The League
Season 0
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1: Season One Deleted Scenes
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2: Andre: Dress With Style, Win With Style
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3: Legalize Kevin's Pubic Smoke
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4: Season One Blooper Reel
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5: Alt Nation
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6: Mr. McGibblet's Fun House & Dojo
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7: Birthday Song
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8: Three Penis Wine
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9: Vaginal Hubris Extended
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10: Carmenjello Extended Episode
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11: Thanksgiving Extended Episode
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12: The Out of Towner Extended Episode
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13: St. Pete Extended Episode
not specified
14: The Funeral Extended Episode
Season 1
Thursday, October 29th, 2009
1: The Draft
A group of friends from Chicago begin their annual fantasy football league by preparing the league draft, but three-time defending champ Pete has a problem: his wife Meegan doesn't want him to play this season.
Thursday, November 5th, 2009
2: The Bounce Test
Pete's split with Meegan intrudes upon Ruxin's marriage, as Sofia is neglecting him sexually in order to spend her time helping Meegan deal with the break-up. Meanwhile, Jenny reveals to Sofia the sexual secrets that ensure that Kevin will never leave her.
Thursday, November 12th, 2009
3: Sunday at Ruxin's
Ruxin invites everyone over on Sunday to watch the games, see the baby, and have lunch. His guests get much more lunch than they expected, as Ruxin and Sofia forbid the gang from watching football during their meal.
Thursday, November 19th, 2009
4: Mr. McGibblets
The guys join Pete on what was supposed to be his 5th-anniversary spa trip. Meanwhile, Kevin enlists Taco to scare his daughter off of her new toy, which Kevin hates.
Thursday, December 3rd, 2009
5: The Usual Bet
Pete and Kevin get stuck at a terrible Christmas party instead of watching the games, while Ruxin and Taco go to Chinatown on a very special mission.
Thursday, December 10th, 2009
6: The Shiva Bowl
The guys try to hide the Shiva Trophy from their high school classmate - the actual Shiva. Taco gets a "real person job at a Volkswagen dealership.
Season 2
Thursday, September 16th, 2010
1: Vegas Draft
Andre plans an extravagant trip to Vegas for the league's 2010 fantasy draft, but the group credits Pete to mess with Andre. The gang must choose between Jenny and Ruxin's creepy brother-in-law, Raffi, when a spot on the league opens up during the trip.
Thursday, September 23rd, 2010
2: Bro-Lo El Cuñado
The married guys atone for Vegas with an adult weekend for Kevin and Jenny and 'Terrific Lady Day' for Ruxin and Sofia. Raffi continues to plague the league with his abrasive personality and creepy mannerisms.
Thursday, September 30th, 2010
3: The White Knuckler
Andre brings in a new partner to expand his medical practice. Ruxin uses a sick kid to meet NFL star Josh Cribbs and Pete deals with the complications of dating Kevin's ex-girlfriend.
Thursday, October 7th, 2010
4: The Kluneberg
Jenny and the guys catch up with their old friend Russell, and the guys all try to get Rafi out of the league by pretending that it's being ended. Meanwhile, Taco finds a toilet seat in a dumpster, and Andre buys an "interesting" expensive painting.
Thursday, October 14th, 2010
5: The Marathon
Pete spares Andre no grief after announcing plans to run a marathon. Kevin and Jenny seek balance between conflicting roles as both spouses and league adversaries. Ruxin offends a colleague, but Taco's new venture as a notary may be the solution.
Thursday, October 21st, 2010
6: The Anniversary Party
Ruxin throws Sofia an anniversary party on the same day as Jenny's birthday. Meegan returns with a 'plus one.'
Thursday, October 28th, 2010
7: Ghost Monkey
Kevin convinces everyone to come to the suburbs for Halloween. Meanwhile, Pete has given Ruxin the privilege of selecting his opponent's team for their upcoming match. Taco feels responsible for events relating to a petting-zoo monkey.
Thursday, November 4th, 2010
8: The Tie
Andre and Ruxin refuse to accept a tie, adding to Kevin's current frustrations as league commissioner. Pete has a connection for great Bears tickets, but the gang warns him about what he may have to provide in return. Taco discovers Western medicine.
Thursday, November 11th, 2010
9: Expert Witness
Andre prepares for his turn as an expert witness in Ruxin's big case, but thinks Pete is trying to steal his thunder. Ruxin tries to ferret out collusion between Kevin and Jenny. Taco needs a nude portrait to impress the courtroom artist.
Thursday, November 18th, 2010
10: High School Reunion
It's high-school reunion time, and Andre is looking forward to basking in his success while Ruxin wants to show off Sofia. Meanwhile, Pete needs a name for the new Last Place Trophy and everyone learns the history of the Shiva blast.
Thursday, December 2nd, 2010
11: Ramona Neopolitano
During the last week before the playoffs, Andre's special diet makes him exceptionally emotional about his matchup. Kevin gets in a fight with fantasy football gurus John Hansen and Adam Caplan, and Ruxin begs the guys to cover for him when he lies to Sofia.
Thursday, December 9th, 2010
12: Kegel the Elf
It's Christmas and more importantly it's the playoffs, so tension runs high. While Ruxin's revenge gift to Kevin goes terribly awry, Ellie suddenly acting up at school causes Jenny to worry that all this attention to fantasy football is making her a bad mom. Meanwhile Taco's eggs turn one year old.
Thursday, December 9th, 2010
13: The Sacko Bowl
At season's end, Jenny and Ruxin are vying for the Shiva while Andre and Taco duel it out for the Sacko. Kevin learns to read lips by watching porn. Pete buys a Crown Vic and is mistaken for a cop.
Season 3
Thursday, October 6th, 2011
1: The Lockout
The terrible reign of Ruxin as League Champion continues while the guys devise a grand plan with Rafi and Dirty Randy for Andre's final Sacko punishment.
Thursday, October 13th, 2011
2: The Sukkah
Everyone is disappointed with their draft, but no one trusts each other enough to trade. Jenny goes back to work as a realtor. Ruxin tries to get Baby Geoffrey into a Jewish pre-school.
Thursday, October 20th, 2011
3: The Au Pair
Ruxin hires a hot Au Pair for Baby Geoffrey, and is afraid Taco will sleep with her. Andre explores online dating, and Kevin cheats on Jenny with ESPN fantasy football analyst Matthew Berry.
Thursday, October 27th, 2011
4: Ol' Smoke Crotch
Kevin struggles with getting older. Ruxin is so desperate to get rid of his au pair that he gets Rafi's help. Taco finds a market for Kevin and Jenny's wedding cocktail napkins and Pete learns a new sexual position, which he regrets.
Thursday, November 3rd, 2011
5: Bobbum Man
Jenny forgets a special anniversary with Kevin. Andre seeks line-up Nirvana. Kevin is haunted by Pete's imaginary character, the "Bobbum Man," which takes on a life of its own through Taco's offline social network called "My-face."
Thursday, November 10th, 2011
6: Yobogoya!
Jenny jeopardizes Ruxin's chance to work on a big case with his boss, Mr. Hudabega. Taco competes in a jingle contest for a disgusting fast food restaurant. Pete holds a grudge against a traffic cop.
Thursday, November 10th, 2011
7: Carmenjello
Kevin and Jenny search for the perfect paint color to get back their privacy. Sofia accuses Ruxin of breast favoritism, and Andre is honored at his former high school for a donation.
Thursday, November 17th, 2011
8: Thanksgiving
Ruxin gets an unexpected visit from his father, and Andre's sister is on the prowl at the gang's Thanksgiving dinner. Taco makes an edible investment. Kevin and Jenny have a problem with Ellie's class pet.
Thursday, December 1st, 2011
9: The Out of Towner
The group's old buddy, Chuck, visits and is not at all like what the guys remember him to be. Meanwhile, Kevin and Jenny get in over their heads with a drug dealer, and Taco goes on a radical diet.
Thursday, December 8th, 2011
10: The Light of Genesis
Kevin suspects that his Krav Maga teacher might be hitting on him. Meanwhile, Ruxin joins a cult in order to gain their Fantasy Football knowledge, and Jenny entrusts Andre with a secret.
Thursday, December 15th, 2011
11: The Guest Bong
Pete's new girlfriend wants to help him with his line up. Kevin's past at the DA's office has him running scared. Ruxin runs afoul of his company's email policies, and auto-correct gets everybody in trouble.
Thursday, December 22nd, 2011
12: St. Pete
Kevin and Jenny make a bold bet on the play-offs. Taco enlists Ruxin to get more involved with Taco Corp, and Pete has devilish plan to send Ruxin to the Sacko.
Thursday, December 22nd, 2011
13: The Funeral
The race is on for the Shiva and the Sacko. Taco teams up with Chicago Bears' Running Back Matt Forte, and Ruxin is unable to manage his own team for the big game, leaving League to figure out who will run it for him.
Season 4
Thursday, October 11th, 2012
1: Training Camp
The League prepares for the draft and the arrival of Kevin and Jenny's baby boy. Taco's business dealings with Jerry Jones get the guys invited to the Dallas Cowboys' Training Camp.
Thursday, October 18th, 2012
2: The Hoodie
Kevin and Jenny argue over whether or not their son will be circumcised and everyone takes sides, including Shiva.
Thursday, October 25th, 2012
3: The Freeze Out
A kid's birthday party interferes with Pete's planned paintball outing. Meanwhile, Ruxin has a run-in with a sushi chef.
Thursday, November 1st, 2012
4: The Breastalyzer
Kevin and Jenny realize that Kristin Cavallari is in their baby group. Meanwhile, Rafi is entrusted to take Ruxin's son to his swim class.
Thursday, November 8th, 2012
5: Judge MacArthur
Kevin runs into NFL quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick at a charity event. Meanwhile, the guys attempt to determine who among them is the smartest.
Thursday, November 15th, 2012
6: The Tailgate
Andre's plan to take the guys tailgating is thwarted when their high school nemesis Frank "The Body" Gibiatti and his gang have the same idea. Taco tries to sell knockoff merchandise and has a run in with Chicago Great Jim McMahon.
Thursday, November 29th, 2012
7: The Vapora Sport
Pete fights over a pair of shoes with a man in a wheelchair. Taco teaches a dog to recognize the scent of sex. Jenny and Kevin get Ellie a piano.
Thursday, December 6th, 2012
8: The Anchor Baby
Ruxin is worried that Sofia has soured on their marriage. The guys try to shake free of an undesirable acquaintance. Jenny uses insider information to make a dirty trade.
Thursday, December 6th, 2012
9: Bro-Lo El Cordero
Andre takes advantage of Kevin after his colonoscopy. Pete suspects his Grandpa Duke is committing adultery. The group enlists Rafi to settle a League dispute when no one trusts Ruxin to do it.
Thursday, December 13th, 2012
10: Our Dinner With Andre
Kevin is blackmailed by Ellie's boyfriend, Taco helps Ruxin with his fertility issues, and Pete re-connects with his high school crush Gina Gibiatti.
Thursday, December 13th, 2012
11: 12.12.12
Andre starts dating his interior decorator and discovers that the buyer of his old loft is Deion Sanders. Rafi and Dirty Randy prepare for the end of the world.
Thursday, December 20th, 2012
12: A Krampus Carol
Andre and Trixie's relationship is put to the test. Jenny and Pete make special offerings to Shiva. Rupert Ruxin has a gift for his son while Taco challenges the Mall Santa.
Thursday, December 20th, 2012
13: The Curse of Shiva
Gina Gibiatti returns and Pete has a decision to make. Ruxin enlists Rafi to protect himself during Scrote Season. Taco Corp has a New Years Eve bash.
Season 5
Wednesday, September 4th, 2013
1: The Bachelor Draft
The League travels to Los Angeles for Andre and Trixie's destination wedding. Ruxin refuses to do his Sacko punishments and Shiva Champion Ted has a few surprises for everyone at the draft, including JJ Watt.
Wednesday, September 11th, 2013
2: The Von Nowzick Wedding
The wedding weekend continues but what happened at the draft comes back to haunt everyone. Ruxin wrestles J.J. Watt for control of his fantasy team.
Wednesday, September 18th, 2013
3: Chalupa vs. the Cutlet
Kevin and Jenny discover that Jay and Kristen Cutler's kid is attending the same preschool. Pete tries to cheer up Andre with a little help from Snoop Dogg. Taco gives away control of his team.
Wednesday, September 25th, 2013
4: Rafi and Dirty Randy
When their friend is murdered, Rafi and Dirty Randy head to L.A. to avenge his death and break into the mainstream porn business.
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013
5: The Bye Week
Ruxin misses his flight for a business trip and decides to hide out in Chicago instead of going home. Taco Corp. gets its first Worldwide Headquarters.
Wednesday, October 9th, 2013
6: Heavy Petting
Taco Corp. starts a petting zoo business. Kevin and Ellie rebel when Jenny tries to get the family to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Pete uses Andre as a trade maid.
Wednesday, October 16th, 2013
7: The Bringer Show
Andre takes a stand up class. Jenny joins a women's investment club. Pete plays Ruxin with two open slots on his team.
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013
8: Flowers for Taco
Chalupa Batman's first words cause fantasy friction between Kevin and Jenny. Ruxin's dog loses interest in Jenny. Taco is forced to face life without marijuana. Andre has never been pooped on by a bird.
Wednesday, October 30th, 2013
9: The Automatic Faucet
Pete's lineups at work are out-performing his fantasy roster. Andre makes a trade with Jenny that could threaten his career. Rafi and Taco try to cash in on Kevin's mortality.
Wednesday, November 6th, 2013
10: The Near Death Flex-perience
Taco opens a pubic barber shop. Kevin's near death Flex-perience with Greg Jennings causes trouble with Jenny. Andre discovers a patient's electronic voice box sounds just like Ruxin.
Wednesday, November 13th, 2013
11: The Credit Card Alert
Ellie's basketball coach makes life tough on everyone. Pete dates a married woman, and Andre tries to help with a trade.
Wednesday, November 20th, 2013
13: The 8 Defensive Points of Hanukkah
The Shiva and The Ruxin are on the line. Andre confronts the one plastic surgeon in Chicago. Rafi tries to collect a debt from Ruxin's sister Rebecca. TacoCorp launches The Eskimo Brothers Database.
Wednesday, November 20th, 2013
12: Baby Geoffrey Jesus
Ruxin and Sofia battle over what religion baby Geoffrey will be. Andre tries a long con. Kevin worries he has been taking Jenny for granted.
Season 6
Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014
1: Sitting Shiva
Kevin struggles with being married to the Shiva champ. Andre's newfound confidence is unbearable. Taco hits the links. The guys attend a funeral.
Wednesday, September 10th, 2014
2: Tefl-Andre
Jay Glazer does a big favor for Andre. Kevin is diagnosed with Low T. Ruxin meddles with Baby Geoffrey's Little League team.
Wednesday, September 17th, 2014
3: The Height Supremacist
Andre gets punished by the rest of the League. Jenny picks her team based on height. Ellie invites Darren Sproles to a dance. Pete needs the help of TacoCorp.
Wednesday, September 24th, 2014
4: When Rafi Met Randy
The beautiful story of Randall and Rafael's meeting in a mental institution and how it forever changed their lives.
Wednesday, October 1st, 2014
5: The Hot Tub
Kevin and Jenny get a hot tub. Taco shops for a new home. Pete tries to put an end to hand holding.
Wednesday, October 8th, 2014
6: Breast Awareness Month
Andre uses Breast Cancer Awareness Month as an excuse to wear pink. Taco starts his own Charity. Kevin has a run in with his doctor.
Wednesday, October 15th, 2014
7: The Heavenly Fouler
Andre rescues a cat. Pete has to choose between a great prank and a great girl. Kevin plays basketball with his priest.
Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014
8: Man Land
Jenny's dad takes the guys camping. Andre and Russell go into business together. Pete's new team name offends Kevin who refuses to say it.
Wednesday, October 29th, 2014
9: Taco Standard Time
Taco takes on the end of Daylight Savings Time. The guys try to help to Lane during a difficult time. Andre and his cat M'Lady are on the rocks.
Wednesday, November 5th, 2014
10: Epi Sexy
Pete is dating a girl who has seizures during sex. Andre starts wearing glasses. Taco's frittata friend teaches Jenny to cook.
Wednesday, November 12th, 2014
Taco and Andre both want the guys to watch football at their new establishments. Pete tries to hide something he has in common with Andre. Ruxin is disgusted by his co-worker's hygiene habits.
Wednesday, November 19th, 2014
12: Ménage à Cinq
Taco finds a new strain of marijuana. Andre tries to control Pete's relationship with one of his patients. Trixie Von Stein's return complicates Russell and Andre's already competitive relationship.
Wednesday, November 19th, 2014
13: The Beach House
There is more at stake this year than just the Shiva; Ted's beach house is also up for grabs. Ruxin tries to impress an agent. Jenny has grown attached to the Shiva.
Season 7
Wednesday, September 9th, 2015
1: That Other Draft
Pete bumps into his ex-wife. Jenny is a VIP during the draft in Chicago, while Kevin runs into the Seahawks' general manager. Marshawn Lynch attends Taco Corp's annual board meeting.
Wednesday, September 16th, 2015
2: The Draft of Innocence
No one likes Andre's idea of a themed draft. Pete isn't speaking to Andre. The league agrees to an auction draft and, shockingly, there are huge problems.
Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015
3: The Blind Spot
Football is back and everyone fights over where to watch the games. Ruxin has his house to himself, sort of. Taco launches EBDBPrime.
Wednesday, September 30th, 2015
4: Deflategate
Andre gets sued by Frank 'The Body' Gibbiati. Jenny gets relationship advice from Green Bay wide receiver Randall Cobb.
Wednesday, October 7th, 2015
5: The Bully
Kevin is uncomfortable with Ellie's new sex-ed class. Taco starts a Little Eskimo Brothers program at the EBDBBnB.
Wednesday, October 14th, 2015
6: The Beer Mile
Pete decides to run the Beer Mile with Taco as his coach. Kevin tries to figure out where the gardener goes to the bathroom. Jenny's matchup with Andre means playing Andre and Meegan.
Wednesday, October 21st, 2015
7: Trophy Kevin
Andre uses the EBDBBnB for farming. Taco acquires a drone. Pete's new referee friend has Kevin feeling insecure.
Wednesday, October 28th, 2015
8: The Last Temptation of Andre
Andre joins a Korean church for the parking. Detroit wide receiver Golden Tate flips the script when he and Taco create a fantasy workplace league and draft the others.
Wednesday, November 4th, 2015
9: The Yank Banker
Pete isn't sure if he wants to commit to Libby. Taco embraces his day job in the banking world. Andre's patient is a college crush.
Wednesday, November 11th, 2015
10: The Block
Taco retires from sex because of concussions. Andre's one night stand with an Uber driver goes awry. Pete binge watches seven seasons of "The Block;" and Ruxin and Sofia use the internet to keep up their sex life while she is in Puerto Rico.
Wednesday, November 18th, 2015
11: Adios y Bienvenidos
Sofia decides to get plastic surgery and Ruxin has to deal with the aftermath. Elsewhere: Rafi and Dirty Randy travel to Puerto Rico.
Wednesday, December 2nd, 2015
12: The 13 Stages of Grief
The league is kicked off their fantasy football website, so Kevin runs the league old school. Jenny deals with loss. Rafi counsels Ruxin. Andre tries to co-opt Ruxin's dinner reservation.
Wednesday, December 9th, 2015
13: The Great Night of Shiva
In the series finale, the fates of the Shiva, Sacko and Snip are decided and Ruxin makes a big decision that impacts his chances of winning and the league's survival.