The Dog Whisperer
Season 0
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39: Risky Business
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40: The Monster From Manhattan
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42: Fear of Loud Noises
Part of the Mastering Leadership Series.
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43: Finding the Right Canine Professional
Part of the Mastering Leadership Series.
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44: Vet Tips to Help Your Dog's Exercise Routine
Part of the Mastering Leadership Series. Questions for Veterinarian Dr. Rick Garcia.
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7: Season 1 Bonus Features
Extras include some outtakes, footage of Millan's beloved wife and kids, and a hilarious "audition" tape, in which owners with their unhinged dogs are telling an off-camera producer why their pet should be considered for the show. All the while, the dogs are pacing, whining, refusing to budge and otherwise providing a lot of unintended amusement.
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27: National Geographic Channel Preview
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8: Dog Auditions
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9: Boot Dog
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10: Cesar Feeds His Pack
Cesar shows viewers how he feeds his pack, giving advice on the proper feeding technique.
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11: Outtakes - #1 Cesar on Humans
Cesar explains the difference between humans and dogs.
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12: Outtakes - #2 Proper Introductions
Cesar explains the proper way to introduce yourself to a dog.
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1: Mastering Leadership: People Training For Dogs
In the first installment of Cesar’s best-selling Mastering Leadership Series, Cesar shares his wisdom and wit from a lifetime of working with dogs. You’ll go up-close and personal with Cesar as he shares his thoughts on dog behavior, the pack, energy, exercise, the walk, discipline, affection, and more! People Training for Dogs will help you learn Cesar’s techniques for providing fulfillment and balance for your dog, and getting the most out of your relationship!
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13: Outtakes - #3 Leashes
Cesar explains the correct leash technique to use.
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2: Mastering Leadership: Becoming a Pack Leader
In Part 2 of his Mastering Leadership Series, Cesar shows you three real-life cases to help you understand the importance of and how to become your dog’s pack leader; how to use your energy and body language to control your dog; how to set proper rules, boundaries and limitations; and how it is possible to visualize what you want to create for your dog.
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14: Outtakes - #4 The Walk
Cesar explains the importance of the walk and shows the correct techniques to use.
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3: Mastering Leadership: Your New Dog, First Day and Beyond
You’ll learn everything you need to know about bringing a new dog into your life. Cesar takes an in-depth look at three families and their new dog wish list - whether you want a dog that is good with children and protective, or quite and energetic, Cesar has you covered. He shows you exactly how to select the right dog for your family’s needs and start off on the right paw from day one!
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15: Outtakes - #5 Doggie Fame
Cesar tells a doggie friend about the perks of becoming famous.
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4: Mastering Leadership: Sit and Stay, the Cesar Way
In this program, you are going to meet four world-class trainers, including Hollywood dog trainer Clint Rowe, as they demonstrate their tried and true methods for training dogs and puppies. As you will see, there is no one way that works for every dog and every situation. My goal is to expose you to different training styles and techniques so you can decide which way will work best for you and your dog.
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16: Outtakes - #6 Dog Whispering
Cesar attempts to control a dog through whispering.
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5: Mastering Leadership: Common Canine Misbehaviours
Welcome to Part 5 of my long-awaited Mastering Leadership Series, Common Canine Misbehaviors: Solutions to the 5 Most Common Dog Problems. In this program I will share techniques for coping with common dog misbehaviors, as voted by you, visitors to my Web site.
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17: Outtakes - #7 Rewarding Dogs
Cesar shows the correct time and place to reward a dog.
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6: Mastering Leadership: Raising the Perfect Puppy
In "Raising the Perfect Puppy," Cesar raises four puppies to show you how to maintain their natural state of balance. Everybody dreams of having a perfect dog - one that is happy, healthy, well-balanced, and socializes well with other animals and people. Cesar shows you how to make this dream a reality
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18: Outtakes - #8 Patience
Cesar shows how to train a dog to be patient.
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19: Outtakes - #9 Making Mistakes
Cesar is not immune to making mistakes, but he makes up for them.
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20: Outtakes - #10 Dominance and Submission
Cesar explains the importance of a submissive dog and shows how to be a dominant human in a number of situations.
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21: Outtakes - #11 Treadmills
The treadmill can be a great tool for dog owners with energetic pets. Cesar shows how to teach a dog to use a treadmill.
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22: Outtakes - #12 Cesar on Wheels
Cesar takes his pack rollerblading.
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23: Outtakes - #13 His Worst Cases
Cesar has trouble with a stubborn bulldog who likes to bite skateboards and hoses.
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24: Outtakes - #14 Producers Getting Their Licks
The producers of Dog Whisperer love to be loved by the shows stars.
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25: Outtakes - #15 Cesar and His Family
Cesar takes viewers inside his home to talk with his wife and children.
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26: Outtakes - Cesar and Kane
Cesar gets Great Dane Kane to walk on a shiny floor in less than 10 minutes.
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28: Behind The Scenes
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29: Tips from Cesar
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30: Bonus Stories - The Return of Hootie
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31: Bonus Stories - Lotus Blossoms
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32: Bonus Stories - Rocco and the Rattlesnake
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33: Bloopers & Outtakes
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34: Ryan's Fear of Dogs
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35: Suit Phobia
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36: Possessive Lab
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37: 100th Episode
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38: Bloopers
Tuesday, October 5th, 2010
41: The Language of Scrout
Scrout, Zeus, Jody, Chance and Pom Pom
Season 1
Monday, September 13th, 2004
1: NuNu and Kane
Demon Chihuahua Tina Madden, who works in a vet's office, adopted NuNu, a stray who was brought into the office. He attacks her roommate, Barclay Quinn, and anyone else who gets near Tina. Cesar tells them that since NuNu is a nervous dog, giving him affection while he is anxious nurtures the nervous state of mind. Cesar sits next to Tina to provoke the unwanted behavior, and NuNu goes nuts; Cesar calmly holds NuNu without giving him attention while he gets over his hissy fit. Then he teaches them to master the walk. They learn to stop the escalation of excitement before it becomes aggression. The Shiny Marina Dahlen and her son, Emmett, have a Great Dane named Kane, who is terrified of any shiny surface. He once slipped on a linoleum floor and stunned himself hitting a glass door; now he refuses to walk on shiny floors, including the school building where he used to go with Marina. Cesar walks with Kane, then approaches the school building at a trot, using Kane's own forward momentum to propel him through the doorway. They stop just inside the door to let Kane adjust, and at first, Kane slips as if he's on ice. Cesar patiently and calmly edges him into the hallway and in a few minutes Kane is walking easily. Four days later Marina takes Kane to her class to celebrate his birthday.
Tuesday, September 14th, 2004
2: Opie and Flirt
The Wrath of Opie Suzanne Ohanesian lives with Opie, a Lab mix who is very dog aggressive. When Suzanne tries to restrain him, he will turn and bite her. Cesar explains that dogs need to earn food and affection. Cesar takes Opie for a walk, and has his wife, Illusion, walk by them with one of their dogs. When Opie starts to fixate on the other dog, Cesar touches him at the back of his body to break his attention and refocus on Cesar. He explains that once the attention is refocused, you follow up with eye contact, energy, or body language, which brings about a calm state of mind. Everything looked great, but the next day Opie bit her again, and she became overwhelmed with fear, which made the tantrum worse. Suzanne called Cesar for help. Cesar had her walk Opie; she was visibly distressed. They worked together and by the end of the session, Suzanne was feeling hopeful again. Psycho Flirt Flirt is a Chinese Crested who lives with Barbie Orr. Barbie is a comedienne who has been in a Petco commercial with another of her Chinese Cresteds. Flirt is so hyper that Barbie's friends have nicknamed her Psycho. Cesar recommends that Barbie practice relaxation activities for herself and be more disciplined with the dogs. Flirt is picking up on Barbie's exuberant energy, so she needs to learn to be calm with Flirt and to master the walk.
Wednesday, September 15th, 2004
3: Ruby and Rana
Scared Family Dog Larry and Ann Klein and their children have a Vizsla named Ruby who seems to live in a nearly constant state of terror. She is extremely possessive of her food, toys and treats, and cannot tolerate cameras. The Kleins have attempted to desensitize her by sitting with her, petting her and talking soothingly to her while she growls, but this strategy is not working, and they do not attempt to anything away from her once she has it. Cesar explains that they should have the authority to take from Ruby anything at any time and that they are nurturing insecurity by giving her affection when Ruby is in an unstable state of mind. Cesar suggests that they use a leash to redirect Ruby's behavior in facing what she fears. This keeps her in place and under control. He shows them, again using her leash, to take things from her. Then Cesar deals with her fear of their pool. Soon Ruby is jumping in to play with Cesar and the Klein children. Lastly, they deal with nail trimming. The Kleins are confident that now they can become Ruby's pack leaders, and make her a happier dog. Make Room for Rana Karen Adams and her daughter Alanna have a Sheltie named Rana. Rana has progressively become more and more frantic at things like the toaster popping and the phone ringing. It has become so bad that they have largely stopped making toast and answering the phone is an ordeal. Cesar has them show him what happens when the toaster pops, then he shows them that by using his leash they can force him to deal with what frightens him. Karen puts his leash on, then pops the toast and is stunned when Rana doesn't react. Cesar explains that the leash makes him submissive, and he is less frightened when he doesn't feel that he must control his environment. He shows her the increasing stages of aggression and at which point the correction must come.
Thursday, September 16th, 2004
4: Boomer and Josh
The Yap Dog Kristy Thom and Jody Sherman live with a Chesapeake Bay Retriever named Boomer, who barks incessantly and demands constant attention. Cesar counsels them that they will need to change their behavior toward Boomer so that Boomer will see them as the pack leaders, and advises them not to nurture the excited, out of control behavior by showing affection while Boomer is in an excited state. He stresses that they must maintain a calm, assertive energy, and be consistent about exercising Boomer since he is a high-energy breed. The Grooming Gremlin Josh is owned by Ronette Thomlinson who rescued him from a shelter, where he would have been put down the next day. Josh is a poodle/schnauzer mix who growls and bites everyone but Ronette. He is food-aggressive and will not tolerate being groomed. Cesar tells Ronette that she and everyone in the household must become Josh's pack leaders instead of his followers. Cesar first takes Josh for a walk to establish his authority, then begins to groom him. Josh screams and bites Cesar, but Cesar gains control of Josh and is able to cut his hair. He explains that often small dogs show their teeth and people back off, which teaches the dog that they can control people with their teeth, and sometimes it isn't aggression, just nervousness.
Friday, September 17th, 2004
5: Harry and Brooks
Hell on Wheels Beverly Keeley and Janet Parker adopted Harry from their local shelter, and have discovered that he becomes very aggressive to anything on wheels, such as bikes and skateboards. It's become impossible for them to walk him because he pulls badly and since he's a German Shepherd mix, he's a powerful dog. Cesar establishes that Harry is anxious and fearful, which became aggression toward what frightened him. Cesar and Harry go for a walk, and Cesar's sons help him work with Harry once Cesar is sure Harry is under control. Before the session is over, Harry is happily running beside a skateboarding Andre, Cesar's nine-year-old son. Then Cesar stands with Harry and has Illusion and their sons go by on various wheeled vehicles. He teaches Janet and Beverly how to touch Harry to redirect his attention when he begins to lunge; they are very encouraged but realize that it will take practice to rehabilitate Harry. Bright Lights – Big Problem Brooks is an Entlebucher (Swiss Mountain Dog) owned by Lorain and Chuck Nicholson. As a puppy, Brooks was taught to "chase the light" with a laser light. He became obsessed with finding the light. He is constantly searching for any light. Cesar asks questions about what Brooks was like when he came to them and established that Brooks is neurotic and that he sees lights as something he can control. He tells them that any time they see Brooks behaving in this frantic manner, they need to make him sit and calm down. They need to establish themselves as pack leaders before they can change Brooks' behavior. Chuck and Lorain explain that they let him do whatever he wants because they want him to have fun, but Cesar explains that in pack behavior dogs never walk in front of the pack leader, and they are having fun. Brooks has been through obedience training and is not walked on leash, but Cesar has them put him on leash to keep his head up and follow Lorain and Chuck. Inside the house, they work on the li
Monday, September 20th, 2004
6: Sueki and Coach
Stubborn Shih Tzu Eula Manocchi and her son Anthan have a Shih Tzu named Sueki who will not walk on a leash; however, when they walk her without a leash, she takes off if there is a distraction. When they try to use a leash, Sueki shuts down, sits down and will not move. Cesar takes her outside, walks away from their home, then puts the leash on her and allows her to stand and get used to it. He says the leash will take her home. He's very patient with her stops and starts, and uses the technique of tapping her back to get her moving when she stops for too long. Soon Cesar gives the leash to Eula to practice, but she is so tense that Sueki shuts down. Cesar shows her how to use her own calm energy to calm Sueki and associate the leash with something positive. One Last Chance Stella and John Albert have two Boxers, Mocha and Coach. Mocha is very quiet and Coach is very active. After nearly five years with the Alberts, Coach began showing very aggressive behavior, forcing the family to reach the decision to have Coach put to sleep. The night before this was to take place, Stella saw an ad in the paper offering help with behavior problems. They called Cesar, who comes to their house to evaluate the situation. They realize that they have been rewarding the behavior they want to stop. Cesar shows them that what Coach needs is exercise and something to occupy his mind. He advises them to take long walks with Coach to relieve some of his pent-up frustration. Cesar returns in two weeks to find that Coach does great on walks, and is well-behaved even with distractions. For this session, they work on Coach's jumping on the fence gate when people go by. Cesar has one of his own dogs, a Pit Bull named Daddy act as the trigger, while Cesar works with Coach on the other side of the fence. Coach responds very quickly to the training.
Tuesday, September 21st, 2004
7: Slick and Pepper
Pampered Puli Academy Awards Telecast Producer, Michael Seligman and his wife, Teresa Cusick have a white Puli, named Slick, who is very timid, which causes him to show fear aggression. Cesar suggests that Slick visit the Dog Psychology Center in South Los Angeles to give Cesar a chance to evaluate Slick's behavior and how Michael and Teresa interact with him. Cesar has nearly 40 dogs at his center, all of whom were rescued and rehabilitated by him; now they help him work with other dogs. Slick seems to very much enjoy this new experience and Cesar is very optimistic about how well they will do with the changes suggested. Picture Perfect Pepper Pepper, a Border Collie/terrier mix lives and works with Chris Nelson, a professional photographer. Chris and his business partner, Scott Smith, are concerned about Pepper's territorial nipping and barking at clients when they enter the studio. This behavior has to be stopped or Pepper is likely to eventually bite someone. Pepper is very well-behaved on their daily walks, but in the studio it's a different matter. Cesar instructs Chris to teach her to sit quietly near the door while he answers it. Cesar demonstrates how to take control of their territory instead of letting Pepper "own" it. Chris must assume a more dominant, pack leader attitude within his home and studio like he does outside on walks in order to control Pepper's dominant behavior.
Wednesday, September 22nd, 2004
8: Gus and Ava
Bouncing Bouvier Tedd Rosenfeld and Shellie Yaseen adopted an adolescent Bouvier des Flandres named Gus, who very rambunctious. Since Bouviers are a high-energy herding breed, Cesar teaches them how to properly exercise Gus to burn off some of his excess energy, then takes them to Long Beach Herding Facility, where owner Jerome Stewart encourages Gus to herd some sheep, since Bouviers are a herding breed. After seeing how much Gus enjoys himself, Tedd and Shellie decide that he will be going weekly for herding training. Twirling Dog Ava is a Pug/Pekingese mix who lives with Nadia Krim. Ava has a compulsive twirling habit when she gets excited. Knowing that this behavior is not just an endearing quirk, Nadia calls Cesar for help. Cesar and Nadia take Ava for a walk, and Cesar explains that twirling is Ava's way of dealing with boredom and frustration. Dogs will show negative behavior like excessive barking, digging, chewing, as a side effect of lack of exercise and mental stimulation. Exercise, mental stimulation (discipline) and affection are the three things our dogs need for balance. He shows her how to keep Ava's head up while walking by putting the collar just behind the ears, like handlers do while showing dogs; this gives the person more control.
Thursday, September 23rd, 2004
9: Churchill and Maya
Raging Rottie Churchill is a Rottweiler/Shepherd mix who goes berserk when taken for walks. When he bit a neighbor who was petting him, the owners, Amir and Stephanie Kaspian, called Cesar. Churchill is so dog aggressive that Amir believes he cannot be socialized. Within two minutes Cesar has Churchill walking with one of his own dogs. He demonstrates that the key is having control immediately and not allowing the aggression to escalate; a calm, assertive energy is essential. Within a few minutes Cesar has Churchill walking with one of his own dogs, and soon after has both the owners walking Churchill around two different dogs, with no problems. The Little Rascal Athena Blakely and her two daughters, Destiny and Arielle, live with Maya, a Pit Bull mix. Destiny Blakely sends a letter to Cesar describing a day with Maya, and asking for his help. Maya is a good girl, but full of mischief, barking, stealing toys, and digging. Cesar explains to them that Maya needs a broader world than just her home and yard, as do all dogs. He feels that if these issues are not addressed, Maya will very likely become aggressive. He teaches them how to give Maya a physical challenge by walking with her. Three weeks later, Cesar returns to check on Maya's progress, which has been significant. He brings a backpack for Maya, the weight gives a more strenuous workout, and to give her the sense of having a job to do, which helps to focus and motivate her.
Friday, September 24th, 2004
10: Bubba and Garret
The Good, the Bad, and the Bubba Heidi and Hal Wasserman own Bubba, a Maltese who is very, very spoiled. Bubba goes to work with Heidi and Hal, but attacks their clients when they try to leave, and even though he is tiny, he will attack large dogs. He completely rules the roost, but Cesar shows Heidi how to "become the pack leader, who loves him very much." Catch It If You Can Sheila Malvasi and Joel Cohen have two German Shepherds, Keela and Garret. Garret has the compulsive behavior of chasing his tail constantly. Realizing that this behavior is harming Garret, and that it can't make him happy, they call Cesar. Cesar believes that what Garret needs is a job. He teaches Sheila and Joel how to structure the walks with the aid of a dog backpack so that Garret feels purposeful rather than anxious and excited. He shows them that they need to use their calm energy to refocus Garrett's attention when he starts to get excited and spin.
Monday, September 27th, 2004
11: Emily
There's Something About Emily Emily is a 6-year old Pit Bull who is extremely dog aggressive. At home she is very sweet, but while out walking she completely changes. Her owners, Jessika Palmer and her father, David Palmer, fear that she will harm or kill another dog. Cesar takes Emily for a walk, and has his wife, Illusion, walk past with their Pit Bull, Daddy. Emily goes into the "red zone" of aggression. Cesar feels that the best way to deal with this is to take her to his Dog Psychology Center for six weeks to let his "pirate dogs" help socialize her. About two weeks into her time at the Dog Psychology Center, Jessika and David come for a visit. Cesar warns them that Emily may act out since that is how she had been used to acting around them, and that they should be careful to project a calm energy; sure enough, there's an incident. But overall, Emily makes great progress in the pack environment, and hopefully things will be different after this experience. For her graduation treat, Cesar takes Emily and a number of his dogs to do Emily's favorite activities-rollerblading. It's an amazing sight to see one man rollerblading with nine leashed dogs!
Tuesday, September 28th, 2004
12: Hank and Paris
Paris is a long-haired Chihuahua who lives with students Nelson Chang and Jhett Brown; Paris is a tiny tyrant who bites, barks, and generally rules the roost. Cesar tells them that even though Paris is tiny and adorable and easy to carry, he still needs exercise and walks. He talks about the misconception that a dog who approaches a person may not want to be touched; they may simply want to smell the person. He also tells them that dogs are born with their nose open, 15 days later they open their eyes, 21 days later they open their ears. Cesar teaches them to have respect for Paris by treating him less like a child and more like a dog. Exercise, discipline, and affection. Hope for Hank Marsha Alexander has worked in Mastiff rescue for 20 years. Hank is extremely afraid of people, and Marsha worries that he could hurt someone if she is not able to rehabilitate him. Hank also has severe separation anxiety and has destroyed much of Marsha's woodwork. Cesar advised Marsha that what Hank really needs is to learn trust, but that Marsha is doing a wonderful job with him, and is doing all the right things to achieve that goal.
Wednesday, September 29th, 2004
13: Sasha and Shep
Old Dogs, New Tricks Sasha is an extremely aggressive 12-year-old Lhasa Apso owned by Lois Rubino and Barry Heck. She has been biting her owners for nearly 12 years, and they hope that Cesar can help them. She will not walk on leash, and is very toy and food protective, but Cesar assures them that it is never too late to change aggressive, dominant behavior. He teaches them some methods to regain ownership of their home by taking control of Sasha's food, toys, and walks. He explains that once a dog challenges the owner, like for food or toys, and the owner backs away, the dog is in control-she is the dominant one in the relationship. He further points out that this is a common problem with small, fluffy dogs; since they are so small and cute the owners tend to not provide boundaries and limitations. While Cesar is teaching Lois and Barry how to master the walk, he tells them that using tension to pull the Sasha on the leash on the walk passes the tension to the dog and creates a negative impact on the dog's mind. Cesar shakes a bag of treats to re-focus Sasha's attention. Showdown with Shep Cynthia Holvenstot and her sons Ricky and Jojo Lopez have a German Shepherd Dog named Shep. He is very sweet to them, but can be very unpredictable and hyper. Cynthia is in a wheelchair and would love to be able to walk Shep, but cannot trust him. She tells Cesar that her sons play with him at least 30 minutes a day, but Cesar explains that this activity is like taking a child to Chuck E. Cheese as opposed to piano lessons. Piano lessons are conducive to a calm, submissive state of mind while Chuck E. Cheese just gets them more excited. First he teaches them to master the walk; this will help drain some of Shep's excess energy. Cesar gives Shep the job of carrying a backpack for Cynthia, and he does a great job. He explains that the backpack gives a dog a psychological challenge and makes them feel useful-instead of pulling, now he carries. Three weeks later, C
Thursday, September 30th, 2004
14: Jake and King
Linda and Bob Weide have a Shepherd/Lab mix named Jake. Jake is dog aggressive when he is on leash; off leash at the dog park, he's fine. Cesar explains that the leash itself represents something negative to Jake. "When a leash is an uncomfortable experience, everything around it is suspect," and that Jake must be walked with structure so that his negative reaction can be rehabilitated. This is no problem for Bob since he's always walked Jake correctly, which is to be the one in control and making the decisions, having the dog walk with the him, but not pulling or walking in front. Later in the walk when the owner allows it, the dog can be allowed to wander and sniff and so on. Linda has been letting Jake make the decisions and the inconsistency is bad for him. Cesar shows Linda how to keep Jake in a more relaxed state of mind from the beginning and to redirect his attention when he starts to go on alert. Jake does beautifully once Linda takes control of the walk, rather than letting Jake walk her. Chantel Valdivieso is a 10-year-old actress who has a Rottweiler named King. She and her mother, Teresa, regard King as Chantel's big brother. Chantel cannot walk King since he pulls on leash, which is a problem because he is more than double her weight. Cesar explains that they need to interpret King's behavior as a canine rather than human. Cesar teaches Chantel to be more assertive and empowered in her control of King.
Friday, October 1st, 2004
15: Scrawny and Lola
Tanya Vener and Allen Medven have nine Yorkshire Terriers, one of whom is named Scrawny. She is extremely possessive of Allen and bites anyone who comes near him. They hope that Cesar can help them with this problem. After establishing the reason for this behavior, Cesar shows Allen how to modify his behavior toward Scrawny, and not to pick her up or otherwise give in to her demands. The difference in Scrawny could be seen immediately.Liz Dietz and Ed Lopez have Capone, a Boxer, and Lola, a Dalmatian. Lola has gotten totally out of control and is difficult to walk on leash. He shows Liz that, 1) the extension leash gives Lola the control, and 2) when Lola starts the walk in an excited state, she will stay in an excited state during the walk. He also had Liz put Lola on a treadmill to get more exercise than she can get on a daily walk.
Monday, October 4th, 2004
16: Alice and J
Patrick Lawlor and Karen Erbach have three dogs, one of whom is Alice, a Border Collie mix, who occasionally goes berserk with other dogs, including the two who live with her. There is apparently a pack dominance contest going on between Katie, an Akita, and Alice. It appears that Katie may actually be the aggressor, initiating the fights. Cesar takes Alice to his Dog Psychology Center to work with her in his pack. Patrick and Karen decide that they will walk all three dogs every morning to tire the dogs out before they leave for work, and that they will no longer show favoritism toward Katie. J is a Beagle mix who lives with Janet Canterbury. J nipped a postal carrier, breaking the skin; subsequently the USPS sent a letter to Janet's neighbors stating that mail would not be delivered on that street due to the presence of a vicious dog. Her homeowner's insurer threatened to cancel her insurance, and she was sued by the postal carrier. She calls Cesar for help. He teaches her to not give affection when the dog is anxious because that nurtures the anxiety. He also tells her that she needs to walk J and expose her to those situations that cause the anxiety in order to overcome it and refocus J's mind to a calm state. The aggression may be J's way of draining the anxiety. Cesar shows Janet how to demonstrate the calm assertive behavior that will calm J.
Tuesday, October 5th, 2004
17: Caper and Julius
Manic Miniature Pinscher Chad Canale and Daniela Schnebly live with Caper, who amuses bystanders with her manic behavior, but they are concerned that Caper is showing compulsive behavior, particularly with balls. When they walk her she tries so hard to pull ahead that she dances on two legs. Cesar tells them that by letting Caper walk in front of them on walks, that she is demonstrating "excitement domination." He teaches them how to master the walk, and they catch on quickly. Then Cesar deals with the ball compulsion, showing Chad and Daniela how to control the ball; Caper is not allowed to chase it or play with it until she is calm. Petrified Pit Bull Brendan McKane and Sharon Noble have a Pit Bull named Julius, who is extraordinarily timid. However, he goes into what Sharon calls "kill mode" when he is in a car. He seems to be in a constant state of terror anytime he's not in the house. Brendan and Sharon realize the training is for them, as much as for Julius and they are more than willing to learn. Cesar shows them that it will be easier for Julius to lose his fear if he can feel the calm assertive energy of Brendan and Sharon.
Wednesday, October 6th, 2004
18: Bella and Jordan
Terror Bella Elisa Francescon and her daughter and niece, Heather and Nicole have a Border Terrier named Bella, who is very aggressive toward anyone coming into the Francescon home. As he usually does first, Cesar and the ladies take Bella for a walk and Bella challenges each of them with her bad behavior on the leash. After they learn to take control of Bella and get her to walk nicely, they work on the door etiquette issue. They are taught to keep Bella on leash when people come in so that they can control her behavior. Un-crossing Jordan Bill Herrera and his sister Barbara Laporte are worried about Jordan's tendency to compulsively attack objects when they walk him. Being a Bulldog, Jordan becomes fixated and is difficult to distract from this behavior. Cesar takes him for a walk to tire him out before starting to work on the obsessive behavior, but Jordan is one tough little cookie and even makes calm Cesar break a sweat. Even all tuckered out, Jordan still tries to get the garden hose, which is one of his obsessions. Cesar returns a week later, and works with them again. It seems to come easier to Barbara than to Bill, who is not by nature very assertive, but he is trying very hard to learn to be calm and assertive with Jordan.
Thursday, October 7th, 2004
19: Teddy and Sunshine
Beware of Teddy Steve and Lisa Garelick's yellow Lab is aggressive toward people and other animals. He acts friendly, but then, out of nowhere, snaps and bites. Cesar begins by explaining to Lisa that there are two positions with dogs, the dominant one, or the follower. When you have a high-energy dog and you don't provide the leadership, the dog's energy becomes frustration, then mix that with dominance and you can have severe aggression. After wearing Teddy out a little in the back yard, they take him for a walk. A small dog runs up to them, which alarms Lisa and Steve, but Cesar gets Teddy to tolerate being sniffed by the other dog. Cesar also teaches their small daughter to show affection to Teddy only when he is being calm and submissive. Dependent Dobie Michelle Bird's Doberman, Sunshine, has severe separation anxiety. She cries incessantly when left alone. Michelle's marriage broke up, and their household situation changed drastically from one with multiple dogs and step-children to just the two of them. She also worries that Sunshine could become a fear-biter. Cesar tells her that since she is not calm and balanced, Sunshine is not calm and balanced. Michelle understands immediately and totally commits to re-training herself so that Sunshine can be happier. Cesar teaches her to master the walk with consistency. Sunshine improved noticeably while they walked, and Cesar explains that now that Sunshine is not in control of the situation, she can relax and enjoy the walk and not feel the need to act dominant. Michelle is elated and believes she can now have a life again.
Friday, October 8th, 2004
20: Pepsi and Goldie
A Puzzle Named Pepsi Marcela and Bartolo Gonzalez have a German Shepherd named Pepsi and a Himalayan cat named Kitty Love. Pepsi is quite aggressive toward Kitty Love, which concerns the Gonzalez's. As a member of the camera crew finds out the hard way, Pepsi is also very protective of Marcela. Cesar tells them that Marcela's overprotective behavior with Pepsi generates the same behavior from Pepsi toward her. Cesar points out the escalating progression of behavior: excitement, dominance, and aggression. He likens Pepsi's behavior to that of a jealous man-Pepsi is possessive of Marcela, which may well cause Pepsi to bite. Cesar gets Marcela to admit that she allows Pepsi to be the leader, and that by overprotecting him she is creating a barrier between Bartolo and Pepsi. They realize that they both need to participate in the relationship with Pepsi. Bartolo works with Pepsi for awhile and both Marcela and Bartolo can see a difference right away. Spaniel Hospital Jacklyn Zeman, star of General Hospital, and her daughters, Lacey Rose and Cassidy Gorden, have a Brittany Spaniel named Goldie, who is aggressive with other female dogs. They've stopped walking her because they have a large yard, and because she is difficult to walk due to the pulling and female dog-aggression. Cesar points out that dogs still need to be walked regularly even if they do have more than adequate space in the house and yard. Cesar also tells them that from Goldie's point of view, she is number one, she controls Jacklyn and the girls, and she will not allow other female dogs to come and control her females. He teaches them how to be the pack leaders and to master the walk. Jacklyn has a problem getting Goldie to follow her; she is tense, and dogs will not follow tense energy. They work the problem out and commit to a 45 minute walk every day with Goldie.
Monday, October 11th, 2004
21: Nicki
Nicki is a highly dog-aggressive Rottweiler who came from a horrible situation in a homeless camp. Kathleen Daniels and her son Donald rescued him and now want to get him past this aggressive behavior so that he can have the life he deserves. Cesar and his wife, Illusion, test Nicki with one of their dogs, and Nicki does quite well. They decide to evaluate him further by taking him to Cesar's Dog Psychology Center. Nicki's calm-submissive behavior away from Kathleen and Donald shows Cesar that they are not consistently demonstrating leadership. Nicki spends two weeks at the Dog Psychology Center learning to be part of a pack and being worked with daily. At the end of the 14 days, Cesar takes Nicki home, along with a few of his new doggie friends; Nicki has no trouble allowing them into his territory.
Tuesday, October 12th, 2004
22: Percy and Justice
Percy's Peculiarities Percy is a West Highland White Terrier owned by Diane Engstrom. Percy will not allow anyone to touch his hindquarters, and he absolutely loves to tear up Diane's mail, which comes into the house through a slot in the front door. Cesar bluntly tells her that the problem is her lack of disciplined follow-through with herself and with Percy. Diane questions Cesar regarding possible reasons for Percy's aversion to having his bottom touched. He was checked thoroughly for any physical reason and that was ruled out. Cesar explains that a vaccination or other experience possibly caused him to snap, successfully making the person to back off, teaching Percy that he could control people with that behavior. Cesar then teaches Diane the proper way to walk Percy, making sure that Percy does not lead. For the first part of the walk, the dog needs to walk next to or behind the owner, then later be allowed to sniff and wander. With the usual terrier stubbornness, Percy didn't want to give up shredding the mail, but eventually did learn to sit quietly on lead while the mail drops to the floor.Serving Justice Robert and Elaine Bias's American Pit Bull Terrier, Justice, is quite hyper, destructive and potentially dog-aggressive. She also harasses Smokey, Robert and Elaine's other dog, a retriever/Lab mix. Cesar shows them how to channel her energy into positive activities, initially by walking. Justice shuts down-lying down and refusing to walk. Cesar uses food to encourage Justice to walk nicely, but Robert has more trouble with this. Cesar teaches Robert that using tension on the leash while Justice is tense will not work, but using small tugs unlocks the mindset.
Wednesday, October 13th, 2004
23: Stewart and Buddy
Mixed up Chow Deborah Carmichael, Damon Carr, and Deborah's daughter, Catherine, live with Stewart, a Chow/retriever mix who barks incessantly, and from the families' description, sounds like she has multiple personalities. As always, Cesar starts by teaching them to master the walk. As they are out walking, Cesar introduces three elements that usually cause Stewart great distress: other dogs, children and mail carriers. Cesar's wife and sons, Illusion, Andre and Calvin, and one of their dogs are there to help him. The mail carrier for their street, despite her visible discomfort, also stops and allows Cesar to work with Stewart near her. He tells them how to tactfully prevent people from just walking up and attempting to touch Stewart since she dislikes it. To stop her from the door barking that is so common and annoying, Cesar shows them to put her on leash and correct her when she barks. Hose Dog Johnny and Christine Johnson, have Buddy, a Beagle/American Coonhound mix, who is absolutely terrified of water. Also, their two children, Alexandra and Ryan, can't walk him because he is pretty hyper and pulls badly on leash. Cesar has to resort to running with him to drain some of the energy. While Buddy was a little tired from the running, Cesar exposes him to a running hose, which he eventually accepts. Cesar recommends long daily walks and gradual exposure to water. After three weeks, Cesar returns to deal with Buddy's fear of baths. Ordinarily, Buddy trembles with fear while being bathed so Cesar uses food treats as a positive reinforcement to make the experience easier for Buddy. After the bath is done, Buddy flips out and tries to bite Cesar; Cesar explains that since Buddy couldn't express himself during the bathing process, he needed to vent. Cesar controlled Buddy without giving him attention until Buddy calmed down.
Wednesday, October 13th, 2004
24: Lucy and Lizzie
Lucy is a Dalmatian who lives with Caroline Baddour and Ron Gertsch. She is extraordinarily food aggressive, to the point where she snarls and chases her own tail. Cesar begins his work with Lucy by having Caroline give her food; Cesar uses his body to block her from her food bowl and takes control of it. Carolyn is clearly anxious and Cesar tells her that she needs to keep a calm energy with Lucy, because Lucy will sense and feed on Caroline's negative energy. He tells her that if she is worried and anxious about Lucy biting her, she can make it happen. Lucy responds well to this exercise and they move on to walking with her. Claudia and Michael Ortopan have a Red Tick Elizabethan Beagle named Lizzie. Lizzie has worn a deep path in their back yard with compulsive running. She will exhaust herself running in this path. She is also terrified of the trash collection trucks. Cesar tells them that when you adopt from a shelter, you should first take them for a minimum of an hour-long walk for them to get to know you as their new pack leader. Then introduce them into the home. They take Lizzie for a walk and while they are out, a garbage truck comes by; at first Lizzie is frantic, but Cesar teaches her to sit at his side while the truck passes. Cesar returns after two weeks and finds that she has improved, but still needs more mental stimulation, so they get her walking on a treadmill and she soon focuses on this new activity.
Thursday, October 14th, 2004
25: Daisy and Sophie
Humping Daisy Daisy is a yellow Lab who lives with Marlene and Randy Benda and their two children. Daisy humps the kids, rushes the door and generally is hyper when the children's friends are visiting. Cesar notices that the Bendas encourage and empower their children, which is good, but they are doing the same thing with Daisy, which is not so good. They all go out into the back yard where Cesar works with Daisy. When they reenter the house, Cesar steps on her leash to hold her in place until she becomes calm and the family is able to enter the house first. Daisy's obedience training really helps the family to reach the next step in gaining psychological control. Horsing Around Rachelle Wyse has a three-year-old Golden Retriever/Sheltie mix named Sophie who chases and nips at the heels of the horses at the ranch where Rachelle keeps her horse, Jack. Cesar draws the connection of being in control of the horse without being mean, and relates that to how the relationship with a dog should be. He says that here in America we have humanized our dogs to an unhealthy degree, which is not fair to the dog. They take Jack into the arena to work out, and Cesar shows her how to stop Sophie from her escalating behavior of chasing and nipping at Jack. Cesar directs Sophie out of the arena and notes to Rachelle that he is not using Sophie's name while giving her directions; that her name is only used for a positive experience. He recommends a 45-minute power walk daily, and that she teach Sophie to respect Jack's space while he is exercising.
Friday, October 15th, 2004
26: Boyfriend and Alfie
Battle of the Boyfriends Anita Eble has a herding mix named Boyfriend, who just happens to hate her human boyfriend, David Kovach. Boyfriend has bitten David twice, but Anita doesn't want to euthanize him as David wants her to. Cesar establishes that Boyfriend was not aggressive in the beginning, but fearful; nurturing that fear can create fear-based aggressive behavior. Boyfriend should not have affection before exercise and discipline. He asks Anita how she reacts to the aggression. She says she screams at Boyfriend. Cesar explains that this does not control aggressive dogs. David reiterates that he thinks Boyfriend should be put down-he doesn't think Anita can follow-though, and that he will be bitten again. Aside, Cesar states that David is blaming the dog, and it's not the dog's fault. It's the responsibility of the owner. He asks David to keep an open mind. Anita is very anxious when Cesar enters Boyfriend's pen and Cesar reminds her that she needs to have a relaxed energy and an assertive approach. Cesar sits with his back to the dog, in order to allow Boyfriend to calm down near him. (It may need to be said here, as in the opening of the show, that one should consult a professional before attempting these techniques.) Once Boyfriend is calm, Cesar has David approach with his own dogs, who are actually the ones to start things. Boyfriend avoids rather than reacts to them. Cesar says that he is not issuing any commands, that it is his energy controlling the behavior. "The presence of a human can actually change the behavior of a dog." Cesar gives Anita homework to practice, and she is very encouraged by Boyfriend's calm behavior with Cesar, and commits to the work ahead. What's It All About, Alfie? Alfie is an English Bull Dog owned by Daisy Fuentes and her fiancé, Matt. Daisy is concerned about Alfie's newly-defensive behavior toward visitors to the home. Cesar notes that Daisy's Soft-Coated Wheaton terrier, Rita. is hyper, and Alfie
Season 2
not specified
Friday, January 6th, 2006
1: Brady, Bandit and Hootie
A Labrador that is obsessed with its owners swimming pool. A dog is frightened by some skateboarders and has performance issues at competitions. An aggressive Chihuahua is in need of rehabilitation and its owners need training.
Friday, January 13th, 2006
2: Sonny, Chocolate and Cinnamon, Boo
A leadership lacking episode, except for the Dog Whisperer. First we have a rescue German Shepherd that is apprehensive towards other people and dogs who often hides under a desk. Next is a Dachshund duo with an aggressive member who rules the house. Last is a pug who shows no respect for his owner or fellow pet pig.
Friday, January 27th, 2006
3: Buddy, Teddy, and Matilda
Buddy is a Labrador and Staffordshire mix who from the beginning has had problems which steadily grew to animal killing instincts. Teddy is a poodle who spins out of control when cars pass by him on walks. Matilda is a bulldog who is obsessed with skateboards and other moving objects.
Friday, February 3rd, 2006
4: JonBee, Violet & Hudson and Buford
JonBee is a Korean Jindo that was rescued from the streets. As he recovered he became more agressive and would not submit to his owner. Violet and Hudson is about a pair of Great Danes in which one is out of control in the house. Buford is a boxer who lost its mate and the owner wants Cesar to help find a new mate.
Friday, February 3rd, 2006
5: Isis, Tina, Nugget and Katrina Dogs
In this episode, Cesar works with a couple whose relationship is at risk due to their pit mixes-the dog�s aggression toward each other makes it impossible for the couple to spend time together with their dogs. The second segment is about a dane mix who will eat absolutely anything-resulting in surgery to remove an obstruction. They hope that Cesar can help stop him from this destructive and dangerous behavior. The third segment is about the three Katrina dogs who hopefully will be reunited with their families.
Friday, February 17th, 2006
6: Buddy, Tiger & Roxy, and Booker
In the first segment, Cesar works with a couple who have a fearful-aggressive papillon/corgi mix who needs medications but will do anything, including biting, to avoid the treatment. In the second segment, he works with two young women who have adopted two rottweiler puppies they found as strays. The dogs are becoming aggressive in their play, especially with the ladies� young niece. Cesar helps them get the dogs under control and trustworthy around children. In the third segment, Cesar takes on a frightened Vizsla named Booker who is having a very hard time adapting to living in the city after his early months in a quiet, country atmosphere.
Friday, February 17th, 2006
7: Duke, Lulu and Sparky
In this episode, Cesar spends some time at a dog park, helping some owners learn how to prepare their dogs to be in the park with other dogs. People should understand that a dog park should be equivalent to a person going to Starbucks-a place to kick back and socialize, not the only source of exercise. The dogs should be walked before going to the dog park so that they have some of their excess energy worked off. The dog park should be the reward for good behavior-not the place for their only source of exercise. In the second segment, Cesar works with a woman who has panic disorder and is trying to prepare her dog to take the Public Access Test to gain her Service Dog credential for her dog.
Friday, March 3rd, 2006
8: Chip, Lucy, Hank & Betty, and Leo
Cesar works with a very aggressive min pin named Chip who has absolutely ruled the roost in his home, even attacking members of the family. After Chip spends two weeks at the Dog Psychology Center, the family comes and learns how to continue the improvement at home. In the second segment, Cesar works with three dogs belonging to actress Denise Richards. They have started to become aggressive toward visitors and Denise learns how to control their behavior before it gets out of hand and to address whichever dog is being the instigator. In the third segment, Cesar teaches an empty-nester mom how to draw on her excellent mothering skills to regain control of her basset hound puppy who is manipulating her by refusing to walk if he doesn�t want to do something.
Friday, March 10th, 2006
9: Spike, Jake & Nugget, and Wendell
In this episode Cesar works with an aggressive German shepherd who, very unlike his much-loved predecessor, would and has attacked people and animals outside the family, and appears to want to kill the family cat. Then he deals with a teacher who has adopted a second sheltie from rescue, but this dog attacks the vacuum, her hair dryer, etc., in addition to barking non-stop in the car, generally making himself unpleasant. This is putting strain on her relationship with her parents, who dog-sit for her during the day. In the third segment, Cesar works with woman who has two rescued dogs, one a chow mix and one a pit mix. The pit mix particularly is causing a problem in her relationship with her fianc�, to the point where the wedding was postponed until the dog situation was resolved.
Friday, March 17th, 2006
10: Pasha, Cosmo and Contessa
In the first segment, Cesar works with a couple who have an out of control lab who was even kicked out of a dog training class. In the second segment, he has a more complex problem to solve. A young couple has recently married and one of their dogs is having a hard time with the changes. He has become quite aggressive, and since they are expecting their first child, they are anxious to bring both their dogs under control so they will not be a threat to the new baby. In the third segment Cesar has an easy time teaching a shar pei to not attack the TV every time there are dogs on the screen.
Friday, March 24th, 2006
11: Princess, Prada and Bearz
In the first segment Cesar works with a Los Angeles Lakers VP and her Maltese who has become aggressive after being attacked by two large dogs in a park. He helps her let go of her guilt at not having protected Princess in that incident. In the second segment, he counsels with another couple who have spoiled their Pomeranian, Prada, after the loss of their other dog. He teaches them how to take back their lives and help Prada to be able to interact with other dogs. In the third segment, Cesar helps a woman who has rescued a very aggressive rottweiler but finds that he is more than she can easily handle after he recovers from a serious illness.
Friday, March 31st, 2006
12: Katrina Dogs Part 2, Major Jones and Josie
First, Cesar worked with a rural rescuer to help her get her German shepherd, Major Jones, to accept the leash so that he could be walked and socialized. Second, he helped a chocolate lab to get used the family's shiny new hardwood floor so that she wouldn't continue to restrict herself to the only carpeted room in the house. In the last segment, Cesar updates the Katrina Dog story from a prior episode. All three dogs are doing well and there is a joyful reunion with one of the owners.
Friday, April 7th, 2006
13: Eppie, Lady and Snoopy
Cesar works with Heather Mitchell and Nate Clesowich to rehabilitate Eppie, a Stafford Bull Terrier. Eppie has become very dog aggressive and makes walking her a nightmare. In the second segment, he deals with a dog who has become fearful aggressive, especially barking at the owner's mother, who has reached the point where she can't stand Lady. In the third segment, Cesar helps a family with a very active young beagle who has begun to run in the yard, sniffing and yelping until his nose is bloody.
Friday, April 21st, 2006
15: Pups on Parole, Eton & Dolly
This was an especially powerful episode where Cesar dealt with problems would not be often seen. First he worked with a couple who have three dogs, two of them aggressive bulldogs who have been constantly fighting even though they had been together happily for years. Then he spent two days working with the Pups on Parole program at the Southern Nevada Women's Correctional Center, helping the inmates learn how to deal with the individual problems of the dogs assigned to them and as a pack working with the dogs together.
Friday, April 28th, 2006
16: Vicki & Taz, Punkin and Maddy
In the first segment, Cesar works with a couple who have two min pins that are hyperactive to the point of biting visitors to the home and are harming their home-based business. Cesar also deals with Maria's fear of large dogs. In the second segment, he takes a rock-obsessed Rhodesian ridgeback/pit mix to the Center to help him learn to engage in more appropriate dog activities. Punkin has a great time and quickly loses interest in rocks. In the third segment, Cesar helps a young woman with a very frightened adopted stray. Molly soon learns to adjust her energy to help Maddy relax and feel more confident about men.
Sunday, July 30th, 2006
17: Dax, Pete, Nixa, and Sugar and Snowflake
Cesar works with three families: one with an over-exuberant puppy, one with three German Shepherd Dogs with pack issues, and one with a controlling little fluffball who rules the house.
Monday, July 31st, 2006
18: Bikini, Fella, and Winston & Oliver
Cesar works with a family who has a Yorkie who eats shrubs, an apartment dwelling family whose dog barks excessively while they’re not home and Miniature Bull Terrier who is aggressive with large dogs.
Tuesday, August 1st, 2006
19: Power of the Pack
Cesar reflects on some of his most difficult cases and shows how his LA dog psychology center ("the home of his pack") has helped in the rehabilitation process. He also introduces some of the dogs, including a few owned by celebrities.
Friday, August 4th, 2006
14: Greta & Hoss, Storm and Chula
Hoss, one of Greta's offspring, is becoming more dog aggressive as he grows up. Storm won't eat despite recommendations from their vet. Chula is accomplished at escaping through the door.
Friday, August 11th, 2006
21: Cesar's Toughest Cases
For twenty years, Cesar has dealt with all kinds of canines. This episode features several of Cesar's toughest cases including: Matilda, the skateboard munching bulldog, vicious Min Pin, Chip, and ferocious Chihuahua, Bandit, just to name a few. See how Cesar deals with each of these unique issues in this special episode of Dog Whisperer. Plus updates on how the dogs are doing.
Friday, August 11th, 2006
20: Cesar's Toughest Cases
For twenty years, Cesar has dealt with all kinds of canines. This episode features several of Cesar's toughest cases including: Matilda, the skateboard munching bulldog, vicious Min Pin, Chip, and ferocious Chihuahua, Bandit, just to name a few. See how Cesar deals with each of these unique issues in this special episode of Dog Whisperer. Plus updates on how the dogs are doing.
Season 3
not specified
21: Rocco And Hootie
Monday, October 23rd, 2006
1: Kobe, Banjo, and Kisses
Kobe, a one eyed Australian Shepherd, is biting people and lunging at strangers. A rescued coonhound named Banjo is afraid of people, even owner Beverly. Kisses, a pink maltese is aggessive, nipping at owner's (Kitten) heels and eliminating on the carpet.
Monday, October 30th, 2006
2: Buster, Holli, Spike & Belle
On a Nebraska farm, an Australian shepherd named Buster is protecting too well. Cesar helps Holli, an American Stafford Terrier who was injured in a school bus accident. Oscar nominee Virginia Madsen and her son Jack need help with a companion for their french bulldog Spike.
Monday, November 6th, 2006
3: Molly, Jane, and Genoa
Cesar works with three families, one farm dog who bites tires, an urban dog who is afraid of walks, and a suburban dog who is afraid of the noise of an air compressor.
Monday, November 13th, 2006
4: Wilshire and Butch
In this episode Cesar works with two very challenging cases, a Dalmation who has been adopted by the fire fighters on Wilshire Blvd. in Los Angeles, and a bull dog in Texas.
Monday, November 20th, 2006
5: Maya, Sara, and Lilly
Maya, a Border Collie/Spring Spaniel Mix lunges towards any small animal nearby, causing a further injury to her owner who recently had major neck surgery. Sara, a rescued Sheperd mix with aggression. Then, a pushy poodle in Omaha, Nebraska needs Cesar to help grow out of her puppy behavior.
Monday, December 11th, 2006
6: Sophie & Riley, Aussi and Sasha, Bebe & Lulu
Sophie and Riley are the "dueling bassets". Aussi is in a "dingo dilemma". While Sasha, Bebe and Lulu are providing "no peace in the house".
Friday, January 5th, 2007
7: Bella & Big Boy, and Gracie
New York Times writer John Grogan has a new yellow lab, Gracie, who has become a terror. She refuses to come into the house when called and has eaten one of his pet chickens. Cesar is called in to give Gracie some lessons in respect. Paul Frank Industries allows workers to bring their dogs into work. A majority of the dogs behave, except two: boxer Bella and pit bull mix Big Boy. Can he balance this company and its pack of unruly pooches or is he in for a "ruff" day at the office?
Friday, January 12th, 2007
8: Fondue, Chip, Hope, & JoyJoy, & Elmer
First, a French bulldog named Fondue, who failed the Doggy Daycare Entrance Exam has forced a hard-working Hollywood couple to turn down work. Next, Shelby Ahrling and her three Jack Russell Terriers (Chip, Hope and JoyJoy). The dogs began to fight each other when Shelby became involved in a serious relationship. Finally Jake and Elmer, two beagles that were living fine together until one day Elmer began incessantly howling on walks. Can Cesar help?
Friday, January 19th, 2007
9: Woody & Wally, and Kane
It's the age old rivalry of mail carriers vs. dogs. Cesar joins one postal worker on her daily route and teaches her some practical tips for thwarting dog attacks. Then, Cesar meets hyperactive Pomeranians Woody and Wallie. Whenever they are left alone together they attack each other. Finally, Cesar meets Kane, a Swiss mountain dog, who is very aggressive around food. Can Cesar help these problem dogs?
Friday, January 26th, 2007
10: Skyler, Cassie & Tori
Lynn Arlt has a challenge with four French bulldogs - Boris, Bella, Tallulah, and Groucho. Lynn loves her dogs, but this pack of bulldogs has begun their own French Revolution. Jim and Marcia adopted miniature schnauzer Tori and received a warning "She spins." Can Cesar set this spinning schnauzer straight? In 2004, Police found Howie, with a leash tied so tightly around his neck that it had grown into his skin and had to be surgically removed. The ladies of the Animal Hospital call on Cesar to help.
Friday, February 2nd, 2007
11: Dexter and Nasir
Baring fangs and dripping saliva, a massive 150-lb. beast protects the home of one of music's most beloved performers - legendary recording artist and two-time Grammy winner Miss Patti LaBelle. Patti rarely comes too close to him - out of utter fear and fearing his aggression could lead to an attack. Can Cesar create a harmonious connection between the inspiring singer and the intimidating beast? Then, Cesar heads to Chicago to help Chicago art teacher Mary Jane who has adopted a 6-year-old rottweiler.
Friday, February 16th, 2007
12: Calvin, Rudy, and Milo
Calvin, a three legged ridgeback mix is terrified of strangers and is obsessively attached to his owners. Rudy, a manic Jack Russell terrier barks incessantly and does laps around the room whenever his owners get ready to ride their motorcycle. Can Cesar teach Rudy some motorcycle etiquette? Finally, meet a border collie named Milo whose herding instincts are getting him into some dangerous trouble. Can Cesar corral this border collie?
Friday, February 23rd, 2007
13: Joe, Penny, and Promise
An Australian shepherd can't bear to be away from his owner; a beagle makes trouble for a pack of foster dogs; and an Italian mastiff won't get in the car.
Friday, March 2nd, 2007
14: Titan, Candy, and Bella
A new puppy has soap star Michael Damian's cat cornered, MTV's "Downtown" Julie Brown wants to unspoil her Yorkie, and a 120-pound Rottweiler needs anger management classes
Friday, March 9th, 2007
15: Dasher, Riley and Fosse
An Italian greyhound is touchy about his toys; a mastiff expands his grudge against the mailman; a Yorkie has a shocking dislike of home appliances
Friday, March 30th, 2007
16: Hope, Maureen, Chloe and Sam
A visit to Tijuana brings Cesar face to face with Mexico's overwhelming stray dog population. There, he teams up with volunteers from United Hope for Animals to help rescue dogs that have a good chance of finding homes in the United States. The dogs are brought to the U.S. where Cesar works to rehabilitate several of them. Then meet Chloe, a disrespectful cocker spaniel who taunts her owner who has cerebral palsy.
Monday, July 9th, 2007
17: Bodhi, Maggie & Molly, and Bojo
Bodhi has developed an unpredictable aggression, Maltese dogs named Maggie and Molly have become too territorial, and Bojo attacks his fellow canine companion. How will Cesar help?
Monday, July 16th, 2007
18: Amber, Snoopy, and Schroeder
Amber is great with people, but likes to attack other dogs. Snoopy has intruded on her owners home, work, and love life. Schroeder shows aggression toward other dogs even while on a leash.
Monday, July 30th, 2007
0: Cotton, Ricky, Lila & Duke
Cesar meets Cotton, an American Eskimo watchdog who takes his role too far; a Shiba Inu with a mean streak named Ricky; and Lila, a boxer who was attacked by another dog one day in the park, and has since become more aggressive. Will Cesar be able to block this belligerent boxer's bad attitude?
Season 4
not specified
38: Beau and Q-tip (Woof and Wheels)
Friday, September 7th, 2007
1: Chuy, Jack & Carmine
First, Cesar is called in to restore the peace at a "not-so" dog friendly apartment complex. When the residents of a North Hollywood apartment building moved in they assumed their pets would get along - they were wrong. Will Cesar be able to give these dogs an attitude makeover? Then, meet the Diaz's - and their 3 canine troublemakers. Despite owning multiple businesses the Diaz's can't seem to multi-task when it comes to controlling their dogs. Will Cesar be able to pacify this unruly mob?
Friday, September 14th, 2007
2: Cotton, Ricky & Jordan, and Duke & Lila
Meet Cotton, an American Eskimo that has taken the watchdog role too far. Cotton attacks doors and windows whenever people pass by and causes carpool chaos when the kids go to school. Then meet Ricky, a Shiba Inu that has become overprotective of playmate Jordan, a Corgi. And finally meet Duke and Lila, two belligerent bulldogs that have taken on the mantra "kill or be killed." Will Cesar be able to rid these dogs of their bad attitudes?
Friday, September 21st, 2007
3: Kiko, Tootsie & Ginger, and Binkey
First, meet 2-year-old miniature pinscher Kiko, who has to be locked up in the garage when visitors come over because she constantly barks at them until they leave. Then, Mike White, writer and director of the recently released film "Year of the Dog," has two French bulldogs named Tootsie and Ginger, who are out of control. Last, meet Binkey, a young Chihuahua who was born without his two front legs.
Friday, October 5th, 2007
4: Luna and K9 Sniffers
Meet Luna, a Lab mix, who has extreme fear of dog parks, walks and noises at home. Her owner, a music instructor, would love to take his beloved dog to his rehearsals, but he can't. It's time for Cesar to step in, but has this case gone too far, even for the Dog Whisperer? Next, Cesar heads to Florida to meet a pack of dogs that spends its days carefully keeping the port of Miami free of drugs, explosives and dangerous chemicals. But off the job, these six intelligent animals can't interact without incident. Can Cesar help these K9 sniffers learn to play together as well as they work together?
Friday, October 12th, 2007
5: Reggie, Diva, Rocco & Vito, and Mugsy
First, meet a feral dog named Reggie, who likes to guard pregnant horses on a ranch near Phoenix, Ariz. All was fine until she gave birth to 15 puppies. The farm owners finally decided to have her spayed but they cant catch her. Next, an interior designer has a dog pack that clashes. Vito, a boxer, and Diva, a cocker spaniel, were a team all their own, until an English bulldog named Rocco joined the pack. Finally, meet Mugsy, a rescued pit bull terrier, who turned out to be a couch potato.
Friday, October 19th, 2007
6: Willie, Make-A-Wish, and Zena
Meet Zena, a pit bull/chow mix whose extreme fear of the stove has forced her owners, who live outside of Phoenix, Ariz., to cook outside on a grill for the past year. Next, Cesar visits Major, a Rottweiler, and Nira, a German shepherd, who are battling for control of the house. Finally, meet Willie, a Jack Russell terrier who cant handle the death of his pack leader, the family cat named Jake. Willies owners say Jake kept Willie in line, but now the terrier has abandoned his good behavior.
Friday, October 26th, 2007
7: Hudson & Orchid, and LA Animal Control
Two years ago, Cesar Millan brokered peace between two great Danes, Violet and Hudson. After Violet passed away this year, Orchid, another great Dane, joined the family and aggressively moved in on Hudson's territory. Next, Cesar helps the city of Los Angeles' Animal Control department with its aggressive new pet ownership program by riding along with one of its officers.
Friday, November 2nd, 2007
8: Gus, Abbey, and Vinnie
Legendary Tonight Show sidekick Ed McMahon rescued a wheaten terrier named Gus. He can be sweet and cuddly around Eds family, but he has become seriously aggressive toward Eds assistants and guests. Next, meet the Swanson family, who live outside Minneapolis, Minn. They adopted a beagle named Abbey who now wont leave the house. Then, in Torrance, Calif., meet an Australian shepherd named Vinnie who is so territorial of his owners house that no one has visited in two years.
Friday, December 14th, 2007
9: Tara, Molly & Mandy, Olive, and Dexter
First, Cesar Millan meets a widow who has found herself alone with a combative pack of dogs after her husband died last year. Tara, a retriever mix, and fox terriers Molly and Mandy can't get along. How will Cesar help this exhausted widow? Then, meet Olive, a shar-pei/Doberman mix, who drools excessively on car rides. How will Cesar help mop up this slippery mess? And finally, Cesar helped Chicagoan Mary Jane Duffy with her Rottie-mix named Dexter last year but it didn't click. Cesar helps.
Sunday, December 23rd, 2007
10: ATF K-9 Gavin
A veteran bomb-sniffing Labrador retriever develops severe symptoms of PTSD after a stint in Iraq. Will Cesar be able to help this heroic canine?
Friday, January 4th, 2008
11: Troy and Roxie
When Edie and Neal Adler rescued a German shepherd named Troy, he seemed sweet tempered. But Troy soon showed another side. After he attacked one of their own dogs. Nearly out of hope, they call on Cesar to get Troy out of solitary confinement. Then, meet Kim and Joel Givens and their super timid rat terrier named Roxy. Roxy is scared of just about everything - other dogs, sudden noises, even strollers! Cesar is brought in to help Roxy gain some courage.
Friday, January 11th, 2008
12: Gizmo and Indigo, Diego, Valley & Whiskey
Meet Jennifer Lee Pryor, the wife of late comedian Richard Pryor. Jennifers rescue organization, Pryors Planet, is working to place dozens of dogs in loving homes. Fights have broken out among the foster dogs and the four dogs she already owned. The conflict is no laughing matter - will Cesar be able to restore peace and help Jennifer become a pack leader? Plus, meet Gizmo, a 6-year-old beagle with a severe aggression problem. Will Cesar be able to calm this belligerent beagle?
Friday, January 18th, 2008
13: Cody, Chloe, and Buffy
First meet Cody, a Yorkshire terrier who recently lost his vision and his passion for life. The once playful and friendly dog has become aggressive. Then meet Chloe, a Pekingese/miniature poodle indulged by her owner. Chloes lack of discipline has manifested in bad behavior - she growls, snaps and bites to get her way. finally meet Buffy, a Rottweiler living on a large horse ranch. Buffy has a dangerous obsession with the horses, and her owner fears for their safety. Can Cesar help?
Friday, March 14th, 2008
14: Curly and Baxter
A pup with a tendency to get into dogfights is featured. Also, an Arizona dog has been banned from taking hikes because of it's temper.
Friday, March 21st, 2008
15: Owen, Jerry, and Rocky
Eden Espinosa, who stars in Wicked needs Cesar's help with her three year old Yorkshire, Owen. Whenever the makeup artist Owen barks when Eden's hands are green and whenever anyone leaves the dressing room. Next, Cesar travels to Washington D.C. to help Jerry, a once-shy guard dog who's now become overly-aggressive. The priests and brothers worry Jerry might attack some of the residents. Daddy is brought in to help Jerry overcome his insecurity. Then, at the home of Derek and Stephanie Clay, Rocky, whines a lot and with the arrival of baby Sophia Grace, it has become nearly constant. Rocky's vet recommended a variety of medications, but nothing has worked.
Friday, March 28th, 2008
16: Marley and Piper
Marley is a rescued Shibu Inu from Japan who is aggressive towards people (including biting his new owner) and is food aggressive in LA. While Piper, a Wire-haired Fox Terrier in Minnesota, can catch many small animals. He now has set his sights on the running lawnmower.
Sunday, March 30th, 2008
17: Lives Changed
Cesar revisits the homes of some of the more challenging cases to see if both the owner and dog have changed their bad behavior.
Friday, April 4th, 2008
18: Shadow, Jake & Riley and Norton
Shadow, an Alaskan Malamute, is aggressive. While Suzy needs help with ball obsessed Norton and overly friendly Jake and Riley.
Friday, April 11th, 2008
19: Sasha and Angler
Sasha, a German shepherd mix, trys to attack any other dog ignoring her owner's commands to stop her. Angler, a chocolate lab, growls and attacks anyone (or anything) near him when eating his food, including his own tail!
Friday, April 18th, 2008
20: Buster, Sadie and Lacey
An aggressive bulldog and a beagle/terrier mix who is afraid of trash cans.
Friday, May 23rd, 2008
21: Rufus and Buddy
Buddy is a abused Pit Bull who is human aggressive without warning. Rufus, a Shar-pei/Rottweiler mix, is human and dog aggressive and spins in circles when new people approach.
Friday, May 30th, 2008
22: Chipper and Rudy & Monte
Chipper, a ridgeback/boxer mix, has an attitude that developed into a severe aggression problem. Then, owners of pet boutique "Off Leash" have an oxymoron with their two aggressive whippets, Rudy and Monte, who bark and lunge at dog visitors.
Friday, June 6th, 2008
23: Peanut and Sunshine, Roxy & Angus
A pet groomer needs tips on handling difficult clients, and the barking of a chihuahua is driving his owners crazy.
Friday, June 13th, 2008
24: Mateo and Ali
A German shepherd takes after his namesake, Muhammad Ali, and is always aggressive and ready for a fight. Also, a border collie is too protective of his owner.
Friday, June 20th, 2008
25: Jake and Kona
The owner of an aggressive and isolated Australian shepard- pit bull mix is frightened. Also, a boxer who has a habit of wandering off.
Friday, July 18th, 2008
26: Fear of Dogs
Cesar meets to work with a man who was attacked by a dog when he was ten. His subsequent fear of dogs was affecting both his real estate work as well as his family's ability to have a dog. Ernesto shares honestly, how his cultural upbringing in Mexico affected his view of how dogs only belonged outside the home, and combined with his mind-numbing fears, had been paralyzed by fears, whenever he found himself facing a client's dog, or even passing one behind fences, when walking in his neighborhood. Cesar helps Ernesto confront his fears, walking him through the issues, one step at a time. Then Cesar helps Ernesto and his family find that perfect adoptable dog fit, from how to look at and meet dogs in shelters to assessing how a dog fits in best for ALL family members, even the young boys! The astonishing ending shows an unusual spin, as Cesar's boys become involved with the final choice of dog adoption.
Friday, July 25th, 2008
27: My Life on the Dog List
Comedian and self admitted D-lister Kathy Griffin seeks the help of Caesar in taming her pair of territorial dogs.
Friday, August 1st, 2008
28: Canine 9-1-1: Part 1
Cesar heads to Orange County where owners will audition to get help from Caesar for their problematic pooches.
Friday, August 29th, 2008
29: Caesar & Squatty, and Hula
A Doberman/Lab and a pit bull develop behavioral issues after not being walked for months; an Italian greyhound acts aggressively toward the men of the house.
Friday, September 5th, 2008
30: Dueling Pit Bulls
A pair of owners find their relationship strained by a couple of warring pit bulls.
Friday, September 12th, 2008
31: Canine 9-1-1: Part 2
Cesar works to dial down the bad behaviors of four problem dogs who won sessions at the PETCO auditions.
Friday, September 19th, 2008
32: 100th Episode Celebration
Cesar is reunited with more than 100 of the dogs he has helped to rehabilitate.
Friday, October 3rd, 2008
33: Lotus and Joey
Aggressive dachshund, Lotus, attacks roommate Sheri when petting or sitting next to the dog.
Friday, October 10th, 2008
34: Bozley & Ginger
French Bulldog Bozley is showing dog aggression and wont let Sean and Nidias guests enter the house without trying to scare them away first. Regina and Steve Risseeuw wanted a high energy dog and adopted a Vizsla named Ginger, but Steve noticed that she was more high strung than high energy. Can Cesar help this dog on the run?
Friday, October 17th, 2008
35: Harley & Amalie, and Bam Bam
Four year old Chihuahua mix, Amalie, terrorizes eight year old mastiff Harley and dominates the rest of the house. Lance and Kim Mehegans call Cesar to restore the balance of power and mend this odd couple. Raul Velasquez's six month old red nosed pit bull, Bam Bam is still out of control with his puppy ways.
Friday, October 24th, 2008
36: Argonaut and Patches
An aggressive English bulldog/Lab mix; a cocker spaniel with a life-threatening appetite for paper products.
Friday, October 31st, 2008
37: Sooner & Trace, and Casanova
Casanova is dog aggressive, but only when on the leash. Previous classes and trainers have failed to curb this anti-social behavior. Sooner, a champion line Jack Russell (called a Parson Russell now) and Trace, a Queensland heeler, fight frequently.
Season 5
Friday, December 5th, 2008
1: Cesar Goes to Vegas
Usually Cirque du Soleil doesn't need Cesar's help, but several of the performer's animals are in trouble. First, Fluffy the maltese hates being on leash so much that he "plays dead", eliminating inside their home. Second, Kuma the American Eskimo hates visitor's and barks and rounds them up. Third, Molly the Nova Scota Duck Trolling Retriever is afraid of water and Cesar needs to get her instincts to swim back.
Friday, December 12th, 2008
2: Cricket and Hemingway & Rigby
Hemingway, owned by pop star Ashlee Simpson-Wentz and "Fall Out Boy" bassist/lyricist Pete Wentz, is an English bulldog beloved but aggressive. The couple is expecting their first child and are concerned how he would react when the baby arrived. They hoped getting bulldog Rigby would might help, but when the five month old joined, Hemingway's dog aggression escalated. Cesar also rehabilitates Cricket, a retriever who attacks anything between him and his food.
Friday, December 19th, 2008
3: Tobi & Riley
Cesar works with sheepdog/collie mix, Tobi who takes over a month to cure at the Dog Psychology Center. Tobi aggressively chases his owners when they walk around their house due to his dislike of sudden movement. Now he has begun to attack and bite guests, especially children. Then Cesar takes on the supposedly easy task of curing a St. Bernard afraid of the stairs, only to discover otherwise.
Friday, January 2nd, 2009
4: Bacchus and Jody
Jody, a Lhasa apso, cannot keep her mouth off of anything. From tissues to money, she is the dog who ate your homework and then some. She will eat just about everything in sight. While Bacchus, a 130 pound, Great Dane is bullying other dogs.
Friday, January 9th, 2009
5: Stanley, Shoven and Leo
A Chihuahua mix with aggression issues; a Pomeranian with severe separation anxiety; an Aussie/shar pei mix who runs away when his owner coughs.
Friday, January 16th, 2009
6: Hyde & Vada and Nacho
Holly Thacker and Robert Edman started looking for a dog about three years ago. They wanted to get something out of the ordinary and ultimately decided on a wolf hybrid. They first bought Hyde, but within a week, they were contacted by another breeder who told them about Vada.
Friday, January 23rd, 2009
7: Sadie and Calder
When their two children started begging for a dog, Allen and Erin Carrasco warmed to the idea. Then they saw Basset Hound Sadie on the news and instantly fell in love with her droopy face. She had no visible issues at her foster home, but once adopted by the Carrascos, her fear of Allen was apparent.
Friday, January 30th, 2009
8: Chihuahuas from Hell
“Chihuahua’s from Hell” highlights the demonic demeanors of one of Dog Whisperer’s most challenging breeds. In this one-hour special, Cesar revisits the hellacious stories of Paris, Bandit, and NuNu as well more recent stories like Amalie, the Mastiff dominating Chihuahua mix. Peanut, another devil dog, terrorized her owner’s family with her salty disposition.
Friday, March 20th, 2009
9: Charlotte, Elvis and Jack
Eileen Davidson's Wheaten terrier puppy Charlotte, plays too rough. It bites when playing with Eileen's son, Jesse, and scares his friends. While Alex Tillson's Parson Russell terrier Elvis jumps three feet up in the air when the garbage disposal runs and lunges at the dishwasher when it starts. Jim Stolis, a fish and game warden, enlisted 3 year old black Lab Jack to be his partner. Jacks great at using his nose, but he must get over his apprehension of shiny floors.
Friday, April 3rd, 2009
10: Cesar and the Horse Whisperer
Joan Blank who works with various challenged people at a riding center and needs help. But its going to take two whisperers for her group. Both the horses and her dogs keep her hands full! Chloe, her shepherd mix and Hobo, her Tibetan spaniel mix, chase the working horses and 22-year old mare Cupcake is frightening the riders. While Cesar works with dogs, his enlists the Horse Whisperer Pat Parelli to work with Cupcake. Then back in downtown Los Angeles, Tiffani Hamilton and Jonathan McAlister have two dogs, 1-1/2 year old deaf boxer Ali, and 3 year old schnauzer-poodle mix Maxwell. Maxwell's separation anxiety and extreme dog aggression have the couple worried that Maxwell will get loose and either get hit by a car or hurt by another dog.
Saturday, April 11th, 2009
11: A Member of the Family
Cesar Millan's best-selling book "A Member of the Family" is a must-have guide, both for current dog owners and those thinking about getting a dog for the first time. This episode highlights various Dog Whisperer stories that impart his trademark advice for situations that can occur at every stage of a dog's life span.
Friday, April 17th, 2009
12: Boo and Brittany Dawg
Nicole's pit bull Britney Dawg knows lots of tricks: She can open an ice chest, get a drink out and bring it to Nicole. She can also play dead, high-five, high-10, crawl and bow. But her parlor tricks don't make up for her lack of social etiquette. Britney is aggressive toward people and other dogs. Then, Jerry and Rose's dachshund mix Boo exhibits aggression at feeding time and when it comes time to trim his nails. He has lunged and bitten them several times.
Friday, April 24th, 2009
13: Bella
When Nate Hedges purchased 9-week old American bulldog Bella, he was living in a late night party house where people were constantly in and out and up at all hours. Sometimes, Nate would be gone an entire weekend, leaving Bella alone. Nate’s lifestyle sent him into a downward spiral.
Friday, May 1st, 2009
14: Buster, Jack & Marley and Sparky
Dog groomer Lauren asks Cesar for assistance with her three worst cases - hyperactive Great Dane Buster; hair dryer devouring Jack, a boxer mix; and fearful Aussie mix, Marley. Then, Jennifer and Michael haven't been able to implement Cesar's techniques with their head strong pit bull Sparky, like their other two dogs.
Saturday, May 9th, 2009
15: Inside Puppy Mills
Cesar rides along with Last Chance For Animals as they pick up a load of dogs from a potential puppy mill and helps spread awareness of some of the illegal practices that take place in incompliant kennels.
Friday, July 24th, 2009
16: Baby Girl
Suzie Dove Miles, a "cat whisperer," is set on getting a fearful Doberman mix at a shelter. Suzie has tried many of Cesar's exercises with Baby Girl, but needs Cesars expertise to help Baby Girl become a real dog.
Friday, July 31st, 2009
17: Bella, Rocky and Madison & Catalina
Bella harasses her owners and especially their son and his slippers. Rocky, a five-legged, unadoptable miniature pinscher has an attitude. His owners, who run the Venice Beach Freak Show of animals, want it to stop. Pugs, Madison and Catalina are in a constant battle. With the addition of a Chihuahua mix, Sasha, their owners are at a loss to end these doggie brawls. Bella, a terrier, will not leave Kris and Lisa's son, Ryan, alone.
Friday, August 7th, 2009
18: Run Home Roscoe!
When Jorge first brought home Roscoe, a 6-month-old Akita, he realized the dog had severe fear issues after Roscoe refused to go outside. Two years later, Roscoe still remains extremely fearful of the outside, and Jorge's nephew is the only one who can get the leash on him. Once the leash is on, Roscoe freezes, and when encouraged to walk, Roscoe will frantically pull back and try to free himself. Because of this, Roscoe has never gone for a walk. Can Cesar teach Roscoe to walk the Cesar Way?
Friday, August 14th, 2009
19: Harley, Annabelle and Memphis
Revved Up Harley Debbie Ruggiero fell in love with Harley when she spotted the 18 month old Yellow Lab mix in a kennel at the Spirit to be Free animal sanctuary. Out of the kennel, he was out of control but Debbie couldn’t bear to leave him there. She took him home and surprised her parents Pearl and Joe; they were less than thrilled. It’s not uncommon to wake up and find that Harley has dug up the lawn or un-potted some plants. If Debbie is facing Harley, he’ll jump up to her face. Worst of all, after Harley jumps on Debbie, he humps her. Debbie has tried to put her knee up and block Harley but it doesn’t help. Even when Debbie is sitting down, Harley will try to hump her. Debbie has tried to correct Harley by lying him down on the side, but all Harley does is wriggle around and playfully bite on her arm. It’s all she can do to pry him off her. Debbie’s parents can’t understand why Debbie would put up with Harley, but she’s not willing to give up. Can Cesar calm this revved up Harley? Squealing Aussie Heather and Chris Rupp got Annabelle when she was 10 weeks old from an Australian Shepherd breeder. Annabelle was the couple’s first dog and wanting thing to start out right, they enrolled her in puppy classes. Twice. From the beginning, Annabelle showed her excitability and whininess around other dogs. Heather and Chris tried to socialize Annabelle, but her whining and shrieking always caused other dogs to react in a negative way. When they take Annabelle to an off-leash dog park, she will run from group to group, trying to herd the dogs. She also runs to the gate and cause fights with new dogs entering the park. Walks, runs, and simply going to the beach have become very difficult due to Annabelle’s behavior. Heather & Chris have tried a variety of methods to break Annabelle of this terrible squealing, but have had zero success. They are truly at a loss with Annabelle. Can Cesar keep Annabelle from being socially awkward? Counter Surf
Friday, September 11th, 2009
20: Mad Dogs
Visiting "dog friendly" ad agency TBWA/CHIAT/DAY, Cesar finds three dogs unwilling to play by the rules. A terrier/shepherd mix, Mafia, is less than welcoming to strangers while a miniature pinscher/Chihuahua mix, Jack, lashes out at the other employees and dogs. dogs. And banished Rottweiler mix, Grady, is looking for a second chance to rejoin her owner at work. Will Cesar be able to unleash these dogs into the workplace?
Friday, September 18th, 2009
21: Miles and Maxie & Brooker
Former Guns N' Roses and current Velvet Revolver drummer Matt Sorum and his girlfriend live in Los Angeles with their tenacious 10-month-old French bulldog Miles. Miles goes crazy at the sight of another dog, and the couple is worried they haven't properly socialized him. Will Cesar's help have Miles drumming to a different beat?
Friday, September 25th, 2009
22: Maxwell, Brooklyn, and Tipper
Sabrina Peukert fell in love with her Welsh Sealyham Terrier Maxwell’s cocky attitude. But Sabrina’s constant catering to Maxwell has gotten her nothing but two and a half years of pompous dominance. Giving affection to Maxwell is always on his terms.
Friday, October 2nd, 2009
23: Optimus & Gigi and Sissy
John and Maria's two Great Danes have very different attitudes: Gigi has near perfect behavior while Optimus is far from optimal - leaving the couple wondering where they went wrong in raising the latter. Optimus has bitten John, along with their neighbor and a family friend. Can Cesar transform Optimus' aggressive attitude into that of a more loving dog? Then, Cesar meets Sissy, a shepherd mix who was one of 57 dogs confiscated from a hoarding situation.
Season 6
Friday, October 9th, 2009
1: How to Raise the Perfect Dog
In fifteen years, Daddy has proven to be the perfect dog, obeying Cesar’s every command and even assisting Cesar on some of his hardest cases. But Daddy, like all dogs, began his training as a puppy. In this special, Cesar decides to raise four different breeds with different breed-related characteristics to show people how any dog can be shaped into the perfect dog.
Friday, October 16th, 2009
2: Cujo and Molly
In 2006, Mary Jane Lach noticed a dog chained up across the street from her house. He was clearly neglected, so she started sneaking him food. Despite being named Cujo, he was great with her, and she eventually introduced her grandkids to him without incident.
Friday, October 23rd, 2009
3: Pekaso and Yogi & Smokey
As an artist on the rise, Daniel Maltzman relies on inspiration, but he can’t inspire his 1 ½ year old Pekingese, Pekaso, to eat or drink. Pekaso refuses to eat any kind of dog food, top shelf or not. Nothing Daniel does seems to make a difference. Pekaso also has issues when it comes to drinking her water.
Friday, October 30th, 2009
4: Hardy - Attacked with Love
At Shelly Dale’s hair salon in Newport Beach, California, clients can get a hair-do, and a little hair of the dog, too. Shelly’s French Bulldog Hardy cultivated a pampered life in the salon, but at two years, almost to the day, Hardy began snapping at strangers when they approached him.
Friday, November 6th, 2009
5: Seven, Sara, and Madeliene
Life coach and Biggest Loser fitness trainer Jillian Michaels was in heaven after adopting Seven, a 14 month old greyhound mix. But when the avid horseback rider brought Seven to the equestrian center where she rides, Seven’s good manners went to hell.
Friday, November 13th, 2009
6: Bear & Angel and Lorelei
Dog Whisperer: Bear & Angel and Lorelei (unapproved one page promo description) German shepherd Angel came to owners Joe and Sandra Carrick in December 2004, and Bear, another German shepherd, arrived in April 2005. The dogs got along fine for awhile, but when they started going to day care they began fighting each other, determined to draw blood. Their daycare tantrums are very traumatic to Sandra and the staff of the facility, will Cesar dare to turn this daycare dilemma into a daycare dream? Then, Francine & Michael Markows miniature schnauzer Lorelei would bark and even nip when their grandchildren would run around on visits, sometimes leaving the children in tears. The problem became so bad, that the grandkids are no longer allowed to visit. The Markows dont want to give up Lorelei, but they wish that their family were more willing to work on the problem instead of avoiding it. Can Cesar unite this divided pack?
Monday, December 28th, 2009
7: Cesar Down Under
December kicks off Dog Whisperer Week on the National Geographic Channel with "Cesar Down Under," the first of two episodes featuring Cesar in Australia.
Monday, December 28th, 2009
8: Cesar in Australia (Pt 2)
Cesar's kicking the new year off with the second of his two Australia episodes. Cesar begins by meeting with the Roches, Morgan and Amanda. Their appropriately named Weimaraner Sydney has been unusually aggressive toward Australia's mail carriers (Posties) ever since the Roches witnessed a Postie beating Sydney with a stick 2 years ago.
Friday, January 15th, 2010
9: Peanut & Chico, Leroy Brown, and Tucker
Chihuahuas Peanut and Chico are having trouble with their long-distance relationship. Since Chico left for college with owner Pauline Mercado's daughter Christine, the two dogs' reunions have been vicious battles for supremacy. Pauline and Christine are hoping that the two dogs can learn to live in harmony again.
Friday, March 5th, 2010
10: Most Aggressive Breeds
A pit bull attacks two adults and one child in Dallas; a German shepherd attacks its owners; and a Pomeranian kills a 6-week-old girl in Los Angeles. While any size dog can become aggressive, several powerful breeds seem to have developed the worst reputations. Some have even been banned in certain areas of the United States. In a Dog Whisperer poll, more than 10,000 viewers voted for what they thought were the most aggressive breeds.
Friday, March 12th, 2010
11: A Dog and His Boy/Mobile Vet
In third grade Josh got his dream dog, a Siberian husky named Spike. But as Spike grew, his sweet demeanor shifted to relentless hyperactive behavior, jumping and nipping incessantly. Can Cesar help young Josh get back the dog he loves? Then, veterinarian Dr. Rick Garcia often helps Cesar and the Dog Psychology Center with routine and emergency calls, but now, it's Dr. Rick who needs help.
Friday, April 9th, 2010
12: Desperate Housedogs
A once peaceful cul-de-sac is full of tension. Susanne Lee's German shepherd bullies the other dogs. Nancy and John Codeus' three high-energy huskies are impossible to control on walks. Eleanore Godfrey's spaniel/mastiff mix charges and snaps at other dogs when they cross her turf. Amanda and Chuck Parker's Labrador puppy has eaten most of their house. And Holly and Matthew Graczyk can't control their four dogs while on walks. Will Cesar be able to curb this Desperate Housedog drama?
Friday, April 16th, 2010
13: Tigger and Dan
When twins Tiffany and Krystle got their Chihuahua/Pomeranian mix Tigger, things were instantly twice as complicated. Tigger bites when they set him down on the bed and attacks if they try to move him when he's sleeping. Cesar comes in to catch this Tigger by the tail. Shelly Atherton wanted to follow in her grandfather's footsteps and train her own hunting dog, so she got a Labrador retriever named Dan. Dan took to the training very quickly, but had a growing aggressive streak.
Friday, April 23rd, 2010
14: Cobar and Chase
A dog scared of dog toys? Susan runs a dog toy company in Australia. You would think her koolie named Cobar would be in dog heaven, but Cobar is petrified of squeaky toys. Cobar cowers at even the sight of a dog toy. Cesar takes a whirlwind trip to Oz to quiet Cobar's squeaking fear. Royces shar-pei mix Chase loathes his self-image. When he passes a mirror or window, he lunges at his own reflection. Cesar steps through the looking glass to help Chase accept the dog in the mirror.
Friday, April 30th, 2010
15: Tillie and Leo
Art collector Joel Gilman adopted a fearful, abused and malnourished wheaten terrier mix named Tillie, and has made amazing progress rehabilitating the dog. But Tillie has grown so attached she won't leave his side, even attacking Joel's other dog. When Jacqueline Rose and Manny Lizaso's 3-year-old shar-pei, Leo, killed a neighbor's Maltese, the couple was forced choose between giving up their condo or giving up Leo. Can Cesar help Tillie and Leo?
Season 7
Friday, October 8th, 2010
1: Lola and Bebe & Sadie
An English Bulldog named Bebe, a gift for Bob Haueter's daughter Kim, attacks their other dog Sadie, a Golden/Lab mix. She also destroys miniblinds and lampshades and now the destruction is too much and Cesar is called in. Howie and Terry Mandel own various animals, but aggessive two year old Chihuahua Lola is forcing Howie to decide 'Deal or No Deal'.
Friday, October 15th, 2010
2: Chloe, Madison, and Gotti
Jamie Crossman found Chloe on Craigs list and has developed a dog aggression, which obedience training has not helped. The Border Collie/Greyhound mix will attack another dog or Jamie if the other dog can't be reached. Jamie's friends pooled their money and flew owner and dog to Cesar's Dog Psychology Center. Meghan inherited Gotti from her brother Jimmy when he passed away two years ago. Their parents, NFL quarterback Jim Plunkett and wife Gerry, had tried to find a different home since they couldn't handle Gotti. However Megan felt an obligation since Gotti has similar personality to her brother. Jimmy was a Dog Whisperer fan and used Cesar's way to train the dog, but the dog is getting more nervous with the change in ownership and is unsure with other dogs. Adrianna and Brian Lopez wanted a big dog and decided on a Leonerger puppy. Now 150 pound Madison is pouncing and bouncing on people and they need Cesar to "de-spring" this "Tigger" of a dog.
Friday, October 22nd, 2010
3: Ellie & J.J. and Oscar
Actress Missi Pyle and husband Nat Geo Wilds Casey Anderson have Rottie/Lab mix Ellie and Dalmatian JJ. Ellie is dog aggressive and JJ joins in to help on walks, Missi and Casey need Cesar to tame this circus. Sebastian and Rene are expecting their first child and Oscar's fear of children could put the newborn at risk. The Beas had gotten Oscar for their other pit bull, Lola as a playmate. Cesar now needs to answer this 911 call before the baby comes.
Friday, October 29th, 2010
4: Wolf-Dogs: Out of the Wild
Due to his lack expertise with wolf-dog hybrids, Cesar brings in wolf-dog expert Jennifer McCarthy to help him in this special episode. They visit the Galvez family, where Sheba has been destroying the backyard and running amok in the neighborhood. Milo Sanchez's hybrid, Ramses, is fighting with English mastiff, Roscoe. Sofie belonging to Janice Reins and Charlie Mendez destroys and escapes whatever confines her. These cases show why Cesar and Jennifer advise against this hybrid breeding.
Friday, November 5th, 2010
5: Oscar and Luna & Ginger
Rhona Mitra, a London born actress, can't curb her french bulldog's dog aggressive tendencies despite her experience working with dog rescues. Seven year old Oscar started when a pit bull attacked him in Africa during a shoot. She is fearful Oscar will escape be attacked again in "pit central" Venice, CA. Newly married Lisa and Paul Diaz decided to adopt a dog and Ginger sprinted over to Lisa and jumped into her arms. They fell in love with her, but then saw Luna with her tail tucked between her legs, hiding from everyone. Around other dogs, Luna was calmer and when Ginger was around Luna's eyes light up. Even though Luna enjoys Ginger, she is still cautious around the Diaz couple.
Friday, November 12th, 2010
6: Astronaut Dogs and Mongo
Mongo, a pit mix with such severe separation anxiety that forced him to break though the roof to escape from his wrought iron enclosure. NASA Astronauts Suni Williams and Leland Melvin who work together on the international space station and have problem dogs: Suni's Gorby, a Jack Russell terrier who attacks bigger dogs including Leland's Rhodesian Ridgeback mixes, Jake and Scout. However, Jake also will try to bite anyone who approaches Leland.
Friday, November 19th, 2010
7: Neco & Yona and Justice
Search and Rescue volunteers Marcy and Nicholas Razum have a 12 year German Shepherd retiring and two younger dogs 1 year Neco and 10 month Yona who chase shadows instead of training. Justice, a cocker spaniel, tried to bite possible rescue adopters. Chandra Fortier took him in, but he still lunges, barks and tries to bite including her husband.
Friday, December 3rd, 2010
8: Snickers and Maury
An Australian shepherd became overly aggressive after being attacked by two boxers, and now its owners fear for their son’s safety. Also: Cesar rehabilitates an abandoned pup, hoping to save it from being euthanized.
Friday, December 10th, 2010
9: India, Jagger, and Axl (Beach Blues)
Cesar helps socialize a wheaten terrier who doesn’t play nice with other dogs. Also: a rescue dog lives by the beach, but hates the ocean; and an aggressive pooch has a biting problem.
Monday, December 27th, 2010
10: Stella & Nala and Phoebe (No Man's Land)
Nate Brouwer owns a stand-up paddleboard production business and a paddle boarding touring business, he and girlfriend Charnae Wright would like to take their dogs Stella and Nala along. However, the dogs are constantly fighting and one fight ended spilling blood. Nate and Charnae have active lifestyles and want to include their dogs, but the situation is leaving the canines home alone. Poodle mix Phoebe fears men resulting in attacking any man that entered the house. Even Dena Spencer's nephews who live with her are not safe. Dena teaches special education and thought she had the patience to work though the behavioral issues but now Cesar is called in.
Friday, January 7th, 2011
11: Viper and Diesel (K-9 Behind Bars)
As owner and dog handler at All States K9 Detection in Fullerton, California, Chief Harlen “Lamb” Lambert trains dogs to help combat the growing epidemic of contraband cell phones in correctional facilities across the US.
Friday, January 14th, 2011
12: Diego and Berkeley (Warrior Dog)
Paul Mack served in the Coast Guard for almost five years, but when he got out, the adventure wasn’t over. Paul traveled to Argentina, where he spent a week with a pack of the rare Dogo Argentino, an Argentinean hunting dog.
Friday, January 21st, 2011
13: Mufasa and Tucker (Rocking the Boat)
Mufasa came into Roxanne Husson’s life 6 years ago when she decided to get another dog, a South African Boerboel. At first, Roxanne was intimidated by Mufasa’s size, but as he grew, he also grew on her.
Friday, January 28th, 2011
14: Seven, Macy, and Lex (Closet Cases)
Jeff and Kelly Ong purchased their first dog, Kaylie, from a breeder. At first, Jeff and Kelly thought Kaylie’s neurotic behavior of barking, running in circles, etc. was cute, but soon realized it to be annoying. In order to try to trump this behavior, the couple got another dog, named Seven. Seven was aggressive from the beginning and did not balance Kaylie at all. In a third attempt to make the dogs behave better, Jeff and Kelly bought Bella, hoping that three dogs would balance out the dynamic.
Friday, February 4th, 2011
15: Delta and Dong-Dong (Killer in the Window)
Border collie mix Dong-Dong was rescued from a Taiwan shelter and brought to the U.S. to find a forever home with the Scarborough family. But the only place Dong-Dong can find solace is in a living room chair. Can Cesar help this couch potato? Delta is an aggressive Rottweiler that needs Cesar's help to let passerby's pass by.
Wednesday, November 21st, 2012
Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
Wednesday, December 5th, 2012
Sunday, December 9th, 2012
Monday, December 10th, 2012
Season 8
Saturday, January 7th, 2012
1: Why Dogs Fight
In the Season 8 opener, Cesar Milan meets two Jack Russell terriers that have suddenly turned aggressive toward each other after living together for years.
Saturday, January 7th, 2012
2: Bull-Whipped
Cesar confronts a schoolyard bully who is terrorizing doggy day care, Hugo, a 3-year-old bulldog with a major mean streak. After a full day with him, Cesar realizes there is no quick fix for Hugo's aggression, so its off to rehab at Cesar's Dog Psychology Center.
Saturday, January 14th, 2012
3: Mascot Mayhem
A café owner needs help taming her hyperactive bulldog; Cesar tries to curb a German shepherd's incessant barking.
Saturday, January 21st, 2012
4: Army Brats
Cesar spends a week at Fort Hood, Texas, helping with undisciplined U.S. Army dogs: an Australian shepherd with a fear uniforms, a Shetland shepherd that barks at aircraft, and a miniature bull terrier with uncontrollable excitement.
Saturday, January 28th, 2012
5: Homeboys and Hounds
Cesar help former gang members rehabilitate their problem pooches. Included: a pit bull with a habit of stealing food off the dinner table; a Maltese that nips and bites other dogs.
Saturday, February 4th, 2012
6: Hounded by Fear
Cesar helps dog-phobic humans overcome their fears.
Saturday, February 11th, 2012
7: Home Wrecking Hounds
Cesar visits newlyweds whose two dogs are wreaking havoc on their love nest, then lends a hand to a couple who met online and feel nervous about introducing their dogs.
Saturday, February 18th, 2012
8: High Anxiety
Cesar takes on three dogs with obsessions: Ringo, with a pinecone fixation, Abbie, who has problems with vacuums, opening the junk drawer, wine pouring, and Jäger who gets so excited in the car that it has become too dangerous to take him anywhere.
Saturday, February 25th, 2012
9: Pack Leaders in Training
Cesar flies two lucky young fans to California to watch him use his techniques in person as young "Dog Whisperers" in training, ith an Australian shepherd/Chihuahua mix who has problems with strangers, and a red-nosed pit bull mix who with high anxiety when the boat she lives on encounters rough water.
Saturday, March 3rd, 2012
10: Hounds from Hell
Cesar helps Rescue dog owners with hounds from hell: Sammy, who cries around skateboarders and large dogs and Sahzi, who won't enter the kitchen or certain hallways. He also helps a mother and daughter choose the right dog to adopt.
Season 9
Saturday, July 7th, 2012
1: Horrible Hounds of the UK
Cesar travels to the United Kingdom to help troubled dog owners and their less than proper pooches. Dominic, a thoughtful 17 year old has had one too many out-of-control walks with his two Jack Russells, Tyson and Jesse. Tracy and her family took in a feral street dog named Molly who has turned extremely territorial towards strangers, other dogs, and even children. The Nolans hope that Cesar can show them how to properly introduce Molly to new dogs and how to curb her territorial behavior. Melanie’s beloved Dalmatian, Cooper, is a large handsome dog whose personality turns ugly around houseguests and on walks. Mel is concerned this behavior could evolve into more dangerous habits.
Saturday, July 7th, 2012
2: London Calling!
Cesar’s next adventure in the UK starts on the wrong side of the law. Sally has a mixed breed pooch, Herbie, who was taken to court and put on trial for his life. Now Herbie must always be muzzled in public. If he can be proved safe the order could be revoked, but if he gets into trouble again he might be destroyed). Cesar steps in to help this doomed dog walking. Harriet and Matilda Thorpe are sisters and successful actresses who live around the corner from each other. They adopted German shepherd littermates Bruno and Diesel, who have grown wild and dominant with one another at the park. The sisters hope Cesar can teach them how to properly walk their dogs so they can once again enjoy living so close. Cindy and Nick have a peaceful existence, except when it comes time to load their eight year old English cocker spaniel, Paddy, into the car. They hope Cesar can show them a better way so they can bring Paddy on more trips.
Saturday, July 14th, 2012
3: Cesar Conquers London
Cesar is back in the United Kingdom for a new episode of the Dog Whisperer, but it isn’t all garden parties and high tea. A Jack Russell terrier mix can’t stop spinning and barking when guests come to the house, so it’s up to Cesar to show this canine how to be a good host. Next, Cesar meets two dogs who have spent most of their lives in Africa and are having trouble adjusting to their new surroundings. Is it permanent culture shock, or can Cesar bridge the gap between society pooch and wild animal? The last case finds Cesar helping a professional dog walker who can control every dog but one: her own Patterdale terrier mix. Can Cesar teach these out of control dogs some proper manners, or will they end up being an unruly lot?
Saturday, July 21st, 2012
4: Battle of Britain
With Cesar’s UK holiday drawing to a close, he lends a hand to the rehabilitation of three British canines. Kimba, a one and a half year old Klee Kai, is so nervous around other dogs that she has begun lunging and snapping at any that comes close. The next case is a Collie mix named Ellie who, after being scared by a loud noise while on a walk, has become so averse to going outside that her owners have to forcibly drag her out the door. Cesar’s final case is Jack, a Labrador who is so energetic that most people can’t tell if he’s being friendly or dangerous.
Saturday, July 28th, 2012
5: Jersey Shore Dogs
The Jersey Shore is in for a dose of discipline when Cesar heads for the boardwalk to help three families deal with their out of control dog ‘situations.’ First, Cesar must tame a pack of four Chinese crested dogs that have their owners’ home in constant chaos. Cesar’s next stop brings him face-to-face with a mastiff mix full of unbridled energy. Lastly, two miniature dachshunds have their owner at her wits’ end and on the outs with her mother. Will Cesar bring some much needed R and R to these three New Jersey families, or will he be down for the count?
Saturday, August 4th, 2012
6: Anger Management
Charlie Sheen isn’t the only one starring in anger management this summer. Cesar helps Robert Schwartzman, the lead singer and guitarist for the rock and roll band Rooney, with his adopted pit bull Sandy. Sandy has proven to be extremely dog aggressive and Robert hopes Cesar can help him get Sandy under control so he can have someone watch her while he is on tour. Comic book writer and TV producer Paul and his wife Misty Lee adopted two Boston terriers, Mugsy and Deuce, but weren’t prepared for how aggressive the dogs are. Paul wants to join a program called Thank Dog! Bootcamp that combines personal training and dog training, and hopes Cesar can get the terriers in shape to work out.
Saturday, August 11th, 2012
7: Playboy Playmates
The Playboy Mansion in sunny Los Angeles is famous for raucous parties but it’s also home to Playboy founder, Hugh Hefner, some of his Playmates, and their dogs. Hef’s girlfriend, Miss November 2010 Shera Bechard, moved in with her Chihuahua mix, Willa, who needs Cesar’s help to stop bullying Hef’s two year old King Charles spaniel Charlie. Cesar then heads to Redondo Beach where Miss February 2010, Heather Rae Young, is having trouble getting her Chihuahua, Brandy, to obey her and stop attacking other dogs. Cesar stops in Orange County with Miss September 2011, Tiffany Toth, and her husband Jeff to work with their Boston terrier pug mix, Marley, who is chewing them out of house and home.
Saturday, August 18th, 2012
8: Bad Dogs of Comedy
It’s a stand up episode of Dog Whisperer, as Cesar helps a group of hilarious comedians face their toughest critics – their own pets. Skyler Stone and his girlfriend Nicole joke that their Jack Russell mix Sammy is a “ham missile,” because he eats so fast and so quickly. Add their aggressive Maltese-Chihuahua, George, to the mix and the situation is just not funny. Girth of a Nation star Ralphie May is one of the biggest men in comedy, or in any field for that matter. He and his wife, standup comic Lahna Turner, have their hands full with their older boxer Pimp and overprotective bulldog, Hoochie Mama. And Paul Rodriguez, one of America’s most famous Hispanic comedians, believes good things come in threes. Except when his three Chihuahuas, Luna, Mosca and Chica, become an unruly pack.
Saturday, August 25th, 2012
9: Fear Factor
In a previous episode, Cesar worked with two people who were struggling to overcome their fear of dogs. Now, the tables have turned as Cesar takes on the challenge of helping dogs overcome their fears! First up is Daisy, a Whippet mix who was born blind and deaf and has had a very hard time adjusting to life in a world navigated by canines with all five senses. Then Cesar meets a Labradoodle whose fear of the ocean is a big concern for his owner because they live on a boat. The last case finds Cesar helping a young cocker spaniel named Piper overcome her fear of all humans, including her owners. Can Cesar ease these canine’s fears, or will they be left quivering in their boots?
Saturday, September 1st, 2012
10: Daytona Dogs
NASCAR is known for high speed, high octane excitement, but behind the scenes it is also a tightly knit community of drivers, their families and crews, and, of course, their pets. Cesar heads to the track at Daytona International Speedway, making a brief pit stop in Port Orange, Fla. to meet Brian Sacks and his Pekingese, Gizmo, a little dog that has everyone running scared due to his aggression and possessiveness. Cesar then visits the Halifax Humane Society, a grant recipient of the Greg Biffle Foundation, with Biffle himself and his wife Nicole. Finally, Cesar stops by the motorhome of NASCAR driver Kevin Harvick and his wife DeLana to help get their Chihuahua, Lo, who barks at everyone and snaps at people who try to pick her up, in line before they welcome their first child later this year.
Saturday, September 8th, 2012
11: Hollywood Hounds
Exercise guru Jillian Michaels moved to her beach community specifically because it’s safe for her dogs to run off the leash. But her rescue Chihuahua, Richard, has become the terror of the turf. Jillian is also in the middle of adopting a two-year-old daughter and wants to make sure Richard won’t get aggressive with the baby. She calls Cesar, who helped her previously with another dog, in the hopes of saving her relationship with Richard. Call Dr. Frasier Crane, because TV star Kelsey Grammer and his new wife Kayte need advice before their home life goes completely to the dogs! Their pooches George and Elvis spend all day outside only to run into the house to pee and poop. The Grammers enlist Cesar to help them get a handle on the situation and to get them back in control of their once calm household.
Saturday, September 15th, 2012
12: Cesar's Worst Bite
Kelly and Hyrum Lai always knew their picture-perfect life together would include a dog. After adopting an adorable Lab puppy named Holly. Early on Holly began displaying disturbing behavior–food aggression. The Lai’s biggest concern is for their 18-month old son Griffin, who they fear could be bitten just for having food in his hand, so Cesar is their last hope to help Holly before they make the hard decision to send her away. Cesar’s next case brings him to a washed out river bottom where dozens of society’s neediest and most forgotten live. Pregnant and homeless, Lenie Pictou has the amazing opportunity to move into a newly opened women’s shelter that will take both her and her pit bull Tucker. The only problem is that Tucker has become very protective of Lenie as a result of living at the river bottom. Will Cesar be able to help both dog and owner make a positive change in their lives?