Season 1
Wednesday, April 9th, 2014
1: The Sexorcism
Kevin struggles to help a ghost whose unfinished business involves losing his virginity to an ex-girlfriend.
Wednesday, April 9th, 2014
2: The Hot God Contest
When the ghost of a competitive eater starts unplugging feeding tubes at a hospital, Kevin must convince the recipient of the ghost’s stomach to enter one last hot-dog eating contest.
Wednesday, April 9th, 2014
3: The Knockoff
While helping the ghost of a DVD bootlegger recover the last movie he ever shot, Kevin encounters mafia members looking for the same tape, which just might contain footage of a mob hit.
Wednesday, April 9th, 2014
4: The Comedium
When a deceased stand-up comedian continues to take the stage each night after closing, Kevin looks for the worst audience possible to heckle him into the Light.
Wednesday, April 9th, 2014
5: Out of Body Issues
After Roofie falls for a saleswoman at a clothing store, Kevin must help the ghost of a former employee track down exploitative photos of her taken by the company’s sleazy CEO.
Wednesday, April 9th, 2014
6: Raising the Dead
In an attempt to reconnect with his boyhood crush, Kevin tries to barter for a special gift by exorcising a haunted orphanage… on Halloween.
Wednesday, April 9th, 2014
7: The Calamityville Horror
Roofie brings Kevin along to fix up a teardown he bought online, but when the house locks the two friends inside, Kevin must uncover the reason behind the haunting.
Wednesday, April 9th, 2014
8: The Ghost in the Machine
When investigating a haunted apartment, Kevin discovers the ghost of inventor Rube Goldberg, who needs help pulling off the most elaborate “Rube Goldberg machine” of all time.
Wednesday, April 9th, 2014
9: Sixty Feet Under
When the Mayor of New York City offers him a career-making case, Kevin encounters the toughest ghost problem he’s ever faced.
Wednesday, April 9th, 2014
10: Pieces of Sue
Kevin races to help the ghost of a friend finish her unfinished business before time runs out.
Season 2
Monday, April 20th, 2015
1: The Ex-orcism
Sue finds herself unable to move on into the light in her new ghost form, though Pac is here to help.
Monday, April 20th, 2015
2: Table for Sue
Pac agrees to help out a new upscale restaurant haunted by the ghost of a previous chef, who can’t pass on until a smug Yelp reviewer retracts his dissatisfied critique. Chamomile tricks Pac into working for her.
Monday, April 20th, 2015
3: Ghosts Just Wanna Have Fun
Pac must convince a cranky teenage ghost to haunt elsewhere.
Monday, April 20th, 2015
4: Last Dance with Edith Jane
Pac helps a 1940’s Broadway dancer train for a nursing home talent show.
Monday, April 20th, 2015
5: The Occult Leader
Pac becomes the reluctant cult leader of a group en route to Pluto.
Monday, April 20th, 2015
6: Good Will Haunting
Pac takes a job at a school in order to help the ghost of a janitor.
Monday, April 20th, 2015
7: The Blowfish Job
Pac's adoptive father TJ shows up in need of Pac's help exorcising his new apartment.
Monday, April 20th, 2015
8: The Spank Job
Pac helps a ghost rescue his girlfriend from their Y2K bunker, now trapped beneath a sperm bank.
Monday, April 20th, 2015
9: The Emancipation Apparition
Pac and Sue’s romantic staycation at the Waldorf Astoria is interrupted by the ghost of a US President.
Monday, April 20th, 2015
10: The Unholy Trinity
Frustrated that they can’t consummate their relationship physically, Pac and Sue hire a sex vessel for Sue to possess.
Monday, April 20th, 2015
11: The Polaroid Flasher
Roofie, arrested for drug dealing, needs Pac’s help from prison to obtain a specific bag of weed.
Monday, April 20th, 2015
12: The Ghost of Christmas Presents
Pac is visited by the ghost of Santa Claus who needs his help delivering one final present.
Monday, April 20th, 2015
13: Finger Fucked
Federal immigration agents crash Pac’s surprise party to celebrate Roofie’s release from prison.
Season 3
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016
1: El Caboose
In order to afford to leave the seedy massage parlor where he’s been hiding out for the past 6 months, Pac helps the ghost of a Mexican drug mule.
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016
2: Digging Up The Past
Pac moves into Clyde’s apartment, only to realize it is being haunted by Clyde’s former guidance counselor, whose death may have been Clyde’s fault.
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016
3: Bong Pong
Pac and Clyde’s first professional ghost case together involves a dead stoner who can’t remember his unfinished business.
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016
4: The Cindy 500
Pac and Clyde help the ghost of a dead porn star who is refusing to let her daughter get married in peace.
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016
5: Weeknight at Skillitz
Pac and Clyde help the perverted ghost of a famous DJ in order to get entrance to the exclusive nightclub Le Douche.
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016
6: Hawk Smith
In order to meet Instagram celebrity Danny Poker, whom Pac believes has insight into his ghost-seeing abilities, the boys must help the ghost of a wannabe superhero.
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016
7: Am-Ish
Pac finally gets face time with Danny Poker, but is interrupted by the ghost of an Amish man looking for his son; Clyde tries to have an orgy.
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016
8: The Duchess of Stourbridge
When the completely naked ghost of a 17th century Duchess follows him home, Pac must help fix a painting of her before she will let him eat.
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016
9: The Shawshanked Redemption
Persuaded by Danny to take a high profile case, Pac attempts to exorcise a notoriously dangerous prison; Clyde tests out a new form of advertising.
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016
10: Diaper Training
Pac and Danny wake up after a “Boys’ Night In” gone horribly wrong, only to find that Clyde (and Danny’s favorite belt) have gone missing.
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016
11: Medieval Dead
Pac tries to help the ghost of an old-timey King get revenge on the Knight who betrayed him; Clyde makes some new friends.
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016
12: Abra-Cadaver
Pac’s get-rich-quick scheme is derailed by the ghost of a 1980s magician who never got to finish his final trick; Clyde prepares a passive-aggressive dinner.
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016
13: Death List Three
Pac finally gets answers from Danny, but they’re not exactly the answers he was hoping for…