Wolverine and the X-Men
Season 0
not specified
3: Making Wolverine and the X-Men
Tuesday, January 27th, 2009
2: Hulk vs. Thor
This short film from the Hulk vs dvd acts as a prequel to the entire series and depicts Thor's battle with the Incredible Hulk.
Saturday, October 30th, 2010
1: Behind The Scenes - The Inner Circle, Reflections on Wolverine and the X-Men
19-minute talk with the crew behind the series that showcases concept art and talks about the origins of the series and its place in the Marvel universe.
Saturday, October 30th, 2010
4: The Inner Circle, Reflections on Wolverine and the X-Men
19-minute talk with the crew behind the series that showcases concept art and talks about the origins of the series and its place in the Marvel universe.
Season 1
Friday, January 23rd, 2009
1: Hindsight (1)
A mysterious explosion destroys the X-Mansion right on the moment Wolverine was leaving. Professor X and Jean Grey are missing and perhaps gone for good causing the X-Men to disband. However, one year later, Anti-Mutant hunts Wolverine, and arrest a family that helped him, making him go after them with the help of Beast. Inside the jail, they free all the mutants, including Dust, Boom Boom and Pyro. In the end, Wolverine decides to find the others X-Men and fight the Anti-Mutants.
Friday, January 23rd, 2009
2: Hindsight (2)
Wolverine and Beast try to reunite the X-Men. They manage to get Iceman, Shadowcat and a resentful Rogue back to the team. Colossus, Angel and Cyclops say no. Meanwhile the Brotherhood of Mutants try to incriminate the X-Men and enlist Rogue as one of their members.
Friday, January 30th, 2009
3: Hindsight (3)
The X-Mansion is being rebuilt with the help of Forge and the money of Angel. Emma Frost shows up and asks to help by using Cerebro to locate Professor Xavier. She succeeds: a comatose Xavier is in Genosha being taken care by Magneto. Back to the mansion the X-Men receive a telepathic message from Xavier from 20 years in the future. He tells them that the Sentinels have destroyed the world and asks Wolverine to lead the X-Men and avoid this "future" to come to happen.
Friday, February 6th, 2009
4: Overflow
Professor Xavier shows Wolverine a destruction of the African Continent. It's revealed Storm destroyed it. Meanwhile the Shadow King takes control over Storm's body and shows her the mainland burning, making her believe she needs to save it. Emma Frost ultimately beats the Shadow King.
Friday, February 13th, 2009
5: Thieves' Gambit
Wolverine rescues Magma from the Mutant Control Unit and uses a inhibitor collar built by Forge to help control her powers. Meanwhile Gambit is hired to steal that collar from the X-Men.
Friday, February 20th, 2009
6: X-Calibre
There is news that Nightcrawler was seen on a ship traveling to Genosha with other mutants, so the X-Men try to find him. Meanwhile, Nightcrawler and the other travelers (including Squidboy and Pixie) are intercepted by “pirates”, who really are Spiral and the Reavers, looking for fighters within the pool of high level mutants to take them to Mojo.
Friday, February 27th, 2009
7: Wolverine Vs. Hulk
Wolverine & Hulk have a rematch after "Hulk Vs."
Friday, March 6th, 2009
8: Time Bomb
Professor Xavier warns the X-Men about an impeding event that wipes half the mutant population: Nitro will self-detonate in Genosha. The Brotherhood rescue Nitro from a government prison against his will and use Psylocke to control him, planning to use him as a weapon. The X-Men chase the Brotherhood in order to prevent Genosha's destruction.
Friday, May 22nd, 2009
9: Future X
In the future, Professor X is captured by the Sentinels. Along with Domino, Bishop, Hellion, Marrow and others, the Professor plans to break free from his captors.
Friday, May 29th, 2009
10: Greetings from Genosha
The ship Nightcrawler was on arrives in Genosha. There, the Scarlet Witch tours Nightcrawler around so that he can see the wonders Magneto has done. Meanwhile, Mystique breaks into the X-Mansion.
Friday, June 5th, 2009
11: Past Discretions
Sabretooth attacks Wolverine when he protects Maverick's daughter from a Weapon X agent.
Friday, June 12th, 2009
12: eXcessive Force
Cyclops battles the Marauders to try and find Jean Grey.
Friday, June 19th, 2009
13: Battle Lines
Tildie Soames, a mutant whose nightmares become a reality, joins the Brotherhood. Meanwhile, Magento uses his Acolytes to break certain mutants out of prison.
Friday, July 31st, 2009
14: Stolen Lives
Wolverine and Mystique fight Maverick and Sabretooth to protect Maverick's daughter Christie. Wolverine discovers some pieces of his past at Weapon X.
Friday, August 7th, 2009
15: Hunting Grounds
Nightcrawler and Scarlet Witch fight Wolverine who is being controlled by Mojo.
Friday, August 14th, 2009
16: Badlands
In the future, Professor X and his X-Men find a lonely mutant named Polaris.
Friday, August 21st, 2009
17: Code of Conduct
To regain his honor, Silver Samurai captures the X-Men and attacks Wolverine.
Friday, August 28th, 2009
18: Backlash
When the M.R.D. creates mutant hunting Sentinels, the X-Men and the Brotherhood team up to take down them, and Master Mold, down.
Friday, September 4th, 2009
19: Guardian Angel
The M.R.D. takes things too far when Angel's wings are severly damaged. Offering his help, Mister Sinister transforms Angel into Archangel.
Friday, September 11th, 2009
20: Breakdown
When Cyclops' visions of Jean Grey get in the way of a battle against Juggernaut, Emma Frost offers to erase all of his memories of Jean. When he accepts, Emma delves in his mind and is shocked by what she sees.
Friday, September 18th, 2009
21: Rover
In the future, Marrow has developed a strong friendship with the re-programmed sentinel.
Friday, September 25th, 2009
22: Aces and Eights
Information from Professor X suggests that a key event that will lead to the bleak future is imminent: The X Men have to prevent Magneto's helmet from being stolen.
Friday, November 20th, 2009
23: Shades of Grey
Emma is able to locate the missing Jean Grey after Jean, who is stricken with amnesia, uses her powers in a local hospital. Unfortunately, the event doesn't go unnoticed by Sinister who sends Archangel to retrieve her. Can Emma and Scott get to her on time?
Sunday, November 29th, 2009
24: Foresight (1)
Jean Grey has been abducted, but as the X-Men begin the search a new problem arises. Magneto has forced the hand of Senator Kelly into launching a Sentinel attack on Genosha so that he can strike back and begin the war! Meanwhile in the future, Mastermold has captured Xavier and is forcing him to reveal the locations of mutants all over the world!
Sunday, November 29th, 2009
25: Foresight (2)
Sentinels begin their attack on Genosha causing dissension in the ranks when Scarlet Witch makes an important decision about which side she's on. Plus, the Inner Circle's true intentions with the Phoenix are revealed causing Emma Frost to question her loyalty. Meanwhile in the future, the future X-Men form their plan to take down Mastermold.
Sunday, November 29th, 2009
26: Foresight (3)
The Inner Circle manage to draw the Phoenix out of Jean Grey but it proves to be more powerful than anyone could have imagined. Now Cyclops, Emma Frost and the rest of the X-Men must find a way to stop it before it destroys the world! Plus, the future X-Men begin their assault on Mastermold and the Sentinels!