Season 0
not specified
5: Featurette (Season 2)
Featurette including cast and crew members LL Cool J, Kathy Bates and more.
not specified
6: The Museum of Television and Radio Seminar Series
The Museum of Television and Radio Seminar Series: "Oz" - a roundtable discussion conducted by the Museum of Television and Radio in New York, featuring Tom Fontana, case and crew including Edie Falco, Dean Winters, and many more.
not specified
7: Deleted Scenes (Season 3)
Deleted scenes from season three.
not specified
8: Deleted Scenes (Season 4)
Deleted scenes from season four.
not specified
9: Deleted Scenes (Season 5)
Deleted scenes from season five.
not specified
10: Series Finale (Extended Cut)
Exclusive extended cut of the series finale: Exeunt Omnes. Oz is in upheaval following the return of Martin Querns; Howell and Robson receive troubling medical news; Brass makes his last shot Hoyt is reunited with his birth mother; Fr. Mukada answers an unsolved mystery; Arif disappoints his brothers; Alvarez succumbs to an enticing offer; the O'Reily family struggles to make amends; and the prison production of "Macbeth" ends with a staggering final act.
not specified
11: Deleted Scenes (Season 6)
Deleted scenes from season six
not specified
12: Original Cast Audition Tapes
Saturday, October 2nd, 1999
1: Seinfeld in OZ
On May 14, 1998, Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer were sentenced to one year in prison for violating the Massachusetts good samaritan law, then, due to a series of sarcastic quips made to prison guards, and a series finale regarded by most critics as "satisfactory as best", Jerry Seinfeld was transferred to a maximum security prison. That facility is known as... Oz
Saturday, April 23rd, 2011
4: "Behind The Walls" Music Video
Music video from Oz soundtrack "Behind The Walls" by Kurupt featuring Nate Dogg
Saturday, September 28th, 2013
2: Deleted Scenes (Season 1)
Deleted scenes with audio commentary by Tom Fontana
Saturday, September 28th, 2013
3: Featurette (Season 1)
Season one featurette
Wednesday, May 1st, 2024
13: ZO
What happens once you’re free?
Season 1
Saturday, July 12th, 1997
1: The Routine
In the "Emerald City" experimental unit of Oswald State Penitentiary, we meet some of the diverse inmates who live within a pecking order of Homeboys, Latinos, Muslims, Irish, Aryans, and Wiseguys. No clear-cut leader emerges -- with the possible exception of Kareem Said, a Muslim author who preaches non-violence and abstinence. Said's arrival doesn't prevent a short-fused Mafia inmate named Dino Ortolani from ticking off just about everybody--a habit that ends up burning him.
Monday, July 14th, 1997
2: Visits, Conjugal and Otherwise
With Schibetta and the prison brass in a race to uncover Ortolani's killer (for very different reasons), we see how inmates react to visits from both their wives and, in one case, family members who are also in prison.
Monday, July 21st, 1997
3: God's Chillin'
Friction grows in the wake of two deaths--first Ortoloni and now Johnny Post--so Wiseguy leader Schibetta, Muslim leader Said, and Homeboy Jefferson Keane are brought together by Warden Glynn, who tells them to keep their boys quiet or else he'll lock the prison down. The tension increases following a visit from Governor Devlin, who was responsible for the ban on smoking and conjugal visits. Meanwhile, Keane has found God--just as a couple of Latinos with a grudge find him.
Monday, July 28th, 1997
4: Capital P
Governor Devlin has reinstated capital punishment in the state; and the first Oz prisoner scheduled to die is Jefferson Keane, who killed a Latino in a skirmish set up by the Co's. Before he's executed, Keane donates a kidney to his ailing sister, then turns down lawyer-turned-inmate Tobias Beecher's offer to take up his defense. After Keane's death, Richard L'Italien -- slaughterer of women -- is executed by lethal injection after he makes a startling admission.
Monday, August 4th, 1997
5: Straight Life
The infiltration of drugs into Oz has reached unprecedented levels; and the undercover efforts of McManus and Glynn to find out who's smuggling it in backfires in a deadly way. Despite a lockdown in the Emerald City, drugs continue to trickle in--and the blame shifts from prisoners to corrupt officials.
Monday, August 11th, 1997
6: To Your Health
Three generations of Alvarezes--all prisoners at Oz--are united when the partiarch, Ricardo, is found face down in his cell, suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Meanwhile, Tobias Beecher, who as the neo-Nazi Schillinger's "girlfriend" has been forced to wear women's clothes, flips out after taking PCP and sends Schillinger to the hospital with an eye cut. Other inmates aren't exactly the picture of health, either. Mob boss Schibetta has stomach pains caused by ground glass intentionally mixed in with his food, and Muslim leader Kareem Said has a heart attack after refusing to take medication for high blood pressure.
Monday, August 18th, 1997
7: Plan B
A recovered Said ostracizes Huseni Mershah for turning his back on him when he was dying--and orders all the Muslims to cast him out. Impressed by Said's power, Groves decides to kill Glynn in his honor, but ends up stabbing and killing an officer by mistake. Condemned to death, Groves chooses the firing squad as his form of execution. Meanwhile, Schibetta is still being fed ground glass by O'Reilly and Adebisi, and ends up hemmorhaging. Beecher, transformed by prison life, finally gets revenge on his nemesis, Schillinger.
Monday, August 25th, 1997
8: A Game of Checkers
Beecher is released from the hole and Schillinger is left eyeless and weak. A riot breaks out after two white punks get into a fight over checkers. Frustration, sexuality, hate, revenge, racism all rear their ugly heads, causing the violence to escalate. Finally, after several prison officers are taken hostage, tear gas is thrown into the Emerald City and the SORT team arrives, guns blazing.
Season 2
Saturday, July 11th, 1998
1: The Tip
In the aftermath of the riot that killed six inmates and two officers, Oz is locked down, and Emerald City prisoners are sent either to solitary or "gen pop." A special committee is appointed to investigate the riot and Governor Devlin's handling of it. The committee's leader is law-school Dean Alvah Case, who roams Oz questioning inmates and officers alike. Inside a gen-pop prisoner named James Robson demands that Beecher perform oral sex on him, and gets a painful tip in return. Case determines that the death of inmate Scott Ross during the riot was no accident-but is the truth better left untold?
Monday, July 20th, 1998
2: Ancient Tribes
Ten months after the riot, Em City re-opens. A recovered McManus creates a council of group representatives to keep order, and initiates GED classes to help inmates get high-school equivalency diplomas. Having been told by O'Reily that Adebisi was responsible for his father's death, Peter Schibetta takes over the kitchen by cashing in a favor Glynn owes the family. As Schillinger's parole hearing nears, Beecher taunts his nemesis mercilessly in an attempt to ruin Schillinger's quest for freedom. Glynn's duaghter is raped by a group of Latinos, and the warden takes out his frustations on Alvarez. O'Reily learns he may have breast cancer.
Monday, July 27th, 1998
3: Great Men
Alvarez knows who raped Glynn's daughter, but refuses to tell the warden. Wangler is making progress at school, but his cellmate, Adebisi, isn't a fan of higher education. When Augustus Hill's judge is convicted of accepting bribes, Said takes up Hill's case to get him a second trial. Diagnosed with cancer, O'Reily goes to a hospital to get a prison-paid lumpectomy, which is cheaper than a mastectomy. The Aryans are losing credibility in Oz, so Schillinger arranges to have a tough named Vogel killed with Beecher being the next on the hit list. Finally, the prison is filled with excitement as a woman, Shirley Bellinger, arrives on death row to be executed.
Monday, August 3rd, 1998
4: Losing Your Appeal
Augustus Hill's court appeal is denied, despite the efforts of Said, who has better luck getting Poet's poems published. Meanwhile, O'Reily survives his lumpectomy, and now focuses his attention on Dr. Nathan. Trying to cut a deal after killing an Aryan inmate, Richie Hanlon is forced instead to admit to a murder he didn't commit. Schibetta offers Alvarez a piece of his drug biz in exchange for killing Adebisi. Beecher is forced to meet with the judge who sentenced him; it appears she has a guilty conscience. Beecher's new roommate, Chris Keller, seems to hate Aryans as much as Beecher but appearances can be misleading.
Monday, August 10th, 1998
5: Family Bizness
With their enmity at a boiling point, Adebisi poisons Schibetta -- but not fatally. Now that his brother has turned himself in for murder, Glynn no longer owes Schibetta any favors. Sister Peter Marie figures out that Giles witnessed who killed her husband. Poet, now a published author, gets his parole, but Governor Devlin still takes away funds from McManus's high-school equivalency program. When Beecher learns his wife committed suicide, Keller offers comfort, but his advances are rebuked. Meanwhile O'Reily is in love with Dr. Nathan, and gets his brother Cyril to have her husband killed.
Monday, August 17th, 1998
6: Strange Bedfellows
Schilinger enlists Said to get him out of jail, but Said backs out. McManus decides not to incriminate Wittlesey in Ross's death. A recovered Schibetta edures more pain after being raped by Adebisi. Meanwhile, Alvarez is bumped out of the Latino power seat by Raoul Hernandez, a.k.a. El Cid. New inmate Jiggy Walker claims he was Gov. Devlin's personal crack dealer. The two go head-to-head in the media before Walker is discredited and sent to genpop. Reimondo finds out that Giles murdered the man who killed her husband and Dr. Nathan confronts O'Reily about her husband's death. Schillinger's plan to destroy Beecher approaches fruition when Beecher falls in love with Keller.
Monday, August 24th, 1998
7: Animal Farm
Cyril O'Reily, Ryan's brother comes to Oz and is immediately violated by Schillinger. Ryan tries to get him away from OZ, but Cyril instead lands in the hole. El Cid tells Alvarez the only way he can "stay in the game" is to "pluck out" the eyes of a prison guard, Rivera. Bellinger and Adebisi exchanging love letters without meeting. Nappa, the new Wiseguys leader, wants Adebisi to be punished for raping his godson Peter Schibetta. Robert Sippel, a Catholic priest who spent ten years in OZ for molesting a 14-year-old boy is released and but Poet returns.
Monday, August 31st, 1998
8: Escape From Oz
Wittlesey is transferred to Gen Pop and replaced by Karl Metzger, a Nazi. Mack and another Aryan try to escape through Busmalis and Rebadow's tunnel but the tunnel collapses and kills the two Aryans. Hill gets the idea of escaping Oz by hiding in a coffin. Sippel re-enters Oz because he can't deal with life on the outside, but Schillinger crucifies him -- literally. Alvarez gouges out Rivera's eyes and is put in solitary for life. Needing a blood transfusion for Rivera, Dr. Nathan finds that only O'Reily has the same blood type; he agrees to donate in exchange for getting his brother Cyril near him. Keller and Schillinger reveal their sordid plan of deceit to Beecher while breakingv both his arms and legs. Fortune teller Kipkemei Jara gives Adebisi hope of a new life; but he is murdered by Wangler on orders from Antonio Nappa. The grief this causes Adebisi lands him in the psych ward. Said is pardoned by Governor Devlin, but refuses choosing to return to Em City instead.
Season 3
Wednesday, July 14th, 1999
1: The Truth and Nothing But...
In addition to the name change to "Oswald State Correctional Facility," more changes abound. Newbies Coyle, Kahn, and Ricardo arrive and partner up with Wangler, Said, and Hernandez respectively. Adebisi's "recovery" prompts a return. Clayton Hughes, son of a past Oz guard who came through the ranks with Glynn, asks Glynn to hire him. Meanwhile new Officer Howell, gets friendly with McManus. A managed health care company takes over Oz's infirmary, to Dr. Nathan's disgust and Alvarez's detriment. Cyril O'Reily still has nightmares about being raped by Schillinger and Ryan schemes on revenge. Said develops an unlikely alliance as he starts a hunger fast in response to McManus rejecting his request for food in his cell during his holy season. Keller confesses his part in setting up Beecher and is immediately taken into protective custody. Beecher gets some oh-so-sweet revenge.
Wednesday, July 21st, 1999
2: Napoleon's Boney Parts
The hack ain't comin' back, and everyone's trying to figure out who did the deed; especially Schillinger and Said. McManus hires a new officer Sean Murphy who's also a friend of Tim's. Despite Glynn's reservations, an inmate boxing program is is created and inmates get psyched for the competition. While closely shaving Hill, Coyle gives the gruesome details of his crime, which include the death of an infant and the discovery of indisputable evidence to his claim. Disgusted, Hill decides Coyle should pay and gives the info to Warden Glynn. Adebisi gets approved to work in the AIDS ward. While Howell and Wittelsey converse about McManus, he appears with bad news for Wittelsey. Meanwhile, Schillinger's son Andy has been arrested and is due to arrive to Oz any day. Keller, stir-crazy from being in protective custody, goes back to Em City with painful results. Alvarez begins deteriorating now that his medication has been eliminated.
Wednesday, July 28th, 1999
3: Legs
With a new day breaking, Officer Howell makes a gruesome discovery. Dr. Nathan takes action against medical official Garvey. Ricardo and Hughes have a brief confrontation that results in a reprimand. Said's attorney brings good news and a special delivery. Richie Hanlon explains to Shirley Bellinger why he's on death row. New prisoner Stanislofsky joins the fold. Each group in Oz prepares their boxer for upcoming matches. Hill returns from testifying against Coyle, and the jury's still out as to whether or not that was the smartest move. Said solicits assistance from Nappa, Schillinger and Guerra. Nappa turns over control to Pancamo after discovering he has a debilitating illness.
Wednesday, August 4th, 1999
4: Unnatural Disasters
Andy Schillinger arrives to Oz and Vern tries to get Warden Glynn to move Andy in with him. McManus is sued for sexual harassment. Sister Pete has questions after a session with Keller. Miguel gets a directive from Hernandez. Said gets old wounds opened when his sister visits. Ryan scores another victory. Officer Hughes makes a "stunning" move on an inmate and Richie Hanlon's death sentence is overturned.
Wednesday, August 11th, 1999
5: U.S. Male
After getting pummeled by Khan in a boxing match, Kenny discovers his wife's infidelity and arranges a contract. Miguel prepares to meet his victim face to face. McManus' lawsuit starts taking it's toll as he wrestles with settling or going to court. New inmate Kosygin is mysterious at best and Stanislofsky keeps a safe distance. Busmalis gets a surprise in the mail. Hughes presses Glynn for more information about past deeds. Beecher and Andrew form an alliance that angers Schillinger and Poet and Junior get a hot reception.
Wednesday, August 18th, 1999
6: Cruel and Unusual Punishments
When Cudney threatens to spill the truth about Cyril's "wins", Ryan solicits Kosygin for help. He then schemes to have Kosygin and Stanislofsky eliminated and finally, tips off the hacks to get Hernandez and Ricardo busted. Busmalis gets a welcome visitor. Sister Pete's questions keep rising after sessions with Keller. Nappa continues working on his new project. Beecher asks Said for lessons in the Islamic faith.
Wednesday, August 25th, 1999
7: Secret Identities
Sister Pete's anger is roused and forces her to confession. Wangler and Adebisi register a complaint to the Warden. Yet another inmate meets with demise. Bellinger enlists McManus' help. Glynn and Hughes have an important conversation. Adebisi begins sowing seeds of discontent and a fight erupts in the gym resulting in a lockdown.
Wednesday, September 1st, 1999
8: Out o' Time
When his plea for an expedited return to solitary goes on deaf ears, Miguel takes matters into his own hands. Glynn finds out who raped his daughter. Hill gets sent to the hole. The boxing finals match ends in tragedy. A hack makes an exit...and an impression .....by leaving a holiday gift for an inmate.
Season 4
Wednesday, July 12th, 2000
1: A Cock and Balls Story
The lockdown ends. After Hamid Khan's body is taken off life support, the Muslim's choose Arif to lead them. Meanwhile, Cyril's having nightmares about delivering the fatal blow to Khan in the boxing match. Ryan asks Sister Pete to intervene. Murphy makes a suggestion to help ease some of the strain in solitary after another inmate commits suicide. Father Mukada plants an inventive idea in Beecher's head on how to deal with Schillinger. Shirley Bellinger returns awaiting her date with the noose. New inmate Mobay, arrives to Oz and his cellmate Hill is immediately suspicious. Gov. Devlin invites Glynn to be his running mate in the Gov's re-election bid. McManus gets an update on Wittlesey, who hasn't returned from vacation and a shootout in Oz results in four deaths.
Wednesday, July 19th, 2000
2: Obituaries
Mobay has his first meeting with Adebisi. Glynn fires McManus after Tim makes a foolish outburst during the slain CO's memorial service. Sister Pete still wrestles with ending her service as a nun. Beecher's dad pays a visit and gives an update. Schillinger is visited by his other son, Hank. Said's decision to help Cramer secure a new trial is met with strong opposition by the Muslims. Poet grieves and ponders his next move now that Wangler and Pierce are dead. O'Reily's plan to get the cell phone backfires and results in another inmate's death. Bellinger returns to Oz to await her impending execution.
Wednesday, July 26th, 2000
3: The Bill of Wrongs
All is crazy after Busmalis and Alvarez flee from Oz via one of Busmalis' tunnels. Hernandez discloses details about the shooting to Glynn and mentions Tarrant getting the gun from Adebisi, who got the gun originally from Clayton Hughes. Glynn confronts Hughes, Hughes confesses immediately and is quickly arrested. New inmate Morales is offered Hernandez's end of the "tit" trade only if he kills Hernandez. Morales asks Rebadow to do the deed in exchange for anything Rebadow wants and Rebadow accepts. Escapee Busmalis is caught and returned to Oz where he is rebuked by Rebadow. A "fresh from the hole" Adebisi begins implementing his plan to get a new Em City administrator. A cell phone appears and Ryan schemes to get his hands on it. Like most O'Reily schemes, someone ends up dead and this case is no different as Hoyt's recruited to do the "honors". Said scores a victory for Jason Cramer and Shirley Bellinger gets a visitor.
Wednesday, August 2nd, 2000
4: Works of Mercy
The kidnapping of Beecher's children has everyone upset and Beecher inconsolable. Schillinger gets questioned and of course, claims to know nothing about the deed. Beecher decides to initiate his own investigation. Soon after, a package with horrendous contents arrives for Beecher. Meanwhile, Oz prepares for Shirley Bellinger's hanging as the death penalty protests continue. A visit from the Cardinal creates mixed feelings for Sister Pete and Father Ray. Said announces good and bad news in the state's decision for the inmates. Another Rebadow prediction comes chillingly true. O'Reily's still searching for that elusive cell phone and Dr. Nathan asks Glynn for permission to return to work earlier than expected.
Wednesday, August 9th, 2000
5: Gray Matter
Things get a bit lively on death row after Shirley Bellinger's execution-- Miles begins painting a self-portrait, Ginzburg's health deteriorates from AIDS and Deyell severely injures himself. Mobay's ordered to kill someone as a final test of his loyalty and a new prisoner, whom Mobay's familiar with, makes the perfect victim. A call stirs McManus' emotions again. New inmate Supreme Allah arrives creating tension and uneasiness for Arif. On his way to his son's funeral, Beecher asks Keller an intimate question. A changed Rebadow asks for permission from Morales to kill again. After a fight with the gangsters, Cyril's put on heavier sedatives. For Ryan O'Reilly, he gets the cell phone after ratting to Hoyt and he also meets Dr. Nathan's attacker.
Wednesday, August 16th, 2000
6: A Word to the Wise
An investigation into Goergen's death starts and Mobay's anxious when the investigator targets him first. Tensions begin to rise as Querns turns a seemingly deaf ear and blind eye to the blatant violations committed by black inmates. An inmate transfer works in Adebisi's favor. Arif challenges Querns's authority. Ginzburg's poor health forces him to request an early execution and Sister Pete convinces Glynn to make it happen. Glynn's press conference announcement forces his daughter to make a major decision. Beecher's daughter arrives alive and Keller confesses to Mukada.
Wednesday, August 23rd, 2000
7: A Town Without Pity
Ryan and Howell get frisky. After leaving the hole and apologizing to Busmalis for the stabbing Rebadow suffers an attack due to a brain tumor. Busmalis reacts by doing what he does best--start another tunnel. Unbeknownst to the doctors and everyone else, Cyril's recovering psychologically more than he can actually show. Arif confesses to Said about his own demons and asks for forgiveness and help. Said plots with McManus to end Querns' and Adebisi's control. Hank Schillinger beats the kidnapping rap and once Beecher finds out, he plots with Pancamo for revenge. After Keller reveals his plot to kill him, Eli Zabitz asks Schillinger for protection. Schillinger agrees but sends Robson to eliminate Zabitz instead. Hughes, now raging beyond sensibility, makes an attempt on Devlin's life at a press conference. Keller and Father Ray have an intense discussion about Beecher.
Wednesday, August 30th, 2000
8: You Bet Your Life
After the press conference shooting incident, Glynn pulls out of the race. When a corpse is found in the laundry room, Querns demands Adebisi find out who did the deed. Soon Browne's corpse is also discovered and Querns gets worried. Querns's investigative efforts point to Supreme Allah as the culprit only Supreme's really being framed for the two killings by O'Reily and Keller. Hill pays big when he tells Mobay he knows he's undercover and Mobay comes clean about his involvement in Oz's recent crimes. Considering the words of Cyril, Sister Pete decides to remain in the Order. On death row, Deyell delivers some payback after Miles goes on another racist tirade. Vern finds out he's going to be a grandfather. Said moves in with Adebisi in order to get some proof of Adebisi's rowdy behavior. Simon finds out and delivers a tape of one of Adebisi's "parties" to Said hoping to "gain his trust" as a "brother" Said turns the evidence over to McManus. The result? Querns gets fired, McManus is reinstated and Adebisi and his cronies get moved to Unit B. Enraged about these new developments, Adebisi and Said struggle in the pod and one of them becomes Oz's latest murder victim.
Sunday, January 7th, 2001
9: Medium Rare
Adebisi's death still looms large over Oz. Against Glynn's better judgement and with special permission from the Gov., a TV news crew comes to Oz to film. Ryan O' Reily recognizes the star reporter as a past enemy and he immediately embarks on revenge. After interviewing inmates -- including Poet who strongly suggests the cover up can be exposed through Adebisi's video tapes-- the show's producer gets busy digging for answers. McManus discovers this and immediately tells Glynn to destroy Adebisi's tapes or face Oz possilby being shut down. The star reporter moves into a pod with Cyril for the evening to catch a "verite" view of Oz. The stunt backfires as Cyril (with prompting from O'Reilly) brutally beats the reporter.
Sunday, January 14th, 2001
10: Conversions
New inmate Burr Redding arrives and stands ready to assume control of the drug business. Dr. Nathan returns. Tidd approaches Schillinger with a plan to kill Said. Several Asian refugees are housed in Em City while the government decides their fate and they unwillingly get caught in a power struggle between Morales and Redding. Glynn hires an energetic new assistant who piques everyone's interest.
Sunday, January 21st, 2001
11: Revenge is Sweet
Robson and Hoyt tell Rev. Cloutier to back off of Schillinger. Schillinger and Beecher have their first counseling interaction session. Tidd continues to get close to Said by defending Arif in a fight. Arif goes to Said and pleads Tidd's case to accept him into their Muslim group. Busmalis requests that he and his girlfriend be married. Glynn hosts the Warden's conference and is given an update on Hughes by Querns. Glynn soon has Hughes transferred to Oz's cops unit so he can protect him. This unit is also where Johnny Basil (Mobay) is locked up. Keller's old buddy Ronnie gets close to Beecher causing Keller to get jealous. Ronnie's offered a sentence reduction in exchange for corroborating evidence of Keller's involvement in some past murders. Beecher finds this out and warns Keller, who doesn't believe him. Keller question's Ronnie about the matter and then, comes up with his own solution. Em City inmates are selected for drug testing experiment that promises to age the person quickly therefore reducing their actual time spent in prison.
Sunday, January 28th, 2001
12: Cuts Like a Knife
Despised by both the Latinos and the gangsters, Alvarez snaps and kills another Latino inmate. He's then returned to solitary. McManus continues to argue the problems of the drug experiment. Cyril sudden physical aging scares Ryan. Inmate Wick, one of the bikers who's taken the drug dies suddenly while talking to Hoyt. After officially joining the Muslims, Tidd attempts to kill Said, but decides not to after his conscious gets to him. Still out of control and unpredictable, White stabs McManus in an effort to gain the respect of the other inmates. Johhny Basil gets visited by his former partner who's still angry at him. Supreme Allah returns to Oz and immediately draws Redding's ire. Redding then tells Hill that Allah tipped the cops off, causing Hill's arrest. Hill then confronts Allah about this and Allah beats Hill. Father Ray and Rev. Cloutier finally meet. Schillinger finds out about Hank's death and immediately swears revenge. Keller tells Schillinger that he had Hank killed so Vern won't go after Beecher's family. Keller then gets transferred out of Oz to stand trial in Massachusetts.
Sunday, February 4th, 2001
13: Blizzard of '01
Wick's family sues Oz for his death which was caused by the experimental drugs he took. This also means, Dr. Nathan's under investigation and could lose her job. Ryan gets a surprise visit... from his real mother. Howell tells Ryan their trysts are over and she threatens to move on to Cyril. Busmalis confesses to Rebadow that he's a virgin. Schillinger tells Carrie about Hank's death and she immediately goes into labor, delivering the baby in Oz's hospital. Beecher meets a lawyer who tells him his parole chances are decent as long as he stays out of trouble. So what does Beecher do'? He gets thrown in the hole for fighting with his new podmate. After a session with Sister Pete, Vahue decides he doesn't need her help, even though he really does. Hill questions Redding's decision to start eliminating prisoners and takes action. Deyell decides to donate his organs after he's executed. Tidd pays a heavy price for his new allegiance to Said.
Sunday, February 11th, 2001
14: Orpheus Descending
McManus returns from the hospital with an ultimatum for Redding and Morales. Redding tells Hill that he's finished with him after Hill tipped a guard off. Supreme meets with Pancamo and offers to set Hill up to kill Redding. Redding and his new cellmate "The Colonel" develop an delicate alliance. McManus still commits to helping White change, even after White stabbed him. Clayton Hughes, on an emotional rampage, kills Basil. Glynn's secretary discovers him drinking heavily and she decides to drive him home. Sister Pete arranges a phone call between Beecher and Keller after she sees Beecher saddened by Keller's absence. Schillinger meets his new granddaughter but then runs into a new inmate who makes Schillinger question whether or not the baby is really his granddaughter. Said goes to Cloutier and asks him to coerce a confession from Jenkins about Robson's part in the plan to have Tidd murdered. Although it works, Cloutier gets visited by Schillinger and the Aryans and told to stay out of their business.
Sunday, February 18th, 2001
15: Even the Score
Guerra rats to McManus about White still using drugs so McManus orders a shakedown. McManus confronts White and gives him an ultimatum. White goes to counseling but causes a fight and gets thrown in to the hole again. McManus gets a basketball scout to come and watch Brass play, but when Vahue loses to them, a plots unveiled to exact revenge. Sister Pete opposes Gov. Devlin's solution to Giles' request to be stoned to death. New inmate and Irish refugee Connolly arrives and forms a dangerous alliance with O'Reily. Said continues to grapple with his conscious about Adebisi's death.
Sunday, February 25th, 2001
16: Famous Last Words
Hill gets caught in a deliberate attempt to frame him for drug possession. To fight back, he gets some medical info that leads to Supreme's demise. Redding thanks Hill and offers to bring him back to the crew in return. Hill thanks Redding but refuses. The Colonel's attempt to kill Morales backfires. The tides turn on Cloutier who is first stripped of his position in his church and then endures his followers turning against him. After Hughes takes over the solitary ward, Glynn goes in to try and calm him down. Hughes tries to kill Glynn but gets killed himself. Frustrated, hurt and helpless, Glynn transcribes his letter of resignation to his secretary. Murphy offers to be McManus' teammate in the final basketball game. McManus appears on the tv game show and loses in the first round. White gets returned to solitary for starting a fight with other inmates. When McManus confronts him about it, White goes into a rage and stomps McManus. The news of Beecher's parole enrages Schillinger who immediately order's Beecher's murder. Later, Schillinger and Robson try to ambush Beecher in the library only they are shanked by an enraged Said. After talking with his mother, O'Reily decides to change up. He goes to Glynn to warn him of the bomb Connolly plans to detonate. The common room is cleared only for Connolly who holds the bomb as it's timer counts down. The bomb doesn't go off and Connolly's taken by the SORT team. Meanwhile, a guard lights a cigarette in the kitchen causing a major explosion.
Season 5
Sunday, January 6th, 2002
1: Visitation
A ribbon cutting ceremony, complete with the Governor doing the honors, signals the opening of a newly constructed Oz. Warden Glynn doesn't resign but he's more battle weary. White, Alvarez and other inmates in solitary are temporarily transferred to Em City while repairs are being made. As Schillinger and Robson recover from their wounds, they begin planning revenge on the Muslims. Conversely, Said plans to plead guilty for the attempted murder of Robson & Schillinger. The fate of Rev. Cloutier is revealed and inmates expecting visits from family members get shocking news.
Sunday, January 13th, 2002
2: Laws of Gravity
Alvarez and Guerra come up with a new way to settle their beef -- Guerra will stab Alvarez in the shoulder without killing him. Morales questions Guerra's decision to do this while he attempts to grieve for his sister. Rebadow gets more bad news about his grandson which prompts him to search for alternatives. Montgomery asks for more hush money from Ryan so Ryan devises a plan to have Montgomery eliminated. Officer Brass returns to Oz to get facts on who attacked him. Ellie O'Connor arrives as the Governor's liaison to Oz only past memories of her failed marriage to McManus return. Schibetta returns and Schillinger shanks Pancamo after learning that he had Hank killed. McManus makes an offer to Said and White to hopefully curb White's erratic and sometimes bizarre behavior. Ryan's mom, Suzanne Fitzgerald comes to Oz to instruct inmates in performance arts.
Sunday, January 20th, 2002
3: Dream a Little Dream of Me
After recovering from his shank wound, Alvarez gains a follower. Busmalis starts a letter writing campaign to get "Miss Sally's Schoolhouse" back on the air. Rebadow finds a way to raise the money for his grandson's treatment. Jia Kenmin returns to Oz after recovering from the coma induced by a blow from Cyril. After Schillinger's released, Redding and Morales form a pact to eliminate the Italians from the drug trade. Schibetta makes a move on the Aryans only it backfires with terrifying results. Kirk continues planning ways to kill Cloutier. After carrying out messages he "received" from Cloutier, Hoyt confesses to all his past murders. Cloutier makes a move that mystifies everyone.
Sunday, January 27th, 2002
4: Next Stop: Valhalla
Guerra kills Alvarez's new follower and the guilt surrounding it forces Alvarez to make a confession to Mukada. Alvarez, Hill and Penders sign up for a seeing-eye dog-training program. Dr. Nathan attacks a patient while having a flashback of her rape. Cyril shanks and kills Li Chien, which gets Cyril sent to solitary and Ryan sent to the cage. During an interaction session Beecher attacks Schillinger after Schillinger denies ever raping him. Redding asks Glynn for control of the kitchen. Hill's grief over his dead mother and divorce from his wife send him back to drugs happily supplied by Poet. Beecher's new podmate is the son of a prominent family Beecher knew well. Because of that, Beecher decides to protect him from the Aryans at all costs.
Sunday, February 3rd, 2002
5: Wheel of Fortune
Said and Arif go to Warden Glynn about Lalar's murder. Angry and full of rage, Said then confronts White about passing drugs. Unsatisfied with White's response, Said beats White severely, which gets Said thrown in the hole. Chucky Pancamo's condition worsens. On orders from Schillinger, Winthrop gets into a fight with Guenzel. Schillinger goes to with a deal, he'll let Beecher work for him delivering mail to Keller if Beecher has Guenzel transferred to Gen Pop so Schillinger can have him. Keller discovers the feds have compelling evidence linking him to one of the past murders. Meanwhile, Howell makes her move on Keller, Rebadow's ship comes in...for someone else and Hill becomes gravely ill.
Sunday, February 10th, 2002
6: Variety
Said returns from the hole ready to apologize to White. The inmate variety show takes shape with Busmalis as MC and White the featured performer. Robson's painful teeth force him to the dentist, something he secretly fears. The dentist recommends gum replacement surgery. Alvarez wants to give his dog to Rivera the Oz guard he blinded. Cyril's trial looms and Ryan's worried. Redding continues to search for culprit that gave Hill the drugs. Poet, in an attempt to hide the truth from Redding convinces Busmalis to tell Redding that one of the Italians did the deed. This results in Redding having DeSantos poisoned. Chucky's condition worsens and out of fear, he summons Sister Peter for spiritual help. Meanwhile, Sister Pete starts looking for Guenzel's attackers only the 3 who know (Said, Beecher, Schillinger) refuse to divulge.
Sunday, February 17th, 2002
7: Good Intentions
Redding discovers that Busmalis lied about DeSantos. Furious, he confronts Morales and the confrontation gets the two of them thrown in the hole. Cyril gets convicted of the murder and Ryan tells the attorney not to appeal. Meanwhile Sister Pete, Father Meehan and Suzanne Fitzgerald meet to devise another plan in Cyril's defense. Rebadow fumes over not getting the lottery money. Mc Manus' offer to search Oz's databases reveals an inmate with the same blood history as Rebadow's grandson. Rebadow meets the man only to be rejected by him. The rumor of Robson's replacement gums coming from a black patient prompts Schillinger to consult with Aryan Nation leader. The result? Robson gets banned from the Aryans.
Sunday, February 24th, 2002
8: Impotence
Robson returns from solitary to discover he's been kicked out of the "Brotherhood" and moved to another cell. McManus tells Glynn he'll write a letter supporting Alvarez's bid for parole. Problem is, Alvarez attacks one of the parole board members and gets thrown back into solitary. Dr. Nathan's guilt worsens as Chucky slips into a coma from the septic infection. Schillinger tells new inmate Cutler he has to kill a black inmate to join the "Brotherhood" and Cutler selects Said as his victim. White's gets this information and goes to protect Said only they get into a tussle and Cutler almost dies. Rebadow gets to go see his dying grandson only to have to return later for the boy's funeral. Busmalis gets a letter from Norma who wants to visit. She does and brings surprising news. Beecher moves to make a confession during the interaction session. The result? Schillinger gets convicted of rape and is transferred to solitary indefinitely. Father Meehan touches a nerve with Ryan and forces him to acknowledge a childhood incident that scarred Ryan for life. A stabbing intended for Redding, claims an innocent inmate instead.
Season 6
Sunday, January 5th, 2003
1: Dead Man Talking
At the bi-annual review of solitary prisoners, the board decides to release Alvarez and Schillinger back into gen pop. Rebadow, still mourning the loss of his grandson, gets transferred to work in the library, where he is thrilled to meet the new librarian, Stella Coffo. Meanwhile, Timmy Kirk, now sentenced to Death Row, pleads to Father Mukada to help exorcize him; Ryan O'Reily seeks to prove his brother Cyril had no premeditated plans of murder; and Winthrop makes Schillinger an offer he can't refuse.
Sunday, January 12th, 2003
2: See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Smell No Evil
The unexpected arrival of Mayor Wilson Loewen at Oz spurs an ironic turn involving Schillinger and Beecher. Meanwhile, Dr. Nathan discovers why solitary inmates are getting sick; a new business plan within Oz inspires Redding; Schibetta looks to puts a curse on the O'Reily family; and some Death Row prisoners get a bang out of a magazine photo shoot.
Sunday, January 19th, 2003
3: Sonata de Oz
Schillinger has a disappointing visit with his "hero", Mayor Loewen. Glynn has to face up to the truth when Oz loses its first prisoner to toxic poisoning. Down in solitary, Officer Brass gets some quality one-on-one time with Morales. Cyril undergoes a round of unusual therapy, and Said gets more than he bargained for in leading the Muslims into a new business venture.
Sunday, January 26th, 2003
4: A Failure to Communicate
Glynn receives some good and bad news on the toxic-poisoning case. Meanwhile, Rebadow's relationship with Stella hits a snag; Keller and Beecher work out a mutually beneficial arrangement; Poet and Redding nearly come to blows; Hoyt is transferred from Death Row; and Robson finally gets some redemption.
Sunday, February 2nd, 2003
5: 4 Giveness
Everyone has a different opinion of new inmate Idzik; Alvarez receives shocking news; Redding's attempts at reform continue; Murphy makes a confession to Glynn; Morales'(David Zayas) medical suspicions are confirmed; and Beecher's devotion to Keller leads him into a perilous position.
Sunday, February 9th, 2003
6: A Day in the Death...
Idzik faces his enemies; the intrigues behind the Loewen case get more complicated; changes are made in the hospital; the Muslims run into business trouble; Rebadow and Stella get closer; and the inmates rally to support the O'Reilys.
Sunday, February 16th, 2003
7: Junkyard Dawgs
Three new inmates arrive, one of whom is close to the O'Reilys; Busmalis and Rebadow prove to be "true Romeos"; the Keller-Beecher-Schillinger triangle gets more pointed; and an awards banquet ends in a fateful discovery.
Sunday, February 23rd, 2003
8: Exeunt Omnes
Oz is in upheaval following the return of Martin Querns; Howell and Robson receive troubling medical news; Brass makes his last shot Hoyt is reunited with his birth mother; Fr. Mukada answers an unsolved mystery; Arif disappoints his brothers; Alvarez succumbs to an enticing offer; the O'Reily family struggles to make amends; and the prison production of "Macbeth" ends with a staggering final act.
Sunday, February 23rd, 2003
9: Exeunt Omnes Part 2