Sex and the City
Season 0
Wednesday, October 1st, 2003
1: The Museum of TV and Radio Seminar
Sex And The City seminar held by the Museum Of Television And Radio, New York.
Sunday, February 22nd, 2004
2: A Farewell
Michael Patrick King, Executive Producer: "People thought, oh it's just about sex or it's just about fashion. And then slowly over the years people start to see it's really about love ... and relationships ... and sex ... and basically the battlefield of trying to be in love – whether it be with another person or with yourself."
Tuesday, March 2nd, 2004
3: A Farewell (2)
Take a look back at all six seasons with Sex and the City: A Farewell -- containing exclusive interviews with the stars of Sex and the City, exclusive behind-the-scenes footage and other features that will grab the attention of any fan.
Tuesday, March 2nd, 2004
4: USCAF Writer's Panel Discussion
This may not be the end of "Sex and The City." The series top executive, Michael Patrick King, and the show's cast are talking with HBO about a movie that would continue the saga. There haven't been any decisions made yet. Until then, Cosmopolitans
Monday, May 12th, 2008
5: Sex And The City
A New York writer on sex and love is finally getting married to her Mr. Big. But her three best girlfriends must console her after one of them inadvertently leads Mr. Big to jilt her.
Thursday, May 27th, 2010
6: Sex And The City 2
While wrestling with the pressures of life, love, and work in Manhattan, Carrie, Miranda, and Charlotte join Samantha for a trip to Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), where Samantha's ex is filming a new movie.
Season 1
Saturday, June 6th, 1998
1: Sex and the City
"It's like the riddle of the Sphinx... Why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men?" - Carrie At a birthday party for thirtysomething Miranda, Carrie and her friends vow to stop worrying about findng the perfect male and start having sex like men. Carrie experiments with an old flame and meets Mr. Big; Miranda warms up to Skipper; Samantha has a one night stand with a man Charlotte wouldn't sleep with on the first date.
Sunday, June 7th, 1998
2: Models and Mortals
"Suddenly, I felt like I was wearing patchouli in a room full of Chanel." - Carrie Miranda makes the mistake of going out with a "modelizer" (someone who's obsessed with models); Samantha chooses to go out with a modelizer and has her sexual encounter videotaped; Carrie experiments with Derek the Model and flirts with Mr. Big.
Sunday, June 21st, 1998
3: Bay of Married Pigs
Carrie is invited to a couple's house in the Hamptons only to be flashed by the husband; Miranda's law firm thinks she's a lesbian; Samantha gets to know her doorman better; Charlotte dumps and eligible guy with the wrong china pattern.
Sunday, June 28th, 1998
4: Valley of the Twenty-something Guys
"There are no available men in their thirties in New York. Giuliani had them removed along with the homeless." - Miranda Carrie discovers the limitations of going out with a twentysomething hunk. Charlotte's boyfriend has a sexual favor to ask; Samantha comes to the sobering realization that she'll always be older than her boy toy.
Sunday, July 5th, 1998
5: The Power of Female Sex
"Where's the line between professional girlfriend, and just plain professional?" - Carrie Carrie goes on a date with a gorgeous French architect who shows his thanks with a thousand dollars; a famous painter uses Charlotte as one of his models; Skipper becomes sexually obsessed with Miranda.
Sunday, July 12th, 1998
6: Secret Sex
"A guy can just as easily dump you if you f*ck him on the first date as he can if you wait until the tenth." - Samantha How many of us out there are having sex with people we are ashamed to introduce to our friends? Carrie thinks Mr. Big is keeping her a secret, while Miranda discovers a secret about her new boyfriend. Samantha has never been discreet with anyone she's ever slept with, and Charlotte divulges her past love affair with one of God's chosen people.
Sunday, July 19th, 1998
7: The Monogamists
Carrie is spending all her time with Mr. Big, and then finds he's not being exclusive, which she can't handle. Miranda has broken up with Skipper, but when she sees him out with another woman, she tries to get back together, on a non-exclusive basis, which he can't handle. Samantha goes apartment hunting, supposedly with a realtor on an exclusive basis, but actually continues to use others.
Sunday, July 26th, 1998
8: Three's a Crowd
Charlotte is dating Jack, who wants a threesome, but she is unsure. Carrie discovers that Mr. Big has an ex-wife, and feels threatened. Samantha is seeing a married man; when his wife finds out, she proposes a threesome to keep their marriage together. Miranda feels unattractive and looks for affirmation that she isn't.
Sunday, August 2nd, 1998
9: The Turtle and the Hare
Mr. Big tells Carrie he's never going to marry again, which unsettles her. Miranda introduces the friends to the Rabbit, a mechanical aid, and Charlotte becomes addicted. Stanford Blatch proposes to Carrie as a cover, so he can inherit his part of the family fortune.
Sunday, August 9th, 1998
10: The Baby Shower
The four friends are invited to a baby shower out in Connecticut, and they each react differently. Carrie is “late”, and wonders how she would be as a mother. Samantha throws an “I don't have a baby” shower party.
Sunday, August 16th, 1998
11: The Drought
Carrie's relationship with Mr. Big is moving into a more mundane, less physical stage, and she's worried whether it's due to her inadvertant flatulent indiscretion. Charlotte is dating a former lover of Carrie's, and finds that he's not interested in sex anymore. Samantha discovers that not having sex can be erotic. Miranda hasn't had sex for months.
Sunday, August 23rd, 1998
12: Oh Come All Ye Faithful
Miranda's lover always showers afterwards, as he's a Catholic. Carrie discovers Mr. Big takes his mother to church on Sundays. Samantha falls in love with a perfect man, but he doesn't measure up to her requirements. Charlotte consults a series of soothsayers about whether she will ever get married. Carrie breaks up with Mr. Big.
Season 2
Sunday, June 6th, 1999
1: Take Me Out To the Ballgame
After Carrie ends her relationship with Mr. Big, she dates a new member of the Yankees team, but they bump into Mr. Big and she realises she is not over him. Miranda becomes annoyed with the others talking about nothing but men. Samantha is unsatisfied with her boyfriend's shortcomings. Charlotte has a problem with her new boyfriend, Paul Ericson, continually adjusting himself, and her attempt to improve things misfires.
Sunday, June 13th, 1999
2: The Awful Truth
Carrie reluctantly invites Mr. Big to her birthday party after he sends her flowers. Samantha tries to tell her boyfriend about his shortcomings, and he gets them to go to a therapist. Charlotte gets a puppy, Henry, in lieu of a perfect man. Miranda talks dirty with her lover, the “spring-roll man”.
Sunday, June 20th, 1999
3: The Freak Show
Carrie ruins a new relationship with Ben, a guy she meets in the park. Samantha dates Harrison, but finds he is into something she isn't. Charlotte dates Mitchell Sailor, “Mr. Pussy”. Miranda quits dating after Carrie sets her up with a blind date she doesn't like. Carrie realises she's a freak, too.
Sunday, June 27th, 1999
4: They Shoot Single People, Don't They?
Carrie thinks she enjoys being single, until she's late for a photo shoot and gets a bad picture on a magazine cover. Samantha dates William, a club owner, who lies about their possible future together. Charlotte tries to hook Tom, an actor friend after he decides to move to Salt Lake City. Miranda fakes ecstasy for Josh, a previous boyfriend whom she meets again.
Sunday, July 4th, 1999
5: Four Women and a Funeral
Carrie starts making it up with Mr. Big. Samantha is ostracised from New York's social scene after she commits an indiscreton. Charlotte falls for a recently widowed man she meets at a funeral. Miranda buys her own apartment, and starts suffering panic attacks.
Sunday, July 11th, 1999
6: The Cheating Curve
Where does the line between cheating and not cheating stands? The four glamorous women from Manhattan discuss the topic while going through their own experiences. Charlotte is having an opening at her gallery, where she walks in on her date making out with another woman. She is intrigued by the "powerful lesbians", a group of well-dressed, successful lesbians with good shoes. She accepts an invitation of dinner from one of them and has a great time on a men-free environment (the G-Spot, the newest, hottest girls club in the city), but soon faces restrictions due to her heterosexuality. Meanwhile, Samantha discovers that her hot personal instructor (that shaved her privates in the shape of a lightening) is giving lightening to other woman. Miranda has a tough time competing with porn when she discovers her date can only have sex while watching porn. And Carrie has trouble revealing to her friends that she is back together – officially – with Mr. Big.
Sunday, July 18th, 1999
7: The Chicken Dance
Miranda is shocked when her decorator and a friend who was just staying over for a few days announce their engagement with only knowing each other for a few days. At the engagement party, Samantha nags a date for herself, and Miranda wonders if her apartment will bring good luck to everyone but her. At the wedding, Charlotte is serving as one of the bride's maid, and gets the sexiest dress she can get to walk down the isle. Her escort is a very handsome man, and within a few hours they click as if they had gone out on several dates. Unfortunately the man takes his father's side when Charlotte complains that the old man felt her up. Samantha is shocked to realize that she had already slept with her engagement party date. Miranda is stuck with the guest book and thinks she's invisible to all men. Carrie is asked to write and proclaim a poem for the bride and groom, and is hurt when Mr. Big walks out of the room to answer his phone during her reading. She is saddened with the fact that wh
Sunday, July 25th, 1999
8: The Man, the Myth, the Viagra
Carrie continues her relationship with Mr. Big, but wants him to get to know her friends better. Samantha starts spending time with a wealthy seventy-something. Miranda has a bad experience with a married man, and starts seeing a bartender, Steve Brady.
Sunday, August 1st, 1999
9: Old Dogs, New Dicks
Carrie tries to get Mr. Big out of some of his annoying habits. Samantha chances on an old boyfriend who is now a drag queen, named in her honor, at drag bingo. Charlotte is horrified to find she's dating an uncircumcised man. Miranda is still dating Steve, the bartender, but they have problems with incompatible life-styles and schedules.
Sunday, August 8th, 1999
10: The Caste System
Carrie decides to say "I love you" to Mr. Big, but his response isn't exactly what she was hoping for. Instead, all she got was an ugly purse. They attend a fancy party from an upstate socialite, who won't allow indoors smoking or have any brown food or drinks at the party. While out in the terrace for a smoke, Carrie runs into Jeremiah, an artist/bartender with whom she's been flirting with for a several years. While he was showing her his tattoo, Serena the socialite walks in on them, and tells Mr. Big Carrie was giving him a blowjob. Offended, Carrie leaves the party with Jeremiah, get drunk and wakes up the next morning with him on his bed. Luckily they didn't do anything, because Mr. Big called her first thing in the morning saying he does love her, but he was just afraid to say it. Meanwhile, Charlotte meets a famous actor and acts like a groupie around him. But despite making exceptions on several dating rules, she feels like she has to establish some boundaries when the guy go
Sunday, August 15th, 1999
11: Evolution
Carrie thinks her relationship with Big has evolved enough to the place where she can leave stuff at his place. She purposely leaves a few items on his bathroom, only to be surprised by Big the next morning with a bag with all her items in it. Carrie is confused and tries to discuss it with him, but realizes she doesn't have to leave her marks on his place to know they're in a relationship. Meanwhile, Miranda feels her biological clock ticking when her gynecologist tells her one of her ovaries has stopped production. She starts taking hormones and going out on dates with guys she'd never go – like her co-worker with the hair plugs – but a discussion about freezing eggs leads her to realize she's only 33 and still has one ovary working. Samantha has the chance of getting back to the one guy who broke her heart, but can't resist the temptation of jumping to bed with him. Her vengeance plan goes down the drain when he dumps her and she realizes she hasn't evolved past having feelings quit
Sunday, August 22nd, 1999
12: La Douleur Exquise
Carrie freaks out when Big breaks the news to her that he might have to move to Paris for a year. She is revolted that all this time she thought of them as a "we" while his conception of "we" was "me and my penis." Angry and drunk after several shots of Cosmopolitan, Carrie calls Big at 5:30 am discussing their relationship. The next morning she drops by with greasy food and suggests that she too should move to Paris so they can stay together. Big shoots her idea down and says that if she moves to Paris it has to be because of her and not him. Carrie is even more revolted, but ultimately accepts that the man of her life has to go. Meanwhile, Charlotte's fetish with shoes brings her to a shoe salesman with a feet fetish who gives a 500-dollar pair of shows for free. She can't keep it and try to return, but the guy won't take it. Instead, he convinces her to model 6 new shoes that just came to the store. And Miranda meets a guy on a bookstore who likes to have sex where he can get caught
Sunday, August 29th, 1999
13: Games People Play
Carrie meets a new man, Seth Robinson, in her analyst's waiting room. Samantha dates a sports fan whose sex life is in sync with his teams' successes. Charlotte joins a bridge club to try to meet someone. Miranda flirts with a Peeping Tom in the apartment opposite.
Sunday, September 5th, 1999
14: The F**k Buddy
Getting over Mr. Big, Carrie makes a date with a special friend, and tries to make it a fuller relationship. Samantha has an interesting time with the couple next door until reality strikes. After Charlotte summons the courage to ask men for dates, she gets carried away and starts to double book. Miranda dates a man who she thinks is highly-strung, but is really just unpleasant.
Sunday, September 12th, 1999
15: Shortcomings
Carrie dates a writer, Vaughn, and meets his very open family, but finds them all too much. Samantha dates Charlotte's brother, Wesley, who is in town following his separation. Miranda dates a divorced father, and finds that his family ties are stronger than his feelings for her.
Sunday, September 19th, 1999
16: Was It Good for You?
Carrie meets a man and they go out for coffee. She gives him her phone number and when he doesn't call she wonders what she might of done to turn him off. She later runs into him in the street and he tells her the reason he didn't call is because he's an alcoholic and his AA sponsor told him that he shouldn't start any new relationships for at least a year. He throws caution to the wind and embarks on a relationship with Carrie. Soon enough though he becomes addicted to her instead of alcohol so she has to cut him off, which leads him to alcohol addiction once again. Charlotte thinks she's bad in bed when a guy falls asleep while making love to her so she enrolls herself in a tantric sex workshop and signs Carrie, Samantha and Miranda up as well. They go to the workshop and they all learn how to please their partner without actually having sex and Miranda accidently gets hit by flying ejaculate. Samantha agrees to have sex with a gay couple she knows but when the couple can't go th
Sunday, September 26th, 1999
17: Twenty-Something Girls vs. Thirty-Something Women
Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda head to the Hamptons and Charlotte meets a 26-year old guy. She tells him she's 27 and she starts to act like a girl in her twenties. They sleep together and he gives her crabs. Samantha fires her 25-year old assistant Nina and she steals her business rolodex. She gets jealous when Nina plans "The Hamptons Hoe-Down" and people who have never shown up for her parties show up for Nina's. She decides to congratulate her and is happy to discover that Nina needs her help because nothing is going as planned and to pay her back she sets her up with Greg, the guy who gave Charlotte crabs. Carrie gains a protege and can't believe that at 25 she's still a virgin. She goes to a book party and meets a doctor. Later at the hoe-down she runs into Mr. Big, who's back from Paris, with his twenty-something girlfriend whom he met in Paris.
Sunday, October 3rd, 1999
18: Ex and the City
Carrie wonders why she has never become friend with an ex-boyfriend, and decides that if she must start with someone, that someone mind as well be Mr. Big. She calls him up for inviting him over for a dinner, where he breaks the news that he's proposed to his new girlfriend, Natasha. Shocked, Carrie storms out of the restaurant, shouting and yelling about how with her he had a commitment problem for 2 years, but had found no difficulties on proposing to whats-her-name after 5 months. Meanwhile, the other gals try to find friends themselves. After running away (literally) from Steve, Miranda receives a visit from him in her place and ends up in bed with him – they're friends who have sex. Charlotte tries to become friends with a horse and overcome her trauma caused by her best friend – a horse – who threw her from his back when she was a child. And Samantha faces a challenge: she meets a man with a huge penis. So big that she isn't sure she can make it. When the doubt becomes a certain,
Season 3
Sunday, June 4th, 2000
1: Where There's Smoke...
The four friends take the ferry out to Staten Island to watch and judge the New York City Fire Department's “Calendar Contest”. Carrie meets a handsome local politician, Bill Kelley, but is reluctant about starting a relationship with him. Charlotte decides to get herself married by the end of the year, and has a date with Arthur. Samantha meets Ricky, a dream hunk, but their time together is ended prematurely when he has to leave to attend a fire. Miranda realizes that being rescued isn't necessarily a sign of weakness.
Sunday, June 11th, 2000
2: Politically Erect
Carrie eventually consummates her relationship with Bill Kelley, but is put out when he reveals a fantasy of his. Charlotte starts to put into action her plan of getting married by the end of the year, by throwing a ’used-boyfriend“ party. Samantha meets a bachelor, who although he is no match for her in height, is a match between the sheets. Miranda discusses with Steve whether their relationship should become deeper.
Sunday, June 18th, 2000
3: Attack of the Five-Foot-Ten Woman
Carrie spots Mr. Big and Natasha's wedding announcement in the paper, and later bumps into her while shopping. Samantha treats the four friends to a day at a spa, where one of the male attendants is reputed to give more than just massages. Charlotte is inhibited about disrobing in the steam baths, but later manages to force herself to, and is pleasantly surprised. Miranda has a new, Ukrainian cleaning lady, Magda, who takes it on herself to clean up Miranda's life as well as her apartment.
Sunday, June 25th, 2000
4: Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl...
Carrie finds out that Sean, her new young boyfriend, has had relationships with both men and women, and tries not to let it faze her, but it does eventually. Charlotte takes part in a photo shoot by a famous photographer, Baird Johnson, whose latest technique is to photograph women dressed as men. Samantha stands up to Matt, her new male assistant, eventually firing him, and then having sex with him. Miranda begins to feel suffocated by Steve's presence in her apartment, but when he leaves she feels lonely, and ends up inviting him to move in.
Sunday, July 9th, 2000
5: No Ifs, Ands, or Butts
Carrie tries to quit smoking to improve her chances with her new boyfriend, Aidan Shaw, a furniture designer. Charlotte has a new boyfriend, Brad, but he turns out to be an irredeemably lousy kisser. Samantha dates Chivon, an African-American, but his sister is no so open-minded. Miranda doesn't have the time to watch Steve practice basketball, even though there's the potential to win a million dollars: he is upset about this, and she realises she needs to put more effort into their relationship.
Sunday, July 16th, 2000
6: Are We Sluts?
Aidan is waiting until the time is right to sleep with Carrie, despite her best attempts at seduction, though they get there eventually. Charlotte's new man, Alexander Lindley, is unpleasantly talkative in bed, which upsets her. Samantha and her late night visitors get the blame when someone in her apartment building is robbed at gunpoint, and she is forced to move. Miranda contracts an STD, and notifying her list of sexual contacts proves to be highly embarrassing.
Sunday, July 23rd, 2000
7: Drama Queens
Carrie is invited to meet Aidan's family, but she feels overwhelmed and declines: she then spots Mr. Big and Natasha out together, and comes to realise that she has been behaving badly, and decides to meet Aidan's family after all. Charlotte falls down in the street and meets Trey McDougall, a very eligible doctor, with whom she hits it off immediately. Samantha is seeing Mark, a doctor with access to a supply of Viagra, which she experiments with. Miranda gets used to the details of a life of domesticity with Steve.
Sunday, July 30th, 2000
8: The Big Time
Carrie keeps bumping into Mr. Big, causing her to wonder what's going on, which she finds out when he confesses he can't stop thinking about her. Charlotte starts to think that Trey might indeed be her “Mr. Right”. Samantha fears she is becoming menopausal, but when sleeping with Len, an older man from her new apartment building, discovers she's not. Miranda is starting to get fed up with living with Steve, and the last straw comes when he tries to persuade her it's time to start thinking about a baby: they break up.
Sunday, August 6th, 2000
9: Easy Come, Easy Go
After Mr. Big confesses to Carrie that his relationship with Natasha is not going well, they return to their old ways, resulting in a night of passion. Charlotte realises her greatest goal in life when she and Trey become engaged, though it was she who had to pop the question. Samantha has a difficult time with Adam, her latest boyfriend. Miranda and Steve are still sharing an apartment even though they've broken up, and they find out that it's not easy living with a former partner, particularly if they want to date someone else.
Sunday, August 13th, 2000
10: All or Nothing
At last Aidan says that he loves Carrie, which makes her feel even more guilty about her renewed relationship with Mr. Big. Things go well with Charlotte's engagement to Trey, until he proposes a prenuptial agreement that upsets her. When she's feeling down with the flu, Samantha panics that she's going to end up alone, as no-one is prepared to look after her. Miranda finds that phone sex (with her new boyfriend George) can be as fulfilling, but also as painful, as more usual relationships.
Sunday, August 20th, 2000
11: Running with Scissors
Carrie's reignited affair with Mr. Big puts a increasing strain on her relationship with Aidan, and she meets Natasha again in the worst of circumstances: while letting herself out of the Bigs' home. In the commotion, Natasha has an accident, so Carrie takes her to hospital. Charlotte becomes more and more preoccupied with preparations for her wedding, especially finding the perfect wedding dress; she also finds out about Carrie and Mr. Big, and is outraged. Samantha's new boyfriend, Tom Reymi, makes her have an AIDS test, which fortunately proves negative, before he will sleep with her. Miranda is attracted to a man wearing a sandwich costume.
Sunday, August 27th, 2000
12: Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Carrie is in a continued quandary as to whether to tell Aidan about her renewed relationship with Mr. Big. At the last moment, Charlotte starts to have doubts about marrying Trey. Samantha has a relationship with one of the wedding party. Miranda pretends to be an air stewardess to get a date.
Sunday, September 10th, 2000
13: Escape from New York
At short notice, Carrie, Samantha & Miranda go to Los Angeles, so Carrie can discuss options on making a movie based on her columns. Her agent Debbie sets up a meeting for her with Hollywood actor/producer Matthew McConaughey. Samantha meets an unusual sort of model at a party. Miranda takes a wild ride on a mechanical bull, determined to enjoy herself. Meanwhile, Charlotte has been on a sexless honeymoon in Bermuda, and tries to find out what Trey's problem really is.
Sunday, September 17th, 2000
14: Sex and Another City
Carrie, Samantha & Miranda spend a second week in Los Angeles. Carrie & Samantha go to a movie screening party, but are refused entry at the door. Fortunately another guest, Keith Travers, gets them into the party, and Carrie spends the evening with him, ending up in bed at his fabulous home, until she discovers he isn't all he pretends to be. Miranda meets up with Lew, an old friend from New York, and finds he's mellowed since he's been living in LA. Charlotte despairs of her sexless marriage, and flies to LA to be with the others.
Sunday, September 24th, 2000
15: Hot Child in the City
Carrie meets a new man, Wade Adams, at a comic store, and falls in love with his fabulous apartment, but not with his mother. Samantha is hired as the publicist for the Bat Mitzvah of Jenny Brier, and finds that Jenny and her friends are as over-sexed at 13 as Samantha is at 34. Charlotte searches the internet for a solution to Trey's sexual problem, and then demands that they see a sex therapist. Miranda is having to wear braces, which make her feel like a teenager, but she gives them up after a date fears he'll get caught up in them.
Sunday, October 1st, 2000
16: Frenemies
Carrie gives a couple of seminars on meeting men to a packed audience of women, who ask some pointed questions that show her up badly. Samantha finds a new friend in Claire Anne, who turns out to be more than her equal. Charlotte succeeds in making herself more sexually attractive to Trey. At the funeral of a would-be boyfriend, Miranda agrees to a date with another man, despite Carrie's warnings to her.
Sunday, October 8th, 2000
17: What Goes Around Comes Around
Carrie is snubbed by Natasha at a restaurant, and is then mugged. Samantha drags Carrie to a party, only to find out it's a dorm party; Samantha makes out with one of the college lads, who happens to share the same name with her, but he becomes obsessed with her. Charlotte, tiring of the lack of sex with Trey, has a couple of encounters with a gardener, which leads to their separation. Miranda has a date with the police detective investigating Carrie's mugging, but nervous that she isn't good-looking enough, gets too drunk.
Sunday, October 15th, 2000
18: Cock a Doodle Do
Mr. Big phones Carrie and invites her to lunch, which she accepts against Miranda's advice. Samantha's sleep is being disturbed by the noise made by some transsexual prostitutes, and she ends up inviting them in for a rooftop party with the other three friends. Charlotte receives an early-morning visit from Trey, who's finally ready for her. Miranda is feeling that her life is in a rut, and runs into Steve on a couple of occasions.
Season 4
Sunday, June 3rd, 2001
1: The Agony and the 'Ex'-tacy
When Carrie turns 35, all the girls reflect on how it feels like being in their thirties and still single. Samantha is doing just what she likes best: men – her latest attempt is a monk, and despite her unsuccessful attempts to drive him to sin she still manages to have some sex with him, even if it's only in her mind. Charlotte still believes in soulmates. Unfortunately she realizes Trey isn't hers after he ejaculates on her leg ("my soulmate wouldn't do this to me", she whines). Miranda, at first marveled with the greatness of marriage realizes that you don't have to be married to be happy, while Carrie freaks when no one shows up at her dinner party and she goes home feeling depressed and abandoned. Fortunately, Big shows up with a bottle of champagne. And even though he might not be her soulmate, it's good enough for her. After all, not everything is perfect. Not even your 35th birthday.
Sunday, June 3rd, 2001
2: The Real Me
Carrie is asked to be a model on a fashion show mixing real models and real people. At first reluctant to believe she was chosen to be a model, Carrie is quickly swept off her feet with the glamour of the fashion business. But as everything that comes fast goes fast her dream turns into a nightmare when moments before the show her dress is changed to a jewelry panty. With a huge hair, heavy makeover and high heels, Carrie finally feels like a supermodel and enters the stage strong and confident, only to fall from the top of her shoes. Nevertheless, she gets up and goes on with the show, after all she's a real person and when real people fall they get back on their feet and move on. Meanwhile, Charlotte is embarrassed to change gynecologists when she develops a rash on her vagina, and even more embarrassed when the doctor prescribes anti-depressives for her vagina. But the real solution for Charlotte's depressed vagina is more attention, and so Charlotte finally meets her female part wi
Sunday, June 10th, 2001
3: Defining Moments
Carrie and Big finally seem to be getting along fine, despite the girls's pressure for her to define what kind of relationship she has established with him. Carrie doesn't know it herself, but it clearly shows as not being a regular friendship when she flirts with a jazz player. Big shows up on their date and acts jealous about Carrie, and she has to set some boundaries. Meanwhile, Miranda lowers her boundaries too when she decides to let her boyfriend pee with the bathroom door open, but changes her mind after he decides to do everything else with the door opened. Charlotte sets her boundaries on Trey, who wanted to have sex on virtually every room they stepped into, and Samantha lowers her boundaries on relationships when she decides to take on a lesbian relationship with a Brazilian artist.
Sunday, June 17th, 2001
4: What's Sex Got to Do with It?
Everyone is having sex except Miranda. She's on a sex strike because she's tired of going on bad dates so she substitutes sex with chocolate. She finally ends her strike and masturbates. Carrie is having mind blowing sex with Ray, the jazz club owner, in hopes of forming a relationship. Charlotte is having great sex with Trey but is angry with him for not asking him to move in with him. He later comes to see her and not only does he ask her to move in with her but he also asks her to re-marry him, she accepts. Samantha decides to give relationships a try because she really likes Maria. She tells Carrie, Charlotte and Miranda that she's in a lesbian relationship and they support her when she tells them that she wants to have sex when it feels right. It apparently feels right rather quickly because the following day she's telling them about how great sex with another woman is.
Sunday, June 24th, 2001
5: Ghost Town
Miranda is invited to the opening of Steve's bar, but is afraid to go because he seems to be getting on with his life while she's been living the same life she did except she's still single now. She asks Carrie to join her, but Carrie is reluctant once sees that Aidan is Steve's partner. However, after mature thinking, Carrie decides that if Aidan can be a bigger person and invite her, she can be even bigger and buys him a plant. When she enters the bar Steve tells her Aidan didn't invite her; he did. Shocked, Carrie flees the scene before she runs into the ghost of Aidan. Meanwhile, Charlotte is faced with a ghost of her own when Bunny insists they buy her preferable mattress. Suddenly Charlotte realizes that their apartment is more Bunny than her and decides to take a stand in the name of her marriage. Samantha is bored with all the talking and soaking of her lesbian relationship, and Maria buys her a strap-on to make up for Sam's dick abstinence. Unfortunately she never knew how har
Sunday, July 1st, 2001
6: Baby, Talk Is Cheap
Carrie sends Aidan an email saying that she misses him and when he doesn't respond she decides to give him a call. They go out with Miranda and Steve and Carrie senses that Aidan wants a relationship too even though he tells her that he doesn't want a relationship. She pursues him anyways and they have sex. He later shows up again and they go walking the dog. Samantha attracted a man by using fake nipples but discovers that he's a big baby when she tells him to stop using baby talk during sex. Miranda meets a man who she dubs Marathon Man because he's training for a marathon. They have sex several and she's shocked when he performs analingus on her. She wonders if she has to reciprocate so she confers with Charlotte, Carrie and Samantha and they all tell that they've never done except for Charlotte who seems to find it acceptable because she's married. Charlotte and Trey try to have a baby but after having dinner with married friends and their children they decide to stop trying
Sunday, July 8th, 2001
7: Time and Punishment
Things between Carrie and Aidan – which had been going great – get weird after Aidan overhears Big on Carrie's answering machine. While he seems more distant and cold, Carrie goes out of her way to please him. Finally, when Aidan and a waitress get too friendly, Carrie confronts him if he's out to get even with her. He asks her not to see Big again, but she can't. Aidan will just have to accept it. Meanwhile, Samantha goes to bed with a guy who stole her cab and ends up shaving his pubic hair after he tells her to get waxed. And Charlotte faces lack of support from her friends when she decides to quite her job and become a full time wife and mother – and maybe cure Aids in the meantime. All the arguments she has with Miranda cause her to have a neck thrown out, and if that wasn't painful enough try having Aidan picking you up from the bathroom floor when you're naked.
Sunday, July 15th, 2001
8: My Motherboard, My Self
Carrie freaks out when her computer crashes because her whole life was on the computer. Everybody starts telling her that she should have backed up her work. Aidan buys her a new computer and a zip drive and she gets angry at him for invading her space. He gets angry at her for not letting him be a part of her life more and he gives her back her key. Miranda's mother dies. Samantha buys a guide on the street featuring 1001 sexual positions and tries them with her wrestling coach boyfriend. For some reason she can't get off and fears that she lost the ability to have an orgasm so she masturbates all day to try and get it back. Carrie, Samantha and Charlotte go to Miranda's mother's funeral to give Miranda their support and Carrie is surprised to see Aidan there.
Sunday, July 22nd, 2001
9: Sex and the Country
Carrie goes to Aidan's cottage with him and is bored, and scared of a squirrel, so she returns to the city where she has dinner with Mr. Big and he tells her that he's dating a movie star. She decides to give it another shot and returns to the country this time with Samantha. Samantha is bored until she sees Farmer Luke and she decides to ask if she can borrow some milk and they end up sleeping together. Miranda finds out that Steve has testicular so she tries to comfort him but it ends up pissing him off because he thinks she's pitying him. Charlotte and Trey go to Trey's mother's where they keep trying to have a baby.
Sunday, July 29th, 2001
10: Belles of the Balls
Carrie goes to the country with Aidan and ends up accidently inviting Mr. Big when Willow breaks up with him. He calls Carrie and tells her that Willow dumped him and she says that she wishes that he could come over but it's too far but he's willing to take the long drive to see her. She gives him the directions and then tells Aidan who isn't pleased to hear that Mr. Big is coming over. He says that it's like a super hero thing and Mr. Big is Batman while he's the Green Hornet. Mr. Big gets drunk and Carrie won't let him drive so Aidan lets him sleep on the couch. The following morning Mr. Big tries to apologize to Aidan but Aidan starts a fight with him and Carrie steps in to stop them. It turns out that they really get along. Charlotte sends Trey to have his sperm tested but he can't do it in a cup. She comes in to see how things are going and they end up having sex in the little room. Miranda goes with Steve to see a specialist about getting a prostetic testicle but Miranda tell
Sunday, August 5th, 2001
11: Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda
While Charlotte is frustrated that she's can't get pregnant despite her efforts with Trey, Miranda has the exact opposite problem: her lazy ovary combined with Steve's lonely ball somehow managed to get her pregnant in what Samantha called "a mercy fuck" ("he only had one ball", Miranda justifies). Although she's decided to have an abortion, she isn't sure about whether or not to tell Steve. Carrie thinks she should, despite never having told a waiter from The Saloon that she got an abortion herself after a drunk one night stand over a decade ago. In the waiting room of the abortion clinic, Miranda reconsiders her position as she wonder when she'll ever find time and chances to get pregnant again; so she decides to keep it. Meanwhile, Charlotte discovers her uterus is attacking Trey's sperm and considers in vitro fertilization; Carrie comes clean with Aidan about her past after meeting the waiter that knocked her up and Samantha has a hard time being the rep for Lucy Liu and finding a
Sunday, August 12th, 2001
12: Just Say Yes
Upset with the idea of having to move out because her building is going co-op, Carrie faces an even bigger problem: Aidan suggested that they moved in together after he bought both Carrie's and the next door apartment to make one big place for them. It's a big step that needs some thinking time, which is not helped when Carrie accidentally discovers an engagement ring among Aidan's stuff. This makes her question if Aidan is really "the one" and if she is ready for it. But then again, are we ever ready? An unexpected bump into Big doesn't really help her, specially when the ring she saw has nothing to do with her – nevermind that it was Miranda who helped him pick it out. Finally, when she's not expecting, Aidan knees and pops the question. The right timing, the right place – and most important, the right ring – make Carrie say yes. Meanwhile, Miranda faces a proposal too, after she tells Steve she's pregnant with his child. But different from Carrie, Miranda is definitely not ready for
Sunday, January 6th, 2002
13: The Good Fight
Maybe having Aidan move in wasn't such a good idea, as Carrie feels her apartment overcrowded with stuff that isn't hers and noise that disturbs her alone time. Things only get worse once Carrie's old neighbor tells her she's not moving out until the end of the month, postponing Aidan's plans of breaking the walls. After a big fight, Carrie and Aidan spend three days without talking to each other, until she breaks and apologizes first. Turns out there's a lot more about moving in than just throwing out some one-time-worn clothes in order to make room for your future husband's stuff. Meanwhile, Samantha freaks out because she is actually falling in love with her perfect-dicked boss; Charlotte is extremely offended when Trey gives her a cardboard baby and Miranda wonders if having sex is going to hurt the baby.
Sunday, January 13th, 2002
14: All That Glitters
The girls all go dancing at a gay club and Carrie meets a gay guy and they start hanging out but she soon discovers that she has to fight for his attention whenever they go out. Miranda runs into a co-worker who she didn't know was so she tells him that she's pregnant and he lets it spill at work so she accidently lets it out that he's gay. Samantha takes a hit of extasy and tells Richard that she loves him. Charlotte and Trey's home is featured in "Home and Gardens" but they grow farther apart and he moves out.
Sunday, January 20th, 2002
15: Change of a Dress
When asked when she was getting married, Carrie reflects on the purpose and meaning of getting married. Miranda, after faking an ultrasound – she doesn't get it why she has to cheer with everyone the fact that she's having a boy – takes Carrie to try on ugly wedding dresses in a weird shock therapy to exorcise her fears away. But Carrie has a freak allergic reaction to the dress, which makes her feel negative about the whole thing. She asks Aidan for some time, but he won't give it to her. She realizes he still doesn't trust her and despite their mutual love, the wedding is just something to give him confidence on her. He moves out the next day. Meanwhile, Charlotte freaks out on tap dancing class and Samantha has her first monogamy attack – something she never thought she could – after finding out Richard is sleeping around.
Sunday, January 27th, 2002
16: Ring a Ding Ding
Aidan moves out and leaves Carrie the option of either buying back her apartment for what he paid for it or selling it off but she doesn't have enough money for a loan so she goes to see Mr. Big who writes her a check but she finally decides that she wants to do it on her own so she tears up the check. Charlotte ends up giving her her wedding ring so that Carrie can use it as collateral to get her loan. Samantha discovers that Richard isn't the one that's shopping for all the presents that he buys her and that he isn't even signing the cards but his assistant is the one who does it so she gets his assistant to sign the most recent card "Love Richard" to trick him into saying I love you. Miranda and Steve discuss custody of their soon to be child.
Sunday, February 3rd, 2002
17: A Vogue Idea
Carrie has a one-time, big-shot free-lancing opportunity at Vogue. She puts her heart and soul into a shoe article, which unfortunately isn't very well accepted by the female editor. After a lot of bonding with the male editor, Julian, Carrie finds herself completely swept off her feet with all the glamour of Vogue. When she is given the opportunity of her dreams – pick anything on the Vogue closet – she decides that no pair of shoes can replace her dignity as she is surprised by a pant-less Julian. Meanwhile, Samantha decides to give Richard a threesome for his birthday, and learns that one twenty year old bimbo doesn't get anywhere near her twenty year old experience. And Charlotte freaks out while hosting Miranda a baby shower after sees a present that brings her back to her past.
Sunday, February 10th, 2002
18: I Heart NY
Carrie accidentally finds out that Big is planning on moving away from NY and wonders if she should have goodbye sex with him. She tries to have a romantic evening with him, but Miranda goes into labor and Carrie has to ditch Big to join her friend at the hospital. Miranda still doesn't feel maternal at all – she doesn't want to be motivated to push and she gets annoyed every time Steve cries about the baby. Meanwhile, Charlotte sees her ex husband and his mother at the museum and decides it's time to date again, but her date freaks out with her apartment. Samantha wears a wig to catch Richard cheating on her with another woman.
Season 5
Sunday, July 21st, 2002
1: Anchors Away
It's 'Fleet Week' in New York City and Carrie, Samantha and Charlotte are only just beginning to adjust to Miranda's new life with baby Brady. Samantha is finding it particularly hard to adjust to "cleaning up her act" in front of baby Brady, especially because she's still furious over Richard Wright's infidelity. Charlotte, now over Trey, is ready to find her next great love, whereas Carrie wonders if she's all out of great loves, now that Big and Aidan are gone. Carrie turns to Manhattan for romance and discovers that the only company that she can find is a fellow single who likes to mix her prescription drugs with her ice cream! She jumps at the opportunity when a sailor invites her to the Fleet Week party. At the end of the night though, she realises that until she can let go of her past two relationships, she cannot date anymore and goes home alone... Meanwhile, Samantha is on a mission to get back at Richard. First she throws a Martini in his face and then puts posters all around his neighbourhood calling him a "cheater" and "liar"! Charlotte also flirts with an officer who isn't quite a gentleman. Richard, unfazed by Samantha's poster campaign, persists in apologizing to her and declaring his love for her. Meanwhile, Miranda works on the art of breastfeeding!
Sunday, July 28th, 2002
2: Unoriginal Sin
Samantha announces that she's back with Richard, who buys her an outrageously big diamond ring as a proof of his sorrow and commitment. Still, Samantha has doubts about his regeneration and can't seem to get over the image of him being intimate with another woman. Meanwhile, Carrie avoids her editor by all means thinking she's going to get fired, but turns out he just wanted to tell her she's been offered a book deal. Hesitant, Carrie is asked to write an introduction and answer the question: "is there hope for single women?". To help her figure out the answer, Charlotte takes her to a positivism course, where she learns that although seemingly a positivist, Charlotte is a big negativist. More than that, she's got a broken heart. And Miranda has to handle a request she can't deny: Steve asks Brady to be baptized. He even brings in his mother for the ceremony, and Miranda asks Carrie to be the baby's godmother.
Sunday, August 4th, 2002
3: Luck Be an Old Lady
The girls celebrate Charlotte's 36th birthday with a trip to Atlantic City that also serves as a nice break for Miranda.
Sunday, August 11th, 2002
4: Cover Girl
Carrie wrestles with ideas for her book's cover; Samantha wonders if she's outgrown her lifestyle; Charlotte secretly turns to self-help books for advice.
Sunday, August 18th, 2002
5: Plus One Is the Loneliest Number
Carrie's single status speaks volumes at her book-release party; Miranda approaches the dating scene as a single mother; Charlotte has an unexpected visitor.
Sunday, August 25th, 2002
6: Critical Condition
Carrie prepares for her book's review and obsesses after running into a woman Aidan dated after their breakup. Charlotte and Bunny battle over the MacDougal apartment. Miranda is at her wits end with Brady, and Samantha learns to be supportive.
Sunday, September 1st, 2002
7: The Big Journey
Carrie reunites with Big (Chris Noth) when she travels to the West Coast in the seventh of eight new episodes airing this summer. At the end of last season, Big moved to California, and Carrie's final rendezvous with her on-again, off-again beau was canceled when Miranda went into labor. On tonight's episode, Carrie's book tour takes her to San Francisco, which isn't far from Big's new digs in Napa Valley. When they meet, Carrie is surprised at how much her former lover has changed. Joining Carrie on the press junket is her man-hungry publicist Samantha, who, surprisingly, has grown disillusioned with New York men.
Sunday, September 8th, 2002
8: I Love a Charade
On a night out at a Manhattan club, Carrie is amazed to learn that her old friend Bobby Fine, a flamboyant singer, is finally getting married - and that his intended is a woman. While the initial shock never quite wears off, it does give Carrie and her friends the chance to visit the Hamptons. Once there, Samantha takes over Richard's mansion and throws a party; Charlotte's new boyfriend makes his society debut; and Carrie runs into writer Jack Berger.
Season 6
Sunday, June 22nd, 2003
1: To Market, to Market
Carrie believes her "stock" has gone up thanks to her hot date with new flame Jack Berger. Meanwhile, Miranda faces her true feelings about Steve, Charlotte is dismayed by Harry's refusal to marry a non-Jew, and Samantha bemoans the gentrification of her area until a new stockbroker neighbor begins eliciting moans of another tenor.
Sunday, June 29th, 2003
2: Great Sexpectations
Carrie and Jack's relationship is moving along perfectly. Their first few dates are nearly flawless, and are filled with steamy displays of public affection. Unfortunately, after a night of "quiet sex," Carrie discovers that the passion the two share doesn't translate to the bedroom. Meanwhile, when Samantha introduces the girls to a "raw foods" restaurant, she discovers that she wants something that's not on the menu... a date with the hot waiter. Unfortunately, Samantha isn't the only woman interested in the staff. Later in the week, Sam returns to the restaurant, determined to be the last one there at the end of the night, allowing her to take the waiter home for dessert. After many hours (and four courses of uncooked food), Samantha finally gets her man and soon finds out that he was worth both the wait and the wheatgrass. Hoping to fill the Steve-sized hole in her life, Miranda finds a new love, TiVO. Miranda's relationship luck remains consistent (consistently bad), as Magda acci
Sunday, July 6th, 2003
3: The Perfect Present
Carrie visits Berger's apartment for the first time and discovers his "ex-file." Meanwhile, Charlotte sacrifices pieces of her past as the day of her official conversion to Judaism approaches; a diaper bag-discovery forces Miranda to deal with the reality of Steve's new relationship; and in a bit of role-reversal, Samantha "waits" on Jerry the waiter.
Sunday, July 13th, 2003
4: Pick-a-Little, Talk-a-Little
Carrie and Berger articulate their sentiments for each other, but then she offends him with a "sassy" comment about his novel.
Sunday, July 20th, 2003
5: Lights, Camera, Relationship
Carrie's relative success brings out the worst in Berger; Samantha turns on her hype machine to help Jerry; Miranda and Steve spend a surprise evening together.
Sunday, July 27th, 2003
6: Hop, Skip, and a Week
Charlotte gets unwanted attention at the synagogue; Samantha's PR machine works a little too well; Miranda feels the pressure of being a lawyer and a single mother.
Sunday, August 3rd, 2003
7: The Post-It Always Sticks Twice
Carrie agrees to go to Bed (a hot new club) in an attempt to get over the "Post-it traumatic stress" caused by Berger.
Sunday, August 10th, 2003
8: The Catch
An assignment sends Carrie to explore the newest pastime for singles in New York... swinging through the air on the flying trapeze. Try as she might, Carrie just can't allow herself to let go of the bar and allow her instructor to catch her. While relating this situation to the girls, Harry appears and introduces Carrie to his best man for the upcoming nuptials. After much coaxing, Carrie allows herself a one-nighter with her fellow member of the wedding party, but winds up wildly unsatisfied after he proves to be a less than sensitive lover. Also having relationship issues are Miranda and Samantha. Miranda finds herself hiding underneath her bed (nestled next to Fatty) when Steve drops by unexpectedly with his girlfriend Debbie. Miranda realizes that if she were to actually meet Debbie, she'd have to admit that Steve has found somebody else, and that's not something that she's overly eager to do. Equally troubled is Samantha, for loathe as she may be to admit it, Samantha realizes tha
Sunday, August 17th, 2003
9: A Woman's Right to Shoes
Carrie and Stanford attend a baby shower thrown by their friends Kyra and Chuck. Upon arriving, they discover that Kyra's house rules include the removal of all footwear, regardless if doing so will destroy a carefully crafted outfit. The evening is pleasant enough, but when Carrie plans to leave the party, she discovers that her brand new Manolos have been stolen. Later, Kyra offers to pay for the missing shoes, but balks when she discovers that they cost $485. Carrie winds up leaving the apartment with no compensation, and a sense of shoe-induced shame. She wonders if she has somehow made a mistake by choosing the lifestyle that she did, rather than the more traditional one chosen by Kyra. Miranda finds herself with three separate problems: an open apartment in her building, Brady suffering from the chickenpox and her own growing need for male companionship. Luckily, one person solves all three problems, as Dr. Robert Leeds takes the vacancy and helps Miranda care for her sick child.
Sunday, August 24th, 2003
10: Boy, Interrupted
Carrie receives a pleasant surprise when her high school boyfriend, Jeremy, calls her up and asks her to meet for dinner. The pair broke up in High School, but their chemistry leads them to instantly reconnect. Everything seems perfect, until he reveals one fairly shocking bit of information... he is actually in the area because he's committed himself to a Connecticut mental facility. The New York City summer heat is driving Samantha crazy, but equally frustrating is her inability to be granted access to SoHo, an exclusive club that features a fabulous swimming pool. Luckily for Sam, she finds a misplaced ID card that grants her access to the club, so long as she doesn't mind answering to the name Annabelle Bronstein. Unfortunately, a SoHo employee blows the lid off the deception, causing Samantha to beat a hasty retreat back into the sweltering Manhattan streets. Approving Dr. Leeds' application to live in her apartment building proves to be one of the best decisions that Miranda has
Sunday, September 7th, 2003
11: The Domino Effect
Big visits New York for what could be the moneyed mystery man's last chance with Carrie. In the meantime, Miranda pursues a relationship with Dr. Robert; Charlotte visits a Chinese fertility doctor; and freewheeling Samantha balks at holding hands.
Sunday, September 14th, 2003
12: One
Alexander Petrovsky, an internationally acclaimed artist who sweeps Carrie off her feet show up in her romance life. In the meantime, Miranda and Steve celebrate Brady's first birthday; Samantha frets about her appearance "down there;" and Charlotte receives some surprise news.
Sunday, January 4th, 2004
13: Let There Be Light
After much consideration, Carrie decides that she will begin sleeping with Petrovsky, but rejects Charlotte's suggestion that an actual relationship between the two could develop. The pair spend a wonderful night together, but the next morning, Carrie is shocked to find that Petrovsky's apartment is also a hub for his business, with a living room full of his employees. Petrovsky serves Carrie a wonderful breakfast, but she wonders if she's just the latest in a long line of conquests for the artist. Steve moves into Miranda's apartment, but the newly-recoupled couple finds that they have to deal with unfortunate run-ins with Dr. Robert Leeds. Robert goes out of his way to make Miranda uncomfortable, leading Miranda to conclude that he's become obsessed with her. Eventually, Steve decides to talk things out with Robert, but winds up interrupting Leeds in an intimate moment with two other women. Instead of dealing a blow to Miranda's ego by telling her that Robert is over her, Steve choos
Sunday, January 11th, 2004
14: The Ick Factor
The relationship between Carrie and Petrovsky continues to develop, but one thing continues to nag at Carrie. Petrovsky is given to grand gestures of affection (including poetry reading and the composition of original love songs), and that's a bit too much for this slightly cynical New York girl. When Petrovsky takes Carrie to a premiere at the Met, she literally swoons. To balance things out, the artist takes her to McDonald's, where the pair become the most elegantly dressed duo in the establishment's history. Steve and Miranda decide to finally tie the knot, but vow not to have an elaborate wedding. Keeping things low-key isn't as easy as it sounds, but they eventually manage to work things out, finding a perfect community garden in which to hold their ceremony. Not to be left behind in the romance department, Harry takes Charlotte to an upscale French restauarant. The meal is wonderful, but later that night, the newlyweds both come down with acute food poisoning. The romantic eveni
Sunday, January 18th, 2004
15: Catch-38
Carrie deals with her feelings towards having a baby and her new relationship with Aleksandr. In the meantime, Charlotte baby-sits for Brady; Miranda and Steve go on a honeymoon, and Samantha uses her public relations to get an appointment with a doctor.
Sunday, January 25th, 2004
16: Out of the Frying Pan
Aleksandr prefers strong coffee and stronger realities. In the meantime, Charlotte runs to escape the pain of not having a child and bumps into a small bundle of joy; Miranda puts her own desires aside and emphasizes Steve's; and Samantha audaciously gets a new hairstyle.
Sunday, February 1st, 2004
17: The Cold War
Carrie avoids the cold weather with Aleksandr; Charlotte and her new "baby" enjoy the spotlight; Miranda toasts her new home; Samantha circulates a steamy video.
Sunday, February 8th, 2004
18: Splat!
Carrie considers Aleksandr's question; Charlotte uses her maternal instincts and Miranda admits concerns about Aleksandr.
Sunday, February 15th, 2004
19: An American Girl in Paris (1)
Before leaving for Paris, Carrie runs into Big outside of her apartment, but she makes it clear to him that she wants him totally out of her life. Ms. Bradshaw then has one last dinner with Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda, and it's clear that the four women know that Carrie's absence will have a major impact on all of their lives.
Sunday, February 22nd, 2004
20: An American Girl in Paris (2)
After Petrovsky leaves Carrie behind for a second time in Paris, she begins to wonder if she's doomed to follow in Juliet's footsteps. Back in New York, Samantha's chemo treatments are killing her sex drive, and she tries to push Smith away in an attempt to cope with it. Hoping to adopt a baby, Charlotte and Harry host an expectant couple from North Carolina, with the intent of acquiring their unborn child.