has its Place / Candle in the Woods / Awakening of the Gift
Sunday, October 30th, 2022
2: The Guardian Angel / El Muerto / Towers / Lucky Loser / Hickey
Sunday, October 30th, 2022
3: Gettysburg / The Nun / Connected / Vanished In The Woods / Noisy Neighbors
Sunday, March 5th, 2023
4: Occult Legacy / The Legendary Studio / The Hand of Justice / Strange Lights / The Veteran
Sunday, March 5th, 2023
5: The Forbidden Treasure / Forgotten Places / A Cold Trail / The Legacy / Mysterious Messages
Season 6
Sunday, October 29th, 2023
1: Der Kontrolleur / Das Hotel des Grauens / Eine blutige Spur / Ehre unter Dieben / Und wieder rot
In einem Hotel verschwindet eine junge Frau spurlos im Aufzug. Rotglühende Augen verfolgen den Sohn einer Familie. Im mittelalterlichen England sorgt ein Mann für Gerechtigkeit. Ein sturer Fahrkartenkontrolleur wird von seinen Taten heimgesucht. In Kentucky regnet es Tierkadaver.
Friday, November 1st, 2024
2: Betsys Hotel / Am anderen Ende / Vor dem Flug / Keine Sympathie für den Teufel / Der Dichter
Betsys Hotel 1990: Die Teenager Holly, Skip und Dean lassen sich auf eine Mutprobe ein: eine Nacht in einem Haus zu verbringen, in dem furchtbare Morde stattgefunden haben. Besonders Dean freut sich darauf, das Haus mit seinem Camcorder zu erkunden und auf Geisterjagd zu gehen. Und noch mehr darüber, dass er mit Holly eine Nacht zusammen sein kann, in die er schon lange verliebt ist. Doch die Nacht wird sich anders für die drei Freunde gestalten als gedacht. Am anderen Ende Nach dem Tod seiner Frau ist Witwer Bill nicht mehr derselbe. Er verschanzt sich in seiner Werkstatt und repariert dort alte Elektrogeräte für die wenigen Kunden, die er noch hat. Er sieht keinen Sinn mehr in seinem Leben. Selbst sein Hobby, das CB-Funken, will ihm keine Freude mehr bereiten. Doch dann betritt eine junge Frau seinen Laden, die sein festgefahrenes Leben mächtig in Unordnung bringen wird. Vor dem Flug Die Flugbegleiterin Shayna Devaux ist als erste an Bord, um Pre-Flight Security Checks vorzunehmen. M
Friday, November 1st, 2024
3: Der Unbekannte / Das böse Spiegelbild / Die Zeitverschiebung / Stalker / Dreht um!
Der Unbekannte Seine letzten Arbeitstage beim Flughafenzoll hatte sich Garvey ganz anders vorgestellt. Nun behauptet sein Kollege einen echten Passfälscher erwischt zu haben. Nichts neues, da sein jüngerer Kollege schon oft Reisenenden aus fremden Ländern ähnliche Anschuldigungen gemacht hat. Als Garvey den Raum mit dem Fremden betritt und dessen Pass tatsächlich nicht gelesen werden kann, wird ihm schnell klar, dass hier etwas ganz und gar nicht stimmen kann. Das böse Spiegelbild Es ist ungerecht: Obwohl sich Jennifer richtig ins Zeug legt, wird sie nicht befördert. Kein Wunder, denn ihr Kollege gibt ihre Arbeit für seine aus, und Jennifer hat keine Chance ihm das zu beweisen. Als eine der wenigen Frauen im Unternehmen flüchtet sie sich mit ihrer Wut in die Damentoilette, wo sie auf eine ungewöhnliche Mitstreiterin trifft, die eine klare Vorstellung davon hat, wie sie Jennifers Problem lösen würde. Die Zeitverschiebung Ein Zwillingspaar ist auf einem Road-Trip. Leider haben die beiden
Sunday, November 3rd, 2024
Sunday, November 3rd, 2024